

Jul 29, 2021
i want to live yet i'm enslaved to die, what's the point in a life that can end at any time against the will of the living machine, starting the cycle over and over again, without ever having the ability to just live always enslaved in horrible machine without anyway to escape this deathtrap, life is just a waste of time when you want to continue living but are forced to cease functioning and die

there is a knowledge and a system here you can barely imagine, but while existing like this none of it matter cause we can never know any of it.

i see no reason for wanting to exist here, life is just horrible thing to have to endure, far better off just never existing, there is nothing to believe in except the fact death is certain and everything else is not, life is just very bad here, enslaved inside a machine that is a death trap when you'd want to be free to live not enslaved to die.

this place is bad there is no life to be had here none at all, just a temporary existence in a permanent hell.

this place is just shit hence all the terrible life everywhere, i'd never have what i want out of life cause it's impossible to exist for eternity in infinite where life is endless, this place is just a hellhole always has been always would be.

they got no right to keep people enslaved in this hellhole by removing or outlawing easy quick pain free ways to die, to keep you living in this shithole to keep you living out your misery, enslaved in this shit.

when ever you find yourself in a life or death situation, just end life straight away because you're just delaying the inevitable that is sure to come and life would of meant nothing in the end anyway no point in living here

why even live i see no reason for wanting to exist like this none at all everything is so temporary is there any point even bothering to live here it's all just a complete waste of time cause this place is just too shit.

life the only reason you exist is because you don't have a easy way out, just enslaved to live out this misery cause it's hard to kill yourself, all easy options to die have been taken away to keep you enslaved here.

what a living hell life truly is, this place has us all enslaved in this hellhole when you'd sooner never even exist made powerless and helpless just have to suffer through these terrible lifetimes, life is just the evilest shit to ever happen not worth existing for in the slightest

life so bad here that to keep people from leaving horrible life behind they have to outlaw all easy methods to keep you enslaved with everyone else in this living hell.

without anyway to repair what is broken life is ruined only thing left to do is try for another lifetime without that what i got a miserable lifetime

worst yet is you try to escape this living hell only to have it bring you back to life without you ever knowing,
i don't know what's worst the fact you are brought alive for short moment only to die and never exist again, or that you might never be able to escape this living hell that is this place for death might just be the end of one life and the beginning of another, how to escape hell you have to completely destroy it all

being kept alive against my will when i'd sooner not exist at all, enslaved in a machine with no way out, forced to live through horrible life when you'd sooner just never exist at all but you don't have that choice, you are made to survive through all this horribleness in this hell world cause you don't have the choice to cease functioning made to suffer through a terrible existence in a awful place, and just so you can exist in this hellish way.
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I refuse to succumb
Apr 6, 2023
I quite often think my life is meaningless—that my life is controlled by a machine, that's what a cult does to you—enslaves you to ideas and practices that you despise, but what choice do you have? Leave and be left with nothing and shunned by the people you love. Cults are a living hell, evil, and they only lead to suffering—living like this makes me want to die so bad, and it feels like the only option sometimes.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: niki wonoto and Darkover


Jul 29, 2021
it's all forced in and out, ideas sounds words thoughts food drink poop, wee, air, from the sexual act to the release of sperm to birth to death, my point is where is the choice, what can force you to exist against your wish, what can bring you alive without first getting your permission.

what have i lived for what have i died for am i really that different to everyone else, we all live for the same things but never getting what i truly want out of life is it really worth the fight if it all just comes to a end for all time,if this is the one and only life we ever have what would you do differently

we ought not to bring new people into existence, but I think the view is broader, that we ought not to bring new sentient beings into existence. It's not just the view that it's harmful to come into existence, but a further view that it's wrong to bring beings into existence.

no way to repair all this damage can't do anything with my time just in pain all day everyday
there is no way to repair the internal damage i've caused to my brain from ears it feels weird strange sensations
completely fucked up my life
sound like a broken record because i am broken

the pain is always on my mind and my mobility has been severely reduced agitating me all the time, everything i do is a mental struggle when it really shouldn't be, my mind is always somewhere else other than on the present moment i am concerned all the time has i feel suicidal everyday because of it all, never going to be able to repair the damage i've caused how i am meant to survive when i can't move around without being in pain it's very serious obviously i want for this to all end and that is the very scary part that there is no way out of this nightmare other than ending it all

i didn't achieve the goal of becoming independent in life not only that but i lost my ability to function along the way

someone can just condemn you to a lifetime of misery in a hellhole by physically restraining your free will to take action to remove yourself from the hellhole, societies way of controling your free will, free people don't enslave themselves in a hellhole


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me, life is something disgusting, unnecessary and certainly not worth enduring. The fact that life exists here is of course such a tragic mistake, and also the fact that people want to force others to stay here just proves that this world is so hellish. I could personally never see the point to this futile process where there is the potential to suffer so extremely, just to die anyway. It really is better to leave the non existent alone and not bring them here, I really wish that I was never aware of this harmful world.

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