You're a pretty girl. It's a cheat code. Learn how to fake smile, do it often, and suddenly it won't matter if you are awkward or bad with words. Looking embarrassed or awkward is almost a bonus in that case rather than a hindrance.
One thing about the world being a stage is that everyone doesn't have to be the lead to make the show. Sometimes a supporting character can steal the show with very few lines. You have villains, anti-heroes, comic relief, and tragic characters who have struggles. Yes you're performing, but you also get to pick a role that works to your strengths.
That's why Im fucked as an autistic person. I don't know how to deliver lines and possibly never will
For both of you, you can also learn appropriate times to say please, thank you, "wow!", etc, based on patterns so you don't have to rely on feelings. When someone is talking, throw in some "mm-hmm"s and "oh"s so it seems like you care and are listening, then rotate some "oh, okay" or "gotcha"s when they finish. Neurotypicals love to hear themselves talk, and if you can fake active listening they will think YOU are interesting because they enjoyed talking.