

Eternal Torment of Thy Flesh-Prison
Jul 27, 2022
Life is slavery. We are always tormented by others dictating our lives, by the oppressive system of capitalism, and even fundamentally, we are slaves to our own desires, slaves to nature. We are all biological puppets, dancing and smiling as the theater burns to the ground, along with us. Endless torment of our flesh prison, a painted puppet of joints ready to collapse, a diseased and suffering thing, with a head full of false imaginings, and yet other pathetic sentient bags of meat continue to force us to live here, in this hell of endless torment, desire, and striving. To live, is to chase the carrot on the stick forever, only to be disappointed by its lackluster taste. Our bodies, our prisons of flesh, will always be plagued with dissatisfaction, discomfort and desire. And if by some miracle you can satisfy all of these absurd, ridiculous needs, the satisfaction fades before you can even process it occured. Boredom ensues. Life is a swinging pendulum between dissatisfaction and boredom, all underneath the tyranny of suffering. And yet we are led to believe that life is sacred, it is worth it! The indoctrination and copium of the masses is truly horrifying, a telltale sign that nature's cruelty knows no bounds. Programmed to survive and reproduce at all costs, it is all a game, a rat race, to see who can suffer the most. Forcing an innocent non-being into existence, into a realm of only suffering, dissatisfaction and hate, and denying their pleas to leave, can only be the work of the devil. We truly are in hell. Death is the annihilation of all of this, it is freedom from the clutches of hell. It takes away all suffering, torment and desire. And while it rids us of the few "good" things, it takes away too the desire for them.

Along this line of thought, suicide becomes the only true rational and sane action. To finally escape the endless cycle of suffering, is to be free. And yet, natures cruelty f*cks us all over, as always. Survival instinct is the poster child: programmed to live above all else, a primitive and evil desire made to prevent the only escape, the only hope any sentient being has. And the primitive instinct to prevent suicide, to prevent the alleviation of suffering, extends to others too. "You mustn't kill yourself, it is wrong!", is what they say. Misery loves company. We truly are slaves, from the moment we're born, until the void frees us of our suffering at death.

Until my day of reckoning, I'll have to stay in this world of endless pain, and continue my suffering for the sick pleasure of others who claim to love me, and yet proceed to prolong my agonizing existence whilst ignoring my pleas to escape, all to satisfy their selfish, narrow-minded belief that they 'saved' somebody, when in reality all they saved was the agony of the individual. And they always try to justify it, to rationalize it. They say suicide is selfish, and yet nothing is more selfish than forcing someone to suffer so that you can feel better about yourself. In my eyes, this is nothing more than a justification for suffering, and suffering is NEVER justified. We are old enough to die the moment we're born. For now, I am trapped in this hell, and until euthanasia becomes legal for the non-terminally ill, it seems I will remain a slave in this hell. Here's to hoping I may one day overcome my biological programming and catch the bus peacefully, and painlessly.

While killing oneself early not only prevents future suffering aswell as assures one's own death is peaceful, painless and humane (which natural death cannot say - shit's brutal, man), I would be just as bad as the pro-lifers if I forced everyone to do something they do not wish to do. When and how I die should be my decision, as without the right to die, there can be no right to live, only an obligation. While I believe forcing someone to live (and by extension to suffer) is evil, the same could be said for forcing someone to die. At the end of the day, if we truly own our own bodies and our own lives, we should have the right to end this pitiful existence, and yet those who wish to live, shall be allowed to aswell. Only then can life (at least in societal terms) not be slavery. If I cannot choose to end my life, if I am forced to live in a world and in a body of suffering and endless problems, then I am a slave. I am a firm believer of anti-suffering. If suffering can be avoided, it should. And I'm tired of people burying their heads into the sand and pretending life is some holy gift that must be protected and is always worth the trouble. Spoiler alert: it isn't. I'm not saying all must die, despite believing it to be the path of least suffering: I'm just saying that the decision to end one's own life should always be respected, and that blindly believing what we are conditioned to by our parents and society only leads to the obstruction of progress that is the choice to end one's own suffering, if one so wishes to without forcing anyone else to.

This also leads me to the age argument. As a child is powerless against their own birth (as everyone is), they too should get to make the decision between continuing to live and to end their life. Forcing someone to live for your own benefit is slavery. And why should only slavery for those fully matured be condemned? Since when have we allowed children to be manipulated and forced to live a life they may not want, and that they certainly didn't ask for? And we (as in society) invalidate their suffering on the basis that they're "too young". Well, guess what? Nature doesn't give a damn about your social constructs. Suffering doesn't discriminate, it torments all from birth all the way to our final breaths. Why must we force children to suffer for 2 decades before they can finally leave a place they never wished to be in?

Another point is that parents often say they love their children, and as such don't want them to die. However, does that really mean they care for the child as an individual, or only as an idea? If they truly cared for the child as an individual, wouldn't they want what was in the child's best interest? And who knows what is in their best interest better than the child itself? Wouldn't they want their child to experience the least amount of suffering possible? Instead, they choose to prolong the child's suffering to make themsves happy; to prevent the pain of the loss of a loved one. Parents do not care for the well being of their child, for they only care for their own feelings: the child's external "happiness" makes them feel happy, the child wanting to end its suffering causes them pain. Rather than act in the best interest of the child, they act in a way that benefits them, even if they don't realize and think they are doing the right thing. They are selfish and despicable manipulators who have deluded themselves into thinking they know someone better than the person themselves. Loving them despite this is Stockholm Syndrome, which is also the result of our biological programming: the child loves it's manipulators; they, in turn, "protect" the child from the freedom of death: their only job is to birth suffering and prolong it at all costs.

The parents, of course, are oblivious to this. It is their subconscious programming, after all, they truly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. This delusion, this disempowerment of the individual, is the biggest barrier between a child and the escape of this realm of suffering. The parents do not care for the wellbeing of the child: they care only for the IDEA of the child, that exists to make them feel good about themselves, to prevent their own suffering. Preventing one's own suffering is not a bad thing, but if it leads to forcing someone else to exist, to continue their suffering, then it is manipulative and despicable.

I've stated my pro-mortalist views before. According to my belief, the best course of action is for all sentient life to die NOW, and forever. This would rid the universe of suffering forever (or atleast until life arises again, should such a tradgedy occur). But as I said also, it has to be the individual's decision. It isn't a choice if only one option can be chosen.

I don't understand why people blindly believe that life is inherently better than death: even a perfect life would be undesirable when faced with the choice between life and death. At the very least, even if you don't agree, a decent human being would at least respect the decisions of a fellow sufferer, and allow them to leave. If you like being in this burning building, then stay! But don't force others to choke on the flames when the exit is right there, it costs nothing to step aside and allow their suffering to cease.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I agree. Non existence will always be preferable to living for me. To cease to exist would be the best thing that could possibly happen to me, and it's so horrifying how life is even a thing in the first place. Existence is completely unnecessary and I see no point to enduring this life when instead I could be peacefully not existing. It's just so wrong how suicide is this difficult, a peaceful exit should be a human right.
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Wandering Fool
Jul 30, 2022
I do like enjoy this branch of nihilism, but there is something I would like to add; it wasn't always like this. There were days when a human could live as they pleased given the effort they put in. Of course, the decease of large scsle society has been around for a while, but it was still possible to live a fulfilling life hunting/fishing/whatever the fuck you wanted as a hermit even 700 yeas ago. But once you start needing to live for someone else against your will, i.e. kings or whatever, that's when dissatisfaction set it. Then the industrial revolution hit and 99.999% of all humans suddenly became slaves. Nowadays it is somehow worse, and not getting better. The days of being allowed true freedom, that is, to live by your own will are over.
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Jun 17, 2022
Life is slavery. We are always tormented by others dictating our lives, by the oppressive system of capitalism, and even fundamentally, we are slaves to our own desires, slaves to nature. We are all biological puppets, dancing and smiling as the theater burns to the ground, along with us. Endless torment of our flesh prison, a painted puppet of joints ready to collapse, a diseased and suffering thing, with a head full of false imaginings, and yet other pathetic sentient bags of meat continue to force us to live here, in this hell of endless torment, desire, and striving. To live, is to chase the carrot on the stick forever, only to be disappointed by its lackluster taste. Our bodies, our prisons of flesh, will always be plagued with dissatisfaction, discomfort and desire. And if by some miracle you can satisfy all of these absurd, ridiculous needs, the satisfaction fades before you can even process it occured. Boredom ensues. Life is a swinging pendulum between dissatisfaction and boredom, all underneath the tyranny of suffering. And yet we are led to believe that life is sacred, it is worth it! The indoctrination and copium of the masses is truly horrifying, a telltale sign that nature's cruelty knows no bounds. Programmed to survive and reproduce at all costs, it is all a game, a rat race, to see who can suffer the most. Forcing an innocent non-being into existence, into a realm of only suffering, dissatisfaction and hate, and denying their pleas to leave, can only be the work of the devil. We truly are in hell. Death is the annihilation of all of this, it is freedom from the clutches of hell. It takes away all suffering, torment and desire. And while it rids us of the few "good" things, it takes away too the desire for them.

Along this line of thought, suicide becomes the only true rational and sane action. To finally escape the endless cycle of suffering, is to be free. And yet, natures cruelty f*cks us all over, as always. Survival instinct is the poster child: programmed to live above all else, a primitive and evil desire made to prevent the only escape, the only hope any sentient being has. And the primitive instinct to prevent suicide, to prevent the alleviation of suffering, extends to others too. "You mustn't kill yourself, it is wrong!", is what they say. Misery loves company. We truly are slaves, from the moment we're born, until the void frees us of our suffering at death.

Until my day of reckoning, I'll have to stay in this world of endless pain, and continue my suffering for the sick pleasure of others who claim to love me, and yet proceed to prolong my agonizing existence whilst ignoring my pleas to escape, all to satisfy their selfish, narrow-minded belief that they 'saved' somebody, when in reality all they saved was the agony of the individual. And they always try to justify it, to rationalize it. They say suicide is selfish, and yet nothing is more selfish than forcing someone to suffer so that you can feel better about yourself. In my eyes, this is nothing more than a justification for suffering, and suffering is NEVER justified. We are old enough to die the moment we're born. For now, I am trapped in this hell, and until euthanasia becomes legal for the non-terminally ill, it seems I will remain a slave in this hell. Here's to hoping I may one day overcome my biological programming and catch the bus peacefully, and painlessly.

While killing oneself early not only prevents future suffering aswell as assures one's own death is peaceful, painless and humane (which natural death cannot say - shit's brutal, man), I would be just as bad as the pro-lifers if I forced everyone to do something they do not wish to do. When and how I die should be my decision, as without the right to die, there can be no right to live, only an obligation. While I believe forcing someone to live (and by extension to suffer) is evil, the same could be said for forcing someone to die. At the end of the day, if we truly own our own bodies and our own lives, we should have the right to end this pitiful existence, and yet those who wish to live, shall be allowed to aswell. Only then can life (at least in societal terms) not be slavery. If I cannot choose to end my life, if I am forced to live in a world and in a body of suffering and endless problems, then I am a slave. I am a firm believer of anti-suffering. If suffering can be avoided, it should. And I'm tired of people burying their heads into the sand and pretending life is some holy gift that must be protected and is always worth the trouble. Spoiler alert: it isn't. I'm not saying all must die, despite believing it to be the path of least suffering: I'm just saying that the decision to end one's own life should always be respected, and that blindly believing what we are conditioned to by our parents and society only leads to the obstruction of progress that is the choice to end one's own suffering, if one so wishes to without forcing anyone else to.

This also leads me to the age argument. As a child is powerless against their own birth (as everyone is), they too should get to make the decision between continuing to live and to end their life. Forcing someone to live for your own benefit is slavery. And why should only slavery for those fully matured be condemned? Since when have we allowed children to be manipulated and forced to live a life they may not want, and that they certainly didn't ask for? And we (as in society) invalidate their suffering on the basis that they're "too young". Well, guess what? Nature doesn't give a damn about your social constructs. Suffering doesn't discriminate, it torments all from birth all the way to our final breaths. Why must we force children to suffer for 2 decades before they can finally leave a place they never wished to be in?

Another point is that parents often say they love their children, and as such don't want them to die. However, does that really mean they care for the child as an individual, or only as an idea? If they truly cared for the child as an individual, wouldn't they want what was in the child's best interest? And who knows what is in their best interest better than the child itself? Wouldn't they want their child to experience the least amount of suffering possible? Instead, they choose to prolong the child's suffering to make themsves happy; to prevent the pain of the loss of a loved one. Parents do not care for the well being of their child, for they only care for their own feelings: the child's external "happiness" makes them feel happy, the child wanting to end its suffering causes them pain. Rather than act in the best interest of the child, they act in a way that benefits them, even if they don't realize and think they are doing the right thing. They are selfish and despicable manipulators who have deluded themselves into thinking they know someone better than the person themselves. Loving them despite this is Stockholm Syndrome, which is also the result of our biological programming: the child loves it's manipulators; they, in turn, "protect" the child from the freedom of death: their only job is to birth suffering and prolong it at all costs.

The parents, of course, are oblivious to this. It is their subconscious programming, after all, they truly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. This delusion, this disempowerment of the individual, is the biggest barrier between a child and the escape of this realm of suffering. The parents do not care for the wellbeing of the child: they care only for the IDEA of the child, that exists to make them feel good about themselves, to prevent their own suffering. Preventing one's own suffering is not a bad thing, but if it leads to forcing someone else to exist, to continue their suffering, then it is manipulative and despicable.

I've stated my pro-mortalist views before. According to my belief, the best course of action is for all sentient life to die NOW, and forever. This would rid the universe of suffering forever (or atleast until life arises again, should such a tradgedy occur). But as I said also, it has to be the individual's decision. It isn't a choice if only one option can be chosen.

I don't understand why people blindly believe that life is inherently better than death: even a perfect life would be undesirable when faced with the choice between life and death. At the very least, even if you don't agree, a decent human being would at least respect the decisions of a fellow sufferer, and allow them to leave. If you like being in this burning building, then stay! But don't force others to choke on the flames when the exit is right there, it costs nothing to step aside and allow their suffering to cease.
I've never resonated with a post as deep as this


Dec 14, 2021
Wow, this is so well written @kawaii, ....it reminds me of posts on ss from a couple of years back by
a poster similarly gifted , that i sometimes go into the archives to read again.
thankyou for sharing...
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Jul 22, 2022
Thank you, this is something I'd wanted to write. This is the truth, and once seen, I don't see any point in the future anymore. It is also horrifically lonely living among the delusional, like an alien wanting to go home.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I whole heartedly agree with a lot of what you have said. This is also my experience of life. I appreciate it that you conceed that this is not everyone's experience though. While we may see it as deluded, it should absolutely be up to the individual if they actually like life and want to keep it- just as much as there ought to be a peaceful way out for those of us who wish to go.

One of my many concerns about ctb is the mess it will leave behind for some poor sod to have to deal with. If we were given access to clinical means of assisted suicide, all that would be avoided.

I guess the only 'trouble' I have when considering the theory that everyone should have the right to die- no matter the age is the most vulnerable in society- which would include the elderly, infirm and children. I once had a discussion with a very intelligent lady. As you can imagine, I was all for allowing everyone access to a peaceful means of exit. However, she feared that if this were available, some people (elderly relatives in her argument) could get talked into doing it to relieve the burden on their families. I think we'd like to think that this wouldn't happen but there are some pretty unscrupulous people out there- especially when it comes to money. Same goes for children- say the child wasn't particularly wanted and is disabled in some way- children I would think would be easier to manipulate. If they were consulted at all- it might be up to the parents if they are considered too young to make the decision. If the rules/exclusions are too minimal, I suspect some people would use them to get away with murder.

I think in principle, I agree with your philosophies. It's just that in practice, I think things get a lot more complicated.
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Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
Life is slavery. We are always tormented by others dictating our lives, by the oppressive system of capitalism, and even fundamentally, we are slaves to our own desires, slaves to nature. We are all biological puppets, dancing and smiling as the theater burns to the ground, along with us. Endless torment of our flesh prison, a painted puppet of joints ready to collapse, a diseased and suffering thing, with a head full of false imaginings, and yet other pathetic sentient bags of meat continue to force us to live here, in this hell of endless torment, desire, and striving. To live, is to chase the carrot on the stick forever, only to be disappointed by its lackluster taste. Our bodies, our prisons of flesh, will always be plagued with dissatisfaction, discomfort and desire. And if by some miracle you can satisfy all of these absurd, ridiculous needs, the satisfaction fades before you can even process it occured. Boredom ensues. Life is a swinging pendulum between dissatisfaction and boredom, all underneath the tyranny of suffering. And yet we are led to believe that life is sacred, it is worth it! The indoctrination and copium of the masses is truly horrifying, a telltale sign that nature's cruelty knows no bounds. Programmed to survive and reproduce at all costs, it is all a game, a rat race, to see who can suffer the most. Forcing an innocent non-being into existence, into a realm of only suffering, dissatisfaction and hate, and denying their pleas to leave, can only be the work of the devil. We truly are in hell. Death is the annihilation of all of this, it is freedom from the clutches of hell. It takes away all suffering, torment and desire. And while it rids us of the few "good" things, it takes away too the desire for them.

Along this line of thought, suicide becomes the only true rational and sane action. To finally escape the endless cycle of suffering, is to be free. And yet, natures cruelty f*cks us all over, as always. Survival instinct is the poster child: programmed to live above all else, a primitive and evil desire made to prevent the only escape, the only hope any sentient being has. And the primitive instinct to prevent suicide, to prevent the alleviation of suffering, extends to others too. "You mustn't kill yourself, it is wrong!", is what they say. Misery loves company. We truly are slaves, from the moment we're born, until the void frees us of our suffering at death.

Until my day of reckoning, I'll have to stay in this world of endless pain, and continue my suffering for the sick pleasure of others who claim to love me, and yet proceed to prolong my agonizing existence whilst ignoring my pleas to escape, all to satisfy their selfish, narrow-minded belief that they 'saved' somebody, when in reality all they saved was the agony of the individual. And they always try to justify it, to rationalize it. They say suicide is selfish, and yet nothing is more selfish than forcing someone to suffer so that you can feel better about yourself. In my eyes, this is nothing more than a justification for suffering, and suffering is NEVER justified. We are old enough to die the moment we're born. For now, I am trapped in this hell, and until euthanasia becomes legal for the non-terminally ill, it seems I will remain a slave in this hell. Here's to hoping I may one day overcome my biological programming and catch the bus peacefully, and painlessly.

While killing oneself early not only prevents future suffering aswell as assures one's own death is peaceful, painless and humane (which natural death cannot say - shit's brutal, man), I would be just as bad as the pro-lifers if I forced everyone to do something they do not wish to do. When and how I die should be my decision, as without the right to die, there can be no right to live, only an obligation. While I believe forcing someone to live (and by extension to suffer) is evil, the same could be said for forcing someone to die. At the end of the day, if we truly own our own bodies and our own lives, we should have the right to end this pitiful existence, and yet those who wish to live, shall be allowed to aswell. Only then can life (at least in societal terms) not be slavery. If I cannot choose to end my life, if I am forced to live in a world and in a body of suffering and endless problems, then I am a slave. I am a firm believer of anti-suffering. If suffering can be avoided, it should. And I'm tired of people burying their heads into the sand and pretending life is some holy gift that must be protected and is always worth the trouble. Spoiler alert: it isn't. I'm not saying all must die, despite believing it to be the path of least suffering: I'm just saying that the decision to end one's own life should always be respected, and that blindly believing what we are conditioned to by our parents and society only leads to the obstruction of progress that is the choice to end one's own suffering, if one so wishes to without forcing anyone else to.

This also leads me to the age argument. As a child is powerless against their own birth (as everyone is), they too should get to make the decision between continuing to live and to end their life. Forcing someone to live for your own benefit is slavery. And why should only slavery for those fully matured be condemned? Since when have we allowed children to be manipulated and forced to live a life they may not want, and that they certainly didn't ask for? And we (as in society) invalidate their suffering on the basis that they're "too young". Well, guess what? Nature doesn't give a damn about your social constructs. Suffering doesn't discriminate, it torments all from birth all the way to our final breaths. Why must we force children to suffer for 2 decades before they can finally leave a place they never wished to be in?

Another point is that parents often say they love their children, and as such don't want them to die. However, does that really mean they care for the child as an individual, or only as an idea? If they truly cared for the child as an individual, wouldn't they want what was in the child's best interest? And who knows what is in their best interest better than the child itself? Wouldn't they want their child to experience the least amount of suffering possible? Instead, they choose to prolong the child's suffering to make themsves happy; to prevent the pain of the loss of a loved one. Parents do not care for the well being of their child, for they only care for their own feelings: the child's external "happiness" makes them feel happy, the child wanting to end its suffering causes them pain. Rather than act in the best interest of the child, they act in a way that benefits them, even if they don't realize and think they are doing the right thing. They are selfish and despicable manipulators who have deluded themselves into thinking they know someone better than the person themselves. Loving them despite this is Stockholm Syndrome, which is also the result of our biological programming: the child loves it's manipulators; they, in turn, "protect" the child from the freedom of death: their only job is to birth suffering and prolong it at all costs.

The parents, of course, are oblivious to this. It is their subconscious programming, after all, they truly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. This delusion, this disempowerment of the individual, is the biggest barrier between a child and the escape of this realm of suffering. The parents do not care for the wellbeing of the child: they care only for the IDEA of the child, that exists to make them feel good about themselves, to prevent their own suffering. Preventing one's own suffering is not a bad thing, but if it leads to forcing someone else to exist, to continue their suffering, then it is manipulative and despicable.

I've stated my pro-mortalist views before. According to my belief, the best course of action is for all sentient life to die NOW, and forever. This would rid the universe of suffering forever (or atleast until life arises again, should such a tradgedy occur). But as I said also, it has to be the individual's decision. It isn't a choice if only one option can be chosen.

I don't understand why people blindly believe that life is inherently better than death: even a perfect life would be undesirable when faced with the choice between life and death. At the very least, even if you don't agree, a decent human being would at least respect the decisions of a fellow sufferer, and allow them to leave. If you like being in this burning building, then stay! But don't force others to choke on the flames when the exit is right there, it costs nothing to step aside and allow their suffering to cease.

However, she feared that if this were available, some people (elderly relatives in her argument) could get talked into doing it to relieve the burden on their families. I think we'd like to think that this wouldn't happen but there are some pretty unscrupulous people out there- especially when it comes to money. Same goes for children- say the child wasn't particularly wanted and is disabled in some way- children I would think would be easier to manipulate. If they were consulted at all- it might be up to the parents if they are considered too young to make the decision. If the rules/exclusions are too minimal, I suspect some people would use them to get away with murder.

I think in principle, I agree with your philosophies. It's just that in practice, I think things get a lot more complicated.

You mean like guns and knives, and ropes, and cliffs? Sure, anyone can talk it out to make one shoot in the head (though we have bunch of armies to do it for 'flag and nation'), or to stab themselves, hang themselves, and unknowingly suggest someone to jump from brigdes ... yeah right, anyone can talk it to get away from murder.

But no one is against guns, knives, ropes and skycrapers so much that their very concern is to prohibit and restrict Nembutal and such peaceful means.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022

You mean like guns and knives, and ropes, and cliffs? Sure, anyone can talk it out to make one shoot in the head (though we have bunch of armies to do it for 'flag and nation'), or to stab themselves, hang themselves, and unknowingly suggest someone to jump from brigdes ... yeah right, anyone can talk it to get away from murder.

But no one is against guns, knives, ropes and skycrapers so much that their very concern is to prohibit and restrict Nembutal and such peaceful means.
Hmm, yeah, I see your point. I guess I was referring to clinically assisted suicide- in which I expect the rules will always be pretty strict to avoid any foul play- or accusation of foul play.

Would be wonderful if Nembutal was available legitimately. I would love to go this method.


Feb 15, 2022
I think it's modern, civilised life that is slavery and suffering. There's a film from 1971 called Walkabout that I love. It's about two white kids whose father is suicidal. He drives them into the Australian outback, pretending he's taking them for a picnic but when they're there he tries to murder them. The kids escape and the father commits suicide. The kids roam through the outback, struggling to survive. Eventually they meet an aborigine boy who starts looking after them. They lose all their modern, civilised life, they ditch their clothes and start living naked, swimming in lakes, walking around and catching their food. They are both really happy like this but eventually the aborigine boy leads them back to civilisation. At the end the girl is grown up and married, living in an apartment block, cooking her husbands dinner and listening to him droning on about his workday. She zones out and imagines herself still living naked in the outback with the aborigine, swimming and having fun all day and wishes she could live like that permanently.
I feel like this. I'm suicidal because I'm ill and disabled and live in this shitty modern life of fake jobs, cities, pollution, humans all crammed in together and all that shit. If I was healthy and lived a natural life in a tribe in the wild, I think I'd be happy.
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Dec 19, 2021
Life is slavery. We are always tormented by others dictating our lives, by the oppressive system of capitalism, and even fundamentally, we are slaves to our own desires, slaves to nature. We are all biological puppets, dancing and smiling as the theater burns to the ground, along with us. Endless torment of our flesh prison, a painted puppet of joints ready to collapse, a diseased and suffering thing, with a head full of false imaginings, and yet other pathetic sentient bags of meat continue to force us to live here, in this hell of endless torment, desire, and striving. To live, is to chase the carrot on the stick forever, only to be disappointed by its lackluster taste. Our bodies, our prisons of flesh, will always be plagued with dissatisfaction, discomfort and desire. And if by some miracle you can satisfy all of these absurd, ridiculous needs, the satisfaction fades before you can even process it occured. Boredom ensues. Life is a swinging pendulum between dissatisfaction and boredom, all underneath the tyranny of suffering. And yet we are led to believe that life is sacred, it is worth it! The indoctrination and copium of the masses is truly horrifying, a telltale sign that nature's cruelty knows no bounds. Programmed to survive and reproduce at all costs, it is all a game, a rat race, to see who can suffer the most. Forcing an innocent non-being into existence, into a realm of only suffering, dissatisfaction and hate, and denying their pleas to leave, can only be the work of the devil. We truly are in hell. Death is the annihilation of all of this, it is freedom from the clutches of hell. It takes away all suffering, torment and desire. And while it rids us of the few "good" things, it takes away too the desire for them.

Along this line of thought, suicide becomes the only true rational and sane action. To finally escape the endless cycle of suffering, is to be free. And yet, natures cruelty f*cks us all over, as always. Survival instinct is the poster child: programmed to live above all else, a primitive and evil desire made to prevent the only escape, the only hope any sentient being has. And the primitive instinct to prevent suicide, to prevent the alleviation of suffering, extends to others too. "You mustn't kill yourself, it is wrong!", is what they say. Misery loves company. We truly are slaves, from the moment we're born, until the void frees us of our suffering at death.

Until my day of reckoning, I'll have to stay in this world of endless pain, and continue my suffering for the sick pleasure of others who claim to love me, and yet proceed to prolong my agonizing existence whilst ignoring my pleas to escape, all to satisfy their selfish, narrow-minded belief that they 'saved' somebody, when in reality all they saved was the agony of the individual. And they always try to justify it, to rationalize it. They say suicide is selfish, and yet nothing is more selfish than forcing someone to suffer so that you can feel better about yourself. In my eyes, this is nothing more than a justification for suffering, and suffering is NEVER justified. We are old enough to die the moment we're born. For now, I am trapped in this hell, and until euthanasia becomes legal for the non-terminally ill, it seems I will remain a slave in this hell. Here's to hoping I may one day overcome my biological programming and catch the bus peacefully, and painlessly.

While killing oneself early not only prevents future suffering aswell as assures one's own death is peaceful, painless and humane (which natural death cannot say - shit's brutal, man), I would be just as bad as the pro-lifers if I forced everyone to do something they do not wish to do. When and how I die should be my decision, as without the right to die, there can be no right to live, only an obligation. While I believe forcing someone to live (and by extension to suffer) is evil, the same could be said for forcing someone to die. At the end of the day, if we truly own our own bodies and our own lives, we should have the right to end this pitiful existence, and yet those who wish to live, shall be allowed to aswell. Only then can life (at least in societal terms) not be slavery. If I cannot choose to end my life, if I am forced to live in a world and in a body of suffering and endless problems, then I am a slave. I am a firm believer of anti-suffering. If suffering can be avoided, it should. And I'm tired of people burying their heads into the sand and pretending life is some holy gift that must be protected and is always worth the trouble. Spoiler alert: it isn't. I'm not saying all must die, despite believing it to be the path of least suffering: I'm just saying that the decision to end one's own life should always be respected, and that blindly believing what we are conditioned to by our parents and society only leads to the obstruction of progress that is the choice to end one's own suffering, if one so wishes to without forcing anyone else to.

This also leads me to the age argument. As a child is powerless against their own birth (as everyone is), they too should get to make the decision between continuing to live and to end their life. Forcing someone to live for your own benefit is slavery. And why should only slavery for those fully matured be condemned? Since when have we allowed children to be manipulated and forced to live a life they may not want, and that they certainly didn't ask for? And we (as in society) invalidate their suffering on the basis that they're "too young". Well, guess what? Nature doesn't give a damn about your social constructs. Suffering doesn't discriminate, it torments all from birth all the way to our final breaths. Why must we force children to suffer for 2 decades before they can finally leave a place they never wished to be in?

Another point is that parents often say they love their children, and as such don't want them to die. However, does that really mean they care for the child as an individual, or only as an idea? If they truly cared for the child as an individual, wouldn't they want what was in the child's best interest? And who knows what is in their best interest better than the child itself? Wouldn't they want their child to experience the least amount of suffering possible? Instead, they choose to prolong the child's suffering to make themsves happy; to prevent the pain of the loss of a loved one. Parents do not care for the well being of their child, for they only care for their own feelings: the child's external "happiness" makes them feel happy, the child wanting to end its suffering causes them pain. Rather than act in the best interest of the child, they act in a way that benefits them, even if they don't realize and think they are doing the right thing. They are selfish and despicable manipulators who have deluded themselves into thinking they know someone better than the person themselves. Loving them despite this is Stockholm Syndrome, which is also the result of our biological programming: the child loves it's manipulators; they, in turn, "protect" the child from the freedom of death: their only job is to birth suffering and prolong it at all costs.

The parents, of course, are oblivious to this. It is their subconscious programming, after all, they truly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. This delusion, this disempowerment of the individual, is the biggest barrier between a child and the escape of this realm of suffering. The parents do not care for the wellbeing of the child: they care only for the IDEA of the child, that exists to make them feel good about themselves, to prevent their own suffering. Preventing one's own suffering is not a bad thing, but if it leads to forcing someone else to exist, to continue their suffering, then it is manipulative and despicable.

I've stated my pro-mortalist views before. According to my belief, the best course of action is for all sentient life to die NOW, and forever. This would rid the universe of suffering forever (or atleast until life arises again, should such a tradgedy occur). But as I said also, it has to be the individual's decision. It isn't a choice if only one option can be chosen.

I don't understand why people blindly believe that life is inherently better than death: even a perfect life would be undesirable when faced with the choice between life and death. At the very least, even if you don't agree, a decent human being would at least respect the decisions of a fellow sufferer, and allow them to leave. If you like being in this burning building, then stay! But don't force others to choke on the flames when the exit is right there, it costs nothing to step aside and allow their suffering to cease.
Brilliant. Btw, are you a fan of Thomas Ligotti?


Apr 22, 2021
Thanks for typing this, you have a talent for writing! I can follow your argument, however, if you are interested in a counterargument you can look up Rabindranath Tagores text "the problem of evil" and his series Sadhana. His argument is more poetic than logical. And no matter if you like his ideas, reading him is a pleasure because is is a genius writer.


Oct 1, 2022
this is very well written and eloquent!
thank you very much for taking the time, and sharing!


Existence is evil, meaningless and pointless.
Nov 12, 2022
Life is slavery. We are always tormented by others dictating our lives, by the oppressive system of capitalism, and even fundamentally, we are slaves to our own desires, slaves to nature. We are all biological puppets, dancing and smiling as the theater burns to the ground, along with us. Endless torment of our flesh prison, a painted puppet of joints ready to collapse, a diseased and suffering thing, with a head full of false imaginings, and yet other pathetic sentient bags of meat continue to force us to live here, in this hell of endless torment, desire, and striving. To live, is to chase the carrot on the stick forever, only to be disappointed by its lackluster taste. Our bodies, our prisons of flesh, will always be plagued with dissatisfaction, discomfort and desire. And if by some miracle you can satisfy all of these absurd, ridiculous needs, the satisfaction fades before you can even process it occured. Boredom ensues. Life is a swinging pendulum between dissatisfaction and boredom, all underneath the tyranny of suffering. And yet we are led to believe that life is sacred, it is worth it! The indoctrination and copium of the masses is truly horrifying, a telltale sign that nature's cruelty knows no bounds. Programmed to survive and reproduce at all costs, it is all a game, a rat race, to see who can suffer the most. Forcing an innocent non-being into existence, into a realm of only suffering, dissatisfaction and hate, and denying their pleas to leave, can only be the work of the devil. We truly are in hell. Death is the annihilation of all of this, it is freedom from the clutches of hell. It takes away all suffering, torment and desire. And while it rids us of the few "good" things, it takes away too the desire for them.

Along this line of thought, suicide becomes the only true rational and sane action. To finally escape the endless cycle of suffering, is to be free. And yet, natures cruelty f*cks us all over, as always. Survival instinct is the poster child: programmed to live above all else, a primitive and evil desire made to prevent the only escape, the only hope any sentient being has. And the primitive instinct to prevent suicide, to prevent the alleviation of suffering, extends to others too. "You mustn't kill yourself, it is wrong!", is what they say. Misery loves company. We truly are slaves, from the moment we're born, until the void frees us of our suffering at death.

Until my day of reckoning, I'll have to stay in this world of endless pain, and continue my suffering for the sick pleasure of others who claim to love me, and yet proceed to prolong my agonizing existence whilst ignoring my pleas to escape, all to satisfy their selfish, narrow-minded belief that they 'saved' somebody, when in reality all they saved was the agony of the individual. And they always try to justify it, to rationalize it. They say suicide is selfish, and yet nothing is more selfish than forcing someone to suffer so that you can feel better about yourself. In my eyes, this is nothing more than a justification for suffering, and suffering is NEVER justified. We are old enough to die the moment we're born. For now, I am trapped in this hell, and until euthanasia becomes legal for the non-terminally ill, it seems I will remain a slave in this hell. Here's to hoping I may one day overcome my biological programming and catch the bus peacefully, and painlessly.

While killing oneself early not only prevents future suffering aswell as assures one's own death is peaceful, painless and humane (which natural death cannot say - shit's brutal, man), I would be just as bad as the pro-lifers if I forced everyone to do something they do not wish to do. When and how I die should be my decision, as without the right to die, there can be no right to live, only an obligation. While I believe forcing someone to live (and by extension to suffer) is evil, the same could be said for forcing someone to die. At the end of the day, if we truly own our own bodies and our own lives, we should have the right to end this pitiful existence, and yet those who wish to live, shall be allowed to aswell. Only then can life (at least in societal terms) not be slavery. If I cannot choose to end my life, if I am forced to live in a world and in a body of suffering and endless problems, then I am a slave. I am a firm believer of anti-suffering. If suffering can be avoided, it should. And I'm tired of people burying their heads into the sand and pretending life is some holy gift that must be protected and is always worth the trouble. Spoiler alert: it isn't. I'm not saying all must die, despite believing it to be the path of least suffering: I'm just saying that the decision to end one's own life should always be respected, and that blindly believing what we are conditioned to by our parents and society only leads to the obstruction of progress that is the choice to end one's own suffering, if one so wishes to without forcing anyone else to.

This also leads me to the age argument. As a child is powerless against their own birth (as everyone is), they too should get to make the decision between continuing to live and to end their life. Forcing someone to live for your own benefit is slavery. And why should only slavery for those fully matured be condemned? Since when have we allowed children to be manipulated and forced to live a life they may not want, and that they certainly didn't ask for? And we (as in society) invalidate their suffering on the basis that they're "too young". Well, guess what? Nature doesn't give a damn about your social constructs. Suffering doesn't discriminate, it torments all from birth all the way to our final breaths. Why must we force children to suffer for 2 decades before they can finally leave a place they never wished to be in?

Another point is that parents often say they love their children, and as such don't want them to die. However, does that really mean they care for the child as an individual, or only as an idea? If they truly cared for the child as an individual, wouldn't they want what was in the child's best interest? And who knows what is in their best interest better than the child itself? Wouldn't they want their child to experience the least amount of suffering possible? Instead, they choose to prolong the child's suffering to make themsves happy; to prevent the pain of the loss of a loved one. Parents do not care for the well being of their child, for they only care for their own feelings: the child's external "happiness" makes them feel happy, the child wanting to end its suffering causes them pain. Rather than act in the best interest of the child, they act in a way that benefits them, even if they don't realize and think they are doing the right thing. They are selfish and despicable manipulators who have deluded themselves into thinking they know someone better than the person themselves. Loving them despite this is Stockholm Syndrome, which is also the result of our biological programming: the child loves it's manipulators; they, in turn, "protect" the child from the freedom of death: their only job is to birth suffering and prolong it at all costs.

The parents, of course, are oblivious to this. It is their subconscious programming, after all, they truly believe they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. This delusion, this disempowerment of the individual, is the biggest barrier between a child and the escape of this realm of suffering. The parents do not care for the wellbeing of the child: they care only for the IDEA of the child, that exists to make them feel good about themselves, to prevent their own suffering. Preventing one's own suffering is not a bad thing, but if it leads to forcing someone else to exist, to continue their suffering, then it is manipulative and despicable.

I've stated my pro-mortalist views before. According to my belief, the best course of action is for all sentient life to die NOW, and forever. This would rid the universe of suffering forever (or atleast until life arises again, should such a tradgedy occur). But as I said also, it has to be the individual's decision. It isn't a choice if only one option can be chosen.

I don't understand why people blindly believe that life is inherently better than death: even a perfect life would be undesirable when faced with the choice between life and death. At the very least, even if you don't agree, a decent human being would at least respect the decisions of a fellow sufferer, and allow them to leave. If you like being in this burning building, then stay! But don't force others to choke on the flames when the exit is right there, it costs nothing to step aside and allow their suffering to cease.
Astonishingly well written post. Articulated way better than most of the worlds best novelists. Please write a book about suicidal people, because you have the talent and emotional depth to write something incredible. I agree 100% with everything you have written, yet could never put it into words like you have.

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