I had a few friends in grade school and even high school but once I was an adult? Nope. dults were - and still - are a mystery and the ultimate in selfishness. Kids can be incredibly cruel, and I was ostracized in every school I've been at by them. Yet I could find a 'tribe' in grade school - the 'Suicide Club' we had with 3 of us. And high school, similarly finding other folks who weren't super close, but we had an official sense of community, the tribe, the same familiar faces. All the freaks, basically - punks, goths, skaters, ravers, anyone who said fuck you to the mainstream. We would get stoned and drunk, but I had community. I had a sense of outcasts who knew we were different, but were there for one another, even if it was just to bum a cigarette or share records, or bring drinks to a house party, or share clothes, or dance on the sofas while we blared music. We didn't fit in with the world, but we fit in with each other. That was the best.
I haven't had that since - I have tried, but somehow the open mindedness kids and teens had in some way has completely evaporated with the meanness of adults. I have realized over time the 'friends' I though I had as an adult aren't - they're acquaintances at best. I poured my heart into people grow bored of me or are angry I'm sensitive.
That's fine - I don't need them and they won't even know I'm gone. It's better that way. I'll return to a calmer place, and maybe it will be the calmness I felt in that house party with the beers, where i had a tribe.