They killed me at seven, I just didn't know it- Me
- Dec 15, 2021
- 131
When I was around 13 years old I decided to stop taking the Ritalin I had been on since I was 7. Studies have now come out showing that prolonged exposure to Ritalin and Adirall can damage a child's brains ability to create sufficient amounts of both Dopamine and ATP, both are critical to brain function. This happened to me and as a result of a large deficiency of neurotransmitter chemicals in my brain, I fell into a deep depressive state. Eventually there was such a chemical deficit that I became completely detached from my emotions and sense self. The areas of my brain involved with emotion, empathy, memory, fear, spatial awareness, and happiness were all so starved of the chemicals they needed, they simply shut down or went dormant. What little part of my brain that could still function kept me alive and moving, but I had no connection to anything that could being considered feeling like a human being. I spent 25 years in that state, everyday losing even the memory of what reality used to look like. I liken it to being trapped in a sensory deprivation chamber for an indefinite period of time. Because no outside stimulus can be felt and effect you, your mind slowly starts to turn in on itself, eventually you lose your sanity and understanding of reality, and finding your way back becomes harder and harder the longer you stayed in that state. This has been my living hell for over 2 decades and I wish this torture on no one. have any of you had a similar experience?