I'd have to agree with @GeorgeJL on this one...
We really are living in the most convenient time that history has had so far.
In the past your entire life was a job, you had to work 24/7 around the clock just to survive. And the smallest stupidest things would kill you. The reason things like teen suicide were less common was because people had far less time to think about things and their lives overall..
Over time things became easier, more convenient, and more "civilized".
Especially within the last 180 years, with the emergence of modern technologies that we take for granted today.
The advances in medicine, science, education, and technology would've been unthinkable even just 100 years ago. I said this in another post but its as if we are preforming god-like mericals now.
Think about it, a lot of the things the bible claimed Jesus did, we now have the capabilities of actually doing.
And a lot of the things the bible got wrong about the world, we can now actually prove otherwise. We are now officially smarter then the supposed "words of god".
We now are smarter and have so much time on our hands to actually be able to search and find what we like in the world. We have more time so we can actually visit with family more and relax.
HOWEVER, The problems start to become more apparent the more you think about it all.
We are working a lot less now then we ever have in the past, and a lot of the work a majority of people are doing now is done sitting down. Our lives have become a lot more sedentary. This is why things like gyms, diets and workout routines exist now, they were never needed in the past because your whole life would've been a workout. And if you chose not to participate you would've only died off faster. Nature and evolution always favour the strong over the weak.
And with all the technological conveniences we have now, it brings about another problem. We now have the time to think and analyze things far more then we ever did before.
In the past we did not have such an ability to be able to view the world as we do now. In the past 100 years you would get your perceptions of the rest of the world from whatever the media was willing to tell you about it.When I say media I am mainly referring to: books, news papers, posters, television, and radio (FYI).
The media has always held biases, so you were most likely getting bias or very little information. Look at any of the WII propaganda posters and you'll see what I mean as just one example of media being always bias.
Media has always existed in one forum or another throughout history, the thing that has now changed is how fast and widely available information is now thanks to things like the internet.
In the past people may not have known what was going on outside of their town or village, and it could potentially take days, weeks, or months for news to reach them.
Now with so much information, from a variety of sources only a few clicks away on a computer with an internet connection, you can get a far bigger picture of what the world really is. And it can make you lose faith in humanity. Just look at gore sites as an example.. You can now see everything wrong with the world staring right back at you.. We are inundated with information day in and day out thanks to the rise of things like social media, and we are addicted to the constant information flow even if it is actually unhealthy for us.
Even facebook has proven its better to show negative content to its users, because it generates more outrage and hence more clicks and time and interaction with the website.
So it pays to keep us feeling unhappy and unsatisfied.
And with all the medical advances that we now have we are living far longer then we ever have before. Life expectancy has increased dramatically. We strive for longevity of life over quality of life. Like trying to squeeze the final drops out of a old used up roll of tooth paste.
And with this brings further problems like watching are bodies break down far past what would otherwise happen if just left up to nature. We now also have long term care facilities for the elderly, which are prone and rife with abuse from staff.
There are also cases of brain dead comatose patients being kept on life support for decades at a time..
And with increasing technology in the workplace a lot of jobs that would've been otherwise done by humans are now being phased out in favour of automation and robots. Giving more and more people feelings of worthlessness. Along with needing ever increasing education expectations to even just obtain a low level job at this point.
The biggest problem overall though that I already touched on briefly is with such convenient life circumstances we now have the time, resources, and abilities, to think and question things far more critically then we ever did before. This can lead us down paths like nihilism and existentialism, were nothing seems worthwhile.
For me personally, life is completely pointless due to existentialism. And combined with my chronic mental health issues, and physical health issues, I feel like suicide is a justifiable and logically rational decision for me.
Nature has always been unfair because there is no point to life overall.
All we are doing is playing goofy man made games, and twiddling our thumbs waiting for our own inevitable ends as the cells in our body disintegrate over time. Death is really the only real certainty that everyone shares. You may win the battle but death will always win the war.
Ok, I'm done writing this.. Finally lol.. I could say more on these issues but really don't have the energy to write anymore.. Sorry for the book.
Tl;dr nature isn't fair, life isn't fair.