Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
In the US we have 10,000 new cases a day. Nothing, not one thing, is being done to control it. It won't get better until we have a plan at the federal level, which will not happen until we have a new president.

Until then Americans will continue to die by the thousands every day.

The virus can be controlled or even eliminated since other countries have done it. Americans aren't allowed into Europe now, nor Canada.

People now can't go to the dentist, doctors offices, get surgery, offices, without fear of catching covid.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The virus can be controlled or even eliminated since other countries have done it. Americans aren't allowed into Europe now, nor Canada.
Sadly, yes that is true, the US is banned from traveling into other countries, except for a few and even then, with a mandatory 14-day quarantine (I believe that is the case for US to UK). Based on the information that I know, it seems like travel bans may go into early-mid 2021 and also depending on when we receive a vaccine as well as it's efficacy. So far, while there are at least five vaccine candidates in Phase III, no one knows conclusively how effective the vaccines are, how long immunity will last, and whatever the side effects may be yet. I don't think we will know this until very late 2020 or even at the end of it. Then of course, it needs to be approved before it can be distributed and then takes time to reach the general public, with front line workers and vulnerable populations (elderly, immune-compromised, etc.) taking priority.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
It takes up to two weeks to get the results of a test. We can't process all the tests so even this simple thing is not efficient.

This like the other remedies requires federal government action so in effect we actually have no president. Ours only raves and rants and tweets angrily. That's the extent of his "leadership". He spends his days watching tv (they call it "executive time" on his schedule) or playing golf. Each trip to his golf resorts costs taxpayers millions.
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Apr 11, 2018
Sorry, but I don't buy this. The public has been duped into accepting all these restrictions with a few orwellian phrases repeated over and over in the media ('control the virus', 'stop the spread', 'social distance rules', 'stay alert' etc).
The real aim is a new type of society where you will have less freedom. Will you accept having a digital microchip implanted which will track your every move on a government database because the virus 'has to be controlled'?
I mean, you can believe what you want, but that's what I think. I might be totally wrong and misguided, that's always possible.

Nice psuedoscience, give up your cell phone if you're afraid of being tracked. Sell your car and disconnect your computer.
I've skipped a reason (11th) only because that reason is a secret one and when I mention it, it may reveal too much information that could eventually be linked to other stuff about me that I'd rather not have. It is also complicated and not something easy to explain (two reasons into one).

Anyways, here is my 12th reason for wanting to CTB and it's related to the current pandemic as well. As someone who enjoys physical display of affection (hugs, kisses, and what not) and such interactions with people, I feel like this is an integral part of making life (which is already shitty in and of itself) more bearable. With social distancing in place (which of course, is a necessity at this time), such interactions are not possible and one of my fears it that if it remains in place even after the pandemic or changes physical affection in such ways that are unfavorable for me, then it would be a bleak future for me, plus an additional reason (on top of existing ones) to CTB.

I simply cannot (nor willing to) accept a world where physical affection is scarce, restricted, rationed such that it is only reserved for specific people, circumstances, and/or even such that it is near non-existent. I believe that humans, as social animals (as well as other species and mammals out there) require some level of emotional and psychological nurture through physical affection that cannot be easily replaced nor replicated elsewhere. To lose such an integral part of what makes life somewhat tolerable would just be one more (major) reason to exist in such an already bleak world.

Does anyone share similar sentiments as well?

I completely agree about the physical intimacy. I'm afraid things will get worse before they get better. Perhaps look into caring for a pet? Scientific evidence shows that the same chemicals are released when bonding with a pet, as with bonding with a fellow human being. Failing that, maybe find ways to engage in self love? Treat yourself, work on hygeine, emotional self help type things? That's been my focus for getting through all of this. You have to love yourself to love others, as they say.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I completely agree about the physical intimacy. I'm afraid things will get worse before they get better. Perhaps look into caring for a pet? Scientific evidence shows that the same chemicals are released when bonding with a pet, as with bonding with a fellow human being. Failing that, maybe find ways to engage in self love? Treat yourself, work on hygeine, emotional self help type things? That's been my focus for getting through all of this. You have to love yourself to love others, as they say.
I don't have a pet, but my mothers does (two cats). I'm not really a pet person though and as far as the pandemic is concerned, I'm just waiting it out, coping and passing time (will be a long while) while hoping that things like "social distancing" be a temporary thing and "physical intimacy" return to it's pre-covid (or close to it) state. Sure, maybe people might be more leery of hugging strangers, but if there are still people who are going to be open like that and that aspect of human culture remains, then the future may not be as bleak as once predicted.


Apr 23, 2020
Sure, maybe people might be more leery of hugging strangers, but if there are still people who are going to be open like that and that aspect of human culture remains, then the future may not be as bleak as once predicted.
It's not bleak even now. You just gotta find the "right" people (political pun intended). Such people out there, and they don't buy into this scamdemic. I found such a group on social media, and joined it. While I never went to their anti-quarantine protests---I was afraid to---I saw their protest videos on social media. Everyone looked so happy! They were wrapping their arms around each other while holding up signs, presumably to mock the liberals walking past.

Even so, the group was strangely strict about safety. When I went to their party, the host was made everyone, wait for it... bring a thermometer and take their own temperature before going inside. And another man, presumably the host's friend, stood inside the door and barked at people coming in to go wash their hands. But once that was done, all bets were off! People were hugging, dancing, embracing each other for group photos, the whole nine yards. I think the quarantine made people crazy from being starved for human contact, and they were taking it out on each other. While a number of people were a skittish and hung around the periphery, I was smack-dab in the center of the action. One woman came up to me and said "Wow, you look like your soul just got into heaven." (She was Christian.) I came back with: "Lady, THIS is heaven!" She later made out (snogged) with me. I still have those party pictures on my phone.

This isn't meant to brag (maybe a little), but to give hope! People who don't buy into the liberal Corona agenda ARE out there. But it's on you to find them and make a connection. That, and be comfortable with breaking the law. (Remember: I thought I'd be dead in a month or so, so I didn't care and wanted to feel happy for one last time.) Maybe I was at the right website at the right time, and lucked out. But even so, when that happened, I was still planning to end my life in a few weeks.
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Apr 21, 2020
Wow, this thread actually blew up and gotten a huge discussion going.

I assume you live in the EU and know the situation better than me (in the States). I do wonder, what makes you think that cases would surge in Europe? I know that in some countries when they had it bad in the Spring (late March/early April this year), they eventually got it under control. I know that a lot of places have reopened but I assume that most Europeans wear masks and take the pandemic more seriously than us Americans, unless I'm wrong?

Some people wear masks, barely anyone social distances! Like the US some people take it seriously, some don't care. The lockdowns brought levels down, but last few weeks ,since everything started to open up again, it's started to rise dramatically. The virus is so transmissible, I really don't feel there's a way to contain it bar locking everyone up in their houses permanently. School starts back at the end of the month and I think this is when it will really start to surge.

I really did not want to CTB prior to this, however, I don't want to live in a world where I am poor, can't travel overseas and likely suffer chronic health issues if I do survive a bout of the virus. My plan is to wait until I get initial symptoms and hopefully be able to take SN. My plan is so that my family think I died of the virus and not a suicide. That probably sounds like a dumb idea :-)


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Some people wear masks, barely anyone social distances! Like the US some people take it seriously, some don't care. The lockdowns brought levels down, but last few weeks ,since everything started to open up again, it's started to rise dramatically. The virus is so transmissible, I really don't feel there's a way to contain it bar locking everyone up in their houses permanently. School starts back at the end of the month and I think this is when it will really start to surge.

I really did not want to CTB prior to this, however, I don't want to live in a world where I am poor, can't travel overseas and likely suffer chronic health issues if I do survive a bout of the virus. My plan is to wait until I get initial symptoms and hopefully be able to take SN. My plan is so that my family think I died of the virus and not a suicide. That probably sounds like a dumb idea :-)
I'm sorry to hear that you are in such a bad predicament. I can relate to you not wanting to live in a world where there is extreme poverty, can't travel abroad or internationally, and suffer chronic health issues (if you are unfortunate enough to get the virus) and what not. Whatever you do whether it is to weather the storm or find peace, I wish you the best in your decision.


Jul 2, 2020
It will go out of control in Europe quickly as well and we'll end up in the same situation as the US. I have no desire to battle for survival in this new pandemic world. The constant fear about contracting a brutal disease and watching my loved ones suffer with it coupled with almost certain economic collapse and wide-spread poverty makes the decision to CTB an obvious choice. I just can't fathom how people still make plans for the future re having kids, studying a degree, building houses etc.
Agree agree agree! 100%

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