No, America is a hyper-individualistic system where everyone fends for themselves. The system's indifference to its people is the problem, I'm the symptom. The government wants you to sacrifice yourself so the elites can make another dollar at your expense. Society should enforce better working conditions and NEETs might decrease in popularity. I see, so we're born without consent and forced to sign this social contract from the start. Who would accept such tyranny? When your living wages are so low and you're struggling to put food on the table and pay your bills, you don't have the resources to care about the community. Owing society your labor and not getting any benefits is an unbalanced relationship that'll be sure to turn anyone off. NEETs are too wise to be exploited. I'm assuming you live in a better country or better area in America where your job conditions aren't atrocious. I'm happy for you that you have such a great job. You're lucky.