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Erin Inari

Erin Inari

Sep 9, 2019
So i've been in two so far, (two to many) and was wondering for those who have also been in one how was it for you?

The first one I was at I can't remember much of but it was a bit more laid back without much scheduled routine. Though it was a lot more serious in its treatment of patients. Had weighted blankets on every bed, someone checking on you every five minutes or less, nothing that could be used to cut yourself on, no doorknobs that extended from the door etc.

The most recent one was a bit more strict on the routine however it was more like, follow this if you want to get out of here, if not we won't force you kind of thing. Their weren't quite enough people on staff and and they honestly had some things that if you were determined enough that you could probably kill yourself with. Overall, both were places that I don't want to go back to but for me at least I think that they weren't the worst that they could be. At least treated me like an actual person rather than a child most of the time.


Sep 21, 2019
I've been in one, but it was on the military base when I was active duty, so it may not compare with "real life". When first admitted, I was in a room by myself but it had a window in the door (which was kept locked) so they could monitor me, and I was only allowed to wear a one piece hospital gown type thing. Once I convinced them I wasn't an immediate threat to myself, I was allowed to wear my own sweats and t-shirts (but no bra because of underwire) and was moved into a room with another gal. I was there for two weeks, and after about five days I was allowed to go to the store in the hospital and get snacks, soda, etc and towards the end I had base lib where I was allowed to go out on base alone as long as I was back by whatever time they stated.

We had group therapy and individual therapy and meds....but it never really felt personalized...more like I'd been there x number of days so I should be at this point in my treatment plan...whether I was or not.

Definitely not eager to go back in.....


May 31, 2019
They kept my brother in one for 3 days after his first attempt. He hung himself like 2 months after he got out though. So I'll speak on his behalf and say it wasn't helpful.
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May 28, 2019
Somewhere you are sent when nobody wants to help you, no therapy, "occupational therapy groups, one hour a day, maximum 10 people for a a male and female ward of 20 plus beds. Nurses don't want to know you, when you're on a "special" your made feel like your an inconvenience. Patients not protected, I got punched in the stomach and nobody did anything. Never had a good experience


Aug 23, 2019
I've been in 3 times. Once sectioned and twice voluntary longest stay being 7 weeks and shortest 3 weeks. I got on really well with the staff 95% of the time and was well respected. Had really bad frustrations with certain rules. Had my own room, phone , laptop etc. There were some extremely unwell people in there though. I had a couple of big incidents in there where I was restrained and IM'd but the majority of the time I just chilled or if I was allowed leave went out to the pub!


Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost
Sep 30, 2019
I was in for 2 weeks I think I was 17 or 18 so it was a children's unit. very depressing, some very unwell people, seemed to be saturated with girls aged 13-17 with eating disorders. I basically became an actor and after 2 weeks good behaviour was let out, in no better or worse state than I went in. I really didn't like the feeling of being watched, the unit I was in closed down a few years later because of bad practice.


May 24, 2019
I've been in a few times to different wards. I think it depends on how you go in- whether voluntary or involuntary- it plays a part in how you view the experience.

The times in the "beginning", when I was desperately trying to find anything to help for my hallucinations, those weren't so bad because I went in voluntarily. The facilities were clean, the techs were usually awesome though the nurses and doctors weren't the best/ were swamped with work. The groups are kinda a joke at the wards I've been to, nothing feels personalized and the therapists are... it feels like they're just going through the motions rather than actually caring. There's not much to do other than watch TV, color, and pace. The food was decent for the most part, and some wards even had soda. Most wards I've been to don't allow cellphones but I've been to one where it was allowed.

The involuntary stays are... sucky to put it simply. If you're angry about being there, then time seems to pass so very slowly. Every day seems to drag and everything becomes annoying. And if you go in after a failed attempt? Yeah, it basically feels like the worst thing ever.

There was once where I came out of psychosis and found myself in a ward and was extremely confused. I have mixed feelings about that stay. One the one hand, I understand why I was placed there as I'm not exactly rational when I'm having auditory and visual hallucinations out the wazoo. Though, once I came out of psychosis, I still had to spend over a week there because the wards never want to let you go just so they can make more money off you.

The wards may think there's nothing to hurt yourself on... and for the most part, they're right. There's not a lot you can hurt yourself on but it is definitely possible. I've had to get stitches to show just how possible it is. But that wasn't worth it considering I was put on 2-to-1 for two days and then 1-to-1 for four more days and was literally watched like a hawk. That sucked. Being watched like a hawk? Yeah, no thank you.

Despite how I viewed the overall experiences, the wards never helped me and they oftentimes made me feel worse.

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