
Jun 21, 2024
TL:DR, don't do drugs, and don't ever allow your friends, family, or loved ones to do drugs.

I used to be hyper-intelligent. My IQ tested at 144 when I was 12, but I had ADHD and couldn't really focus on the test and my psych thought it was actually much higher. I was put on Strattera and Vyvanse, which made me suicidal and made my eating disordered; I also couldn't sleep well. Later I stopped and developed coping mechanisms for the ADHD, which I now know is really complex trauma.

My family's background is...complex. I've never met anyone more multiracial or multiethnic than myself. My mother is French/Italian/Spanish and Jewish/Berber Moroccan/Algerian; my father is Guyanese with a mix of Amazonian/Portuguese and Chinese/Angolan/Welsh. At the same time, we have a lot of generational trauma that's persisted and created a lot of mental illness. My father and his father were the first to the scene of the Jonestown massacre, and my grandfather worked with the KGB and the CIA to secure deals and curry political favor for the country's airline. My mother's mother was the victim of a pogrom that took out her entire settlement in Morocco on Yom Kippur when she was 12. Plus more stuff I can't really discuss on this forum.

I've been fortunate enough to travel all across the world, hike many places across the US and Canada, and receive a fantastic education.

Unfortunately, though, I never saw the point of living. Everything was easy and I was unmotivated because people always seemed to want to either use me or misunderstood me. I never formed a solid ego that I liked; I was an outcast all of my life. My mom abandoned me with my dad when I was 2 for her boss. I would spend every weekend with my mother and weeks with my father, until later on when my mother sued for custody at which point I started to see my father less and less. Mom dated around a lot and started to take me between households of different people for a few years at a time.

My childhood was extremely unstable; once we eventually arrived with my stepfamily, I enjoyed a period of stability for about 7 years, but all the while things were still rocky. I never was able to form healthy social attachments with anyone, not my parents, not my family, and not my friends. The people I most enjoyed being around were my parents' friends, who I could talk about politics with.

In temple when I was 10, my best and only friend showed me the ugliest parts of the internet. I'm talking /b/, where Nazism, gore, rape, murder, incest, child pornography and the like ran rampant. He showed me lots of porn that he liked, especially drawn porn like hentai and yaoi as well as varieties with kids in it called shota. Eventually the emotional abuse turned into sexual abuse and he forced himself onto me. The grooming lasted over a year. Later therapy was... Unhelpful because I could not tell them what had happened.

Later in life I started doing drugs and drinking heavily, especially in college. I did not apply myself; everything was too easy, and I had no real interests to speak of beyond imagining what a better future would be like.

I tried really hard to be a part of that future to be honest. I really wanted to change the world in a meaningful way. When I failed at that through work, I went the religiosity route. I had multiple spiritual awakenings...and to be honest, what I saw terrified me. I'm not sure how real it is, but what I do know is that I feel guilty for wasting this precious gift of life that I have been given.

Things really derailed during the pandemic when I smoked weed every night, going to raves, and was in a toxic relationship. After that I couldn't stop making bad life decisions that really destroyed me and my brain. The nails in the coffin were hormones, longevity supplements, and magic mushrooms.

I don't want to keep taking up space for those folks who want to live and start families that will outlast this current bout of crazy.

I've chosen the night night method. I'm not sure when I'll go out, but I hope that I can make amends with certain folks before I do. Life is so much work, and I'm so tired.
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Reactions: Beyond_Repair, Ihoujin, Pluto and 3 others


Jul 4, 2024
Very interesting. Pleasure to meet you. We all share the same suffering regardless of what happened to us. These spiritual awakenings, what are they exactly? Wanna talk about it?


Jun 21, 2024
Yeah, so I had a few psychotic episodes... I got really deep into kaballah and my senses started to expand to an unreasonable degree.

First it was that I could hear well beyond the confines of my apartment, and I started to imagine that my own mental state was affecting my neighborhood. Then I started to see fine particulates in the air some 100 to 200 feet away, then I could focus on 10-20 people talking at once...then I thought I heard G-d in the collective consciousness. And then I really lost it and saw divine light.

To be clear, all of these times I was on cannabis, and I had been microdosing mushrooms for months and was also taking longevity supplements and hormones. My biochemistry was well beyond the average human.

I can't tell you whether or not what I experienced was real or psychosis, but what I can say is that by the end of it I had lit up my nervous system so much that all of my nerve endings, my heart, and my brain were on fire and just in constant pain from all of the degradation. I melted away a serious amount of my nervous system.

The body is plastic and all and these things can heal with time, but I will never be what I once was. I had a lot of body privilege and I threw a lot of that away to go on a spiritual journey that I was not prepared for. I just was so confused about life -- my story is complex and unusual, I've always been a loner, I never learned how to fit in or develop healthy habits or interests that balanced creativity and intelligence.

Now, I really want to ctb, but first I've been systematically cutting myself off from life so that when I do leave there's less damage to the rest of reality (less than what I've already done).

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