

Sep 10, 2018
I wonder if anyone with medical knowledge can shed light on this.

I've had very low blood pressure since last summer, although I am otherwise very healthy. The other day at the dentist it was 81/45 - no joke.

Does this make me more likely to die quickly from an effective overdose? (an overdose that will in any event work.) Is my heart likely to stop beating more quickly than the heart of someone who has normal blood pressure?

Thank you.


Aug 23, 2018
I'm not a medical person however I've had very low blood pressure and a serious overdose.
I'm still here but was unconscious for a few days then in a coma on a breathing ventilator for another few.
I don't know if I would have died if I wasn't found but I do know I wasn't breathing very much. I don't know what my blood pressure got to but it's usually lower than yours so I don't think it helps.