I hate myself too. I came out as trans about a year ago and since then my family has abandoned me almost entirely, my parents especially hate me now, my wife just left our seven year marriage for someone she met online a few months ago, saying she just "fell out of love with me" and that she needs to move on to be happy, I have no career, can't go back to school, thousands of dollars of debt, I live in a extremely conservative area and get harassed and threatened almost every time I go outside, not to mention the laws my state keeps passing to restrict rights and healthcare for trans people. I will likely be homeless soon. Almost nobody I know even talks to me anymore, and when they do they just tell me shit like I need to just be okay with being alone and just love myself more. But I don't. Everything and everyone I've ever cared about has abandoned and rejected me, and me trying to "love myself" is the direct cause of that in so many instances. I'm not going to try anymore. I hate everything about myself and I know I have no future. All that's left is this intense pain for everything I thought I had, the love and security I used to have even though I was miserable in my identity then. But even the pain is fading. More and more I just feel anxious to not have to wake up another morning.