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Jan 31, 2021
Whilst it might help some I don't understand why it is touted as the saviour of all our problems? It's honestly one of the most invalidating things I've heard.

Oh I hear you're trying to kill yourself - have you tried mindfulness or colouring in?? Yes please love, I'd like to spend another 10 mins in my brain oh and have you got any crayons??

Sorry rant over - it's been winding me up for months!!
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I seek mindfulness to get a clearer picture on CTB and making sure to focus on that by not letting SI get in the way. The non-CTB mindfulness that everyone is preaching these days have either willed their diseased brains to make it work or they're just faking it.
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Mar 22, 2020
I think @Meditation guide can help out here
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Jan 23, 2021
Whilst it might help some I don't understand why it is touted as the saviour of all our problems? It's honestly one of the most invalidating things I've heard.

Oh I hear you're trying to kill yourself - have you tried mindfulness or colouring in?? Yes please love, I'd like to spend another 10 mins in my brain oh and have you got any crayons??

Sorry rant over - it's been winding me up for months!!

I get it. I've been listening to a lot of Alan Watts lately. On the one hand, it seems to help, and on the other, I just want to say sometimes, "oh, jee, it's just a game? I should just relax and let it all go? Why didn't I think of that? Nothing matters? It's just that easy? HA!"
I get it. I've been listening to a lot of Alan Watts lately. On the one hand, it seems to help, and on the other, I just want to say sometimes, "oh, jee, it's just a game? I should just relax and let it all go? Why didn't I think of that? Nothing matters? It's just that easy? HA!"
(Especially when I consider that he supposedly died an alcoholic...)
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Sep 19, 2020
Mindfulness is definitely not for everyone, I don't know why people keep recommending it.
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Global Mod
Nov 20, 2018
This has been preached at every ward I've been at.
No, I'm not being mindful of the taste of this meal for 10 minutes, I'm just gonna sit here and chew on it thinking about how much I don't wanna be alive and nothing can sway my thoughts away from it whether I want to or not.
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Jan 17, 2021
Mindfulness is mostly terrible for me. I only feel good when submerged in fantasy, as far away from the present moment as possible.

It's good in very small doses and only in those rare and special moments of reality that are worth experiencing.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I did it for a year using the Waking Up app by Sam Harris; it did absolutely nothing positive for me. In fact, I'm pretty sure it made me more disassociated on occasion. It's something that doesn't work if you're unhealthy and traumatized to begin with.

It did help me pay more attention to my suicidal thoughts, reasons I want to kill myself, and people I hate so that's a bonus I guess?
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Jul 16, 2020
Hey I remember this! Lets all go into our cave and find our POWER animal!

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Feb 5, 2020
If you look it up, you'll see that mindfulness can actually make some people worse. So you're definitely not wrong. It's definitely not for everyone.
Here is one article about it
I'm pretty sure Brown University did a study that also showed it can worsen mental health in certain people. In the link I provided, one reason they give is, "But sometimes when people are trying to still their thoughts, the mind can "rebel", she says. "It's like a backlash to the attempt to control the mind, and this results in an episode of anxiety or depression." My mind definitely works this way. The more I try to do these things, the more my mind does the opposite. It's why I'm terrified of the idea of future technically being able to read our thoughts, or allowing us to have conversations with our mind haha.
I do kind of meditate though. Kind of. It's really just a means to hallucinate quicker, which then eventually turns into a lucid dream. It's like a drug without a drug. So it's basically a form of escapism for me and the opposite of what I'm supposed to be going for.
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Jan 31, 2021
Wow thanks for the replies everyone - I don't think I've ever been accepted or had my honest feelings listened too and validated so much so thanks.

I'm not saying it wouldn't help some, in certain circumstances but I don't understand why it is said in some.

For example patient a has just been brought into a&e for an attempt failure because patient a was a dick and underestimated something vital. Crisis team talk to patient a the day after - after making sure they were talking to me, sorry I mean patient a lol, the very next thing they say is 'have you tried colouring in'. I'm 38. Like fuck. It suggests to me that either - they didn't take me seriously or they have no answers. Either one is equally damaging in my humble opinion.

But anyway, thanks.
If you look it up, you'll see that mindfulness can actually make some people worse. So you're definitely not wrong. It's definitely not for everyone.
Here is one article about it
I'm pretty sure Brown University did a study that also showed it can worsen mental health in certain people. In the link I provided, one reason they give is, "But sometimes when people are trying to still their thoughts, the mind can "rebel", she says. "It's like a backlash to the attempt to control the mind, and this results in an episode of anxiety or depression." My mind definitely works this way. The more I try to do these things, the more my mind does the opposite. It's why I'm terrified of the idea of future technically being able to read our thoughts, or allowing us to have conversations with our mind haha.
I do kind of meditate though. Kind of. It's really just a means to hallucinate quicker, which then eventually turns into a lucid dream. It's like a drug without a drug. So it's basically a form of escapism for me and the opposite of what I'm supposed to be going for.
Nice article thank you. It's nice to know there's some science behind it not being so effective.
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Apr 5, 2018
It's honestly one of the most invalidating things I've heard.
Lol, yeah. It's like, if I were to seek help for being systematically, anally, involuntarily fucked, and people would say: "find the present moment, focus on the body feelings, return to your happy place". Invalidating as fuck.
I did it for a year using the Waking Up app by Sam Harris; it did absolutely nothing positive for me. In fact, I'm pretty sure it made me more disassociated on occasion. It's something that doesn't work if you're unhealthy and traumatized to begin with.

It did help me pay more attention to my suicidal thoughts, reasons I want to kill myself, and people I hate so that's a bonus I guess?
Oh, I actually tried that app for the first 15 days or so. Eventually I got bored or annoyed. I rate it overall as above average experience. Was giving me a temporary relief from circular unpleasant thoughts, and + in Introspection skill.
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Jul 16, 2020

What is mindfulness?​

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us.

LMAO Fully present? This is some dream alittle dream new age bullshit is what this is.

1.Aware of where I am; LOL. OK check! I know where I am. Damn I'm an ace at this already!
2.Aware of what I am doing!: Aha... tricky, but yeah I think I got this too. ;D
3. Not overly reactive or overwhelmed by whats going on around us: Groundbreaking shit here folks! I admit it can be a fair point for many these days, so this is the only valid thing about mindfulness that I myself can find.

But hey, if it really helps ya and this is what ya need. Go all in, Just dont forget about the cave and the power animal. Thats higher level 'mindfulness' right there! :wink:
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In limbo
Jul 23, 2020
Really tried this seriously for a number of years. Read books on buddhism, mindfulness and meditation. I was really looking for something that made sense, a way to live life. A path that would somehow make living bearable. It didn't work out for me. In the end I was just practicing being aware. And it made me aware of the pain in my body and my ever returning frustrations and anxiety. Never experienced enlightening of any kind. I also did a short meditation course. In the end I was just trying to hold on to something. Sometimes that can work, I wouldn't discredit it entirely. It brought me very little in the end. Mindfulness isn't going to protect you from shitty life stuff.
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Jan 31, 2021

What is mindfulness?​

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us.

LMAO Fully present? This is some dream alittle dream new age bullshit is what this is.

1.Aware of where I am; LOL. OK check! I know where I am. Damn I'm an ace at this already!
2.Aware of what I am doing!: Aha... tricky, but yeah I think I got this too. ;D
3. Not overly reactive or overwhelmed by whats going on around us: Groundbreaking shit here folks! I admit it can be a fair point for many these days, so this is the only valid thing about mindfulness that I myself can find.

But hey, if it really helps ya and this is what ya need. Go all in, Just dont forget about the cave and the power animal. Thats higher level 'mindfulness' right there! :wink:
Lol :pfff:. Think my power animal has ctb!!
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Dec 8, 2020
I think mindfulness has utility, but with very specific purposes. An example from my own life, as a nutritionist I have many clients with binge eating issues. The practice of mindfulness can help the client become more introspective about WHY they binge, so that they can avoid triggers/address said issue/find new coping mechanisms for that situation. It's not perfect, but it tends to work for those people.

Mindfulness practice however is not going to make the voice in my head shut up about bleach tho so...again, limited utility lol
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Oh, I actually tried that app for the first 15 days or so. Eventually I got bored or annoyed. I rate it overall as above average experience. Was giving me a temporary relief from circular unpleasant thoughts, and + in Introspection skill.

For what it's worth the loving kindness meditation sessions from his app did help but I was already determined to CTB so there wasn't any point in continuing.

Also, I liked his two part lessons on Determinism as well as his narration of "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas."
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
ATM I'd rather have some bitcoin, just 1 will do.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I hate this forced mindfulness.
I wish I could be completely numb and egoless...the opposite so to speak: mindless.
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May 13, 2020
I tried mindfulness and all it did was make me more aware of how horrifically, irreparably fucked my mind is. At least now I know what's wrong exactly, but I also know that I can't fix it, or explain it to anyone else.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Yeah, you shouldn't try to force your mind to do something it doesn't want to do - it's likely to rebel.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
If you look it up, you'll see that mindfulness can actually make some people worse. So you're definitely not wrong. It's definitely not for everyone.
Here is one article about it
I'm pretty sure Brown University did a study that also showed it can worsen mental health in certain people. In the link I provided, one reason they give is, "But sometimes when people are trying to still their thoughts, the mind can "rebel", she says. "It's like a backlash to the attempt to control the mind, and this results in an episode of anxiety or depression." My mind definitely works this way. The more I try to do these things, the more my mind does the opposite. It's why I'm terrified of the idea of future technically being able to read our thoughts, or allowing us to have conversations with our mind haha.
I do kind of meditate though. Kind of. It's really just a means to hallucinate quicker, which then eventually turns into a lucid dream. It's like a drug without a drug. So it's basically a form of escapism for me and the opposite of what I'm supposed to be going for.
So basically when I was trapped in the psych ward and I told the psychiatrist that their mindfulness meditation wasn't helping me and she told me "The science shows it works for everyone so you're lying." she was pretty much just gaslighting me. Good to know.
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Aug 6, 2020
Is this the same as Cognitive behavioral therapy I find this not very helpful.
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Jan 31, 2021
So basically when I was trapped in the psych ward and I told the psychiatrist that their mindfulness meditation wasn't helping me and she told me "The science shows it works for everyone so you're lying." she was pretty much just gaslighting me. Good to know.
It's ALWAYS our fault - never anything else at play.

I've just read an article in Scientific American (just one article so not necessarily gospel) that said mindfulness absolutely works for certain conditions. You know who they based most of their science on - a selection of meditation gurus who have over 40,000 hours experience under their belts.

Now bare with me, my maths isn't the best but I think that would equate to 1666 days, practising solidly - 24 hours a day. Which is 4.5 years. Well the lack of sleep would certainly kill you so perhaps they are trying to teach us a peaceful way to CTB? New method everyone straight from the mouths of the professionals :haha::haha:.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
It's ALWAYS our fault - never anything else at play.

I've just read an article in Scientific American (just one article so not necessarily gospel) that said mindfulness absolutely works for certain conditions. You know who they based most of their science on - a selection of meditation gurus who have over 40,000 hours experience under their belts.

Now bare with me, my maths isn't the best but I think that would equate to 1666 days, practising solidly - 24 hours a day. Which is 4.5 years. Well the lack of sleep would certainly kill you so perhaps they are trying to teach us a peaceful way to CTB? New method everyone straight from the mouths of the professionals :haha::haha:.
It's a load of bs. They are very selective with their data. Even if it's not the majority of people clearly with psychological issues most fixes aren't one size fits all. But that's inconvenient for them so they will victim blame instead and pretend that they tried to help after the person decides to ctb.
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Jan 31, 2021
Is this the same as Cognitive behavioral therapy I find this not very helpful.
No CBT is a talking therapy. Mindfulness is - well you know - I started to answer your question and give a description of what it is but I dunno what to say. It's a period of time where you sit and meditate, listen to your thoughts 'non judgementally' and try to relax. If it's taught to you then it's usually done by someone with a patronising sounding 'therapy voice' but very similar to the vid above.
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May 13, 2020
Is this the same as Cognitive behavioral therapy I find this not very helpful.
Mindfulness is "If you think enough about how bad you feel and why you feel bad, you MUST be able to stop feeling that way!"

CBT is "if you stop doing the things you do because you feel bad, you'll obviously stop feeling bad"

Both are deeply flawed and nonsensical ways of thinking.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
Mindfulness is "If you think enough about how bad you feel and why you feel bad, you MUST be able to stop feeling that way!"

CBT is "if you stop doing the things you do because you feel bad, you'll obviously stop feeling bad"

Both are deeply flawed and nonsensical ways of thinking.
They all conveniently skirt around the real issues as well. It's almost like they've made a business out of telling people to "suck it up, buttercup", and they make $100+ per the hour for it. What a scam LOL
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Jul 16, 2020
Has everyone heard about this groundbreaking revolutionary miracle therapy by Dr. Dennis Leary? :D

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Oct 30, 2020
Has everyone heard about this groundbreaking revolutionary miracle therapy by Dr. Dennis Leary. :D

i adore denis leary!

listening to "no cure for cancer" and "lock n load" over and over again teached me english.
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