

Oct 11, 2020
I am planning my suicide. The thought of living on this planet is absolutely wretched to me. I hate the suffering I see all around me and not being able to do anything about it just pisses me off to no avail. I hate this life more than anything. The pain and misery we've suffered is horrible. The luck we have is just terrible. I don't understand how some people can just see this world all cheery and gleeful. It's horrible to me. They can't see the truth, all these happy people that say they care about you don't actually care about you. They are so happy because they DONT CARE. They don't see the pain of everyone else. Only themselves they ignore everything. I see too much and feel too much for everyone. I don't want to anymore. I don't want to carry this world on my shoulders. That's what it feels like I'm doing. I digress.

The reason I'm here is because I am planning my suicide. Simply put, I can't stand to be here, but I am planning my suicide. I won't say it's in the near future because everything takes time to plan if you want it to go well. I have to make sure that I am able to leave knowing I tried everything to change. Anyways, I know that my life will get worst from here on out due to my health. Doctors don't know, what I have will probably take too long to diagnose. I have meticulously planned out most every detail. My question is: does anyone know of any life insurance plans in the United States that cover suicide??? Please let me know??

i was going to ask on reddit, but their just a bunch of virtual signaling assholes who think they can solve everything with words. So annoying.

I know a lot of people don't do this, but I have to have everything well planned out. I have no diagnosed mental illnesses, bit of anxiety, but we can play this off. At the therapist office, I try to be all cheerful and don't really talk to her, I don't want to be diagnosed with anything until I can get my hands on life insurance. Tip: if you have not bought life insurance and you have a mental illness diagnosed, you will have high premiums and it'll be harder to get the life insurance. You just don't want to be diagnosed with a mental illness before you get your life insurance.

Then we can start opening up once the two year contestibility hits, we can start being suicidal. Once this happens and you're diagnosed with depression it'll be documented in your medical history. Then you can kill yourself and your family will get the money. Well, this is what I am trying to achieve. Can anyone let me know if any life insurance I can purchase that will work?

I'm trying to play it cool and all. If you want something to go well, you have to plan exceedingly well, even if that means you have to be here a bit longer. I'm only doing this because I love my family and when I can no longer provide, I will kill myself. cheers! I can't wait to finally be at peace! God that day can't come any sooner.
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Apr 22, 2020
When I took out life insurance they sent a nurse to my house to take my blood pressure and weight and medical history and stuff. I was upfront with them about my depression diagnosis and said something like "it's well-controlled on medication" and didn't have any issues getting the policy. I don't really remember at this point but I may have even told them that I'd been hospitalized for depression as well, but I guess it was far enough in the past that they didn't care. The premium was only $30-40 higher than it would've been otherwise.

I specifically looked for any suicide clauses in my contract and the only restriction was that they won't pay out if the insured dies by suicide within 2 years of buying the policy, as you mentioned. I assume all life insurance companies operate basically the same way. Contractually speaking my policy is old enough now that they'd have to make the payout regardless of my CoD. Just double check and make sure the policy you buy only has a 2 year rule on suicides, as I'm sure there are some policies with longer restrictions.

I hope your 2 years of waiting are as tolerable as they can be, given the circumstances. At least you'll have something to look forward to ;)
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Oct 11, 2020
When I took out life insurance they sent a nurse to my house to take my blood pressure and weight and medical history and stuff. I was upfront with them about my depression diagnosis and said something like "it's well-controlled on medication" and didn't have any issues getting the policy. I don't really remember at this point but I may have even told them that I'd been hospitalized for depression as well, but I guess it was far enough in the past that they didn't care. The premium was only $30-40 higher than it would've been otherwise.

I specifically looked for any suicide clauses in my contract and the only restriction was that they won't pay out if the insured dies by suicide within 2 years of buying the policy, as you mentioned. I assume all life insurance companies operate basically the same way. Contractually speaking my policy is old enough now that they'd have to make the payout regardless of my CoD. Just double check and make sure the policy you buy only has a 2 year rule on suicides, as I'm sure there are some policies with longer restrictions.

I hope your 2 years of waiting are as tolerable as they can be, given the circumstances. At least you'll have something to look forward to ;)
Thank you so so much for the information. This really helped me out. I'm trying to hold out. Everything I do, I do for my family. It's not about money for me. I just don't want them to live with me like this. I don't want to be here anymore, but I have to be strong. I have to hold out a bit, I will be buying life insurance soon, just so I have something to look forward to. I have to prepare.
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Apr 22, 2020
You're very welcome. I know I can't directly improve your situation, but I hope this at least brings you some peace of mind.

For me, life insurance is a way to compensate for at least a little bit of the stress, expense, inconvenience, etc. that my living with my family has brought them. It's totally inadequate, but at least it's something. At least this way I won't leave any debt behind and they won't incur funeral expenses on my behalf, and there'll be a whole bunch left for my family to use as they see fit.


Oct 11, 2020
You're very welcome. I know I can't directly improve your situation, but I hope this at least brings you some peace of mind.

For me, life insurance is a way to compensate for at least a little bit of the stress, expense, inconvenience, etc. that my living with my family has brought them. It's totally inadequate, but at least it's something. At least this way I won't leave any debt behind and they won't incur funeral expenses on my behalf, and there'll be a whole bunch left for my family to use as they see fit.
This. Exactly why I'm preparing. Thank you. You saint. I can tell you have a deep and beautiful mind!

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