Left forum, time's up
- May 10, 2018
- 169
I think my death wishes comes from noticing the only things I wanted to do can't be done due to the absolute lack of time and my life only consist in just working until I can't more, sleeping bad and with literally no time for anything. I tried to find somebody worthy of telling my problems but seeing how the world actually is and my pathethic social skills for getting trust enough with someone this seems impossible.
But honestly, my problems are nothing compared with the stories people post here, and this makes me feel I'm an idiot.
I think it's not necessarily the observable so called problems that count, but how we feel about them. Two different people in seemingly similar situations may have completely different experiences thereof, and also -there's always someone who's seen and lived through something worse than the next. Point is not to make light of or minimize whatever you're going through, that may just add to it in my view.
I don't know if I'm worthy as such, I've been through quite the hurricane myself, but I'm sensitive and a decent listener, have got plenty of time on my hands, so you're welcome to write me if you feel like you'd like to talk or just chat.