The thing about heart attacks is they don't always kill you when they happen, they really don't kill you most of the time, actually. Check out the statistics. Most people survive them with greatly reduced function, maybe even only slightly reduced function. After they receive treatment and rehab, people slowly regain some of their functionality. It happened to my mom. She wasn't able to walk afterwards, but rehab got her back up on her feet again over time. I'm only posting this to put the facts out there. It could end up that you only end up debillitated, maybe only slightly, but maybe severely. One never knows. I don't know. There's the possibility that you end up so severely debillitated that you *might* not be able to "take yourself out" of this new nightmare you now find yourself living. I hope that doesn't happen to you, but you never know. The body, and heart in particular, is pretty damn resilient. You just never know. I hope things work out the way you desire.