

Jun 25, 2022
Gotta wake up, brush your teeth so they don't rot. Entertain yourself with movies and games so you don't get bored. Feed yourself so you don't get hungry. Exercise to cope with PTSD symptoms. Shower so you don't stink. It's all an endless grind that you have to repeat the next day, what a goddamn chore. And people do these things while holding a job? I can't even imagine.
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Nov 14, 2023
I feel that. I'm underemployed working 25 hours a week at a job that I hate with a passion. But I suppose I should be counting my blessings.

It could always be worse. Things can always get worse, that's just about the truest thing about the world as far as I'm concerned.

Any movies you recommend? Have you watched the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm? It's pretty good. Good luck to you
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I honestly believe that life is always a grind for any human being unless if they're a newborn or just an ultra wealthy person. Life is just you being conditioned and trained that working is beautiful from your childhood until you're 18. Then there's university or apprenticeship or whatever other path available but all of these paths are just there to further condition you for a couple more years into working. Then you work your first job, or at least try extremely hard to get hired in the first place... you'd most likely have to had worked for work experience during university if you been to university. Oh, also, you need good social skills too as well as resilience to work extremely hard 24/7 so, if you don't have any of those, you have to work even harder to compensate for that. And then, if all of that wasn't enough, the elephant in the room comes in and you have to work for 4 to 5 decades. Then you experience the impacts of your body deteriorating and have to take care of your fragile human body even more.

That's life for you. In addition to everything above, you also have to take care of your human body and do various chores around the house... everyday. If you don't like any of this, then society considers you as somebody with mental illness who are stupid enough to think correctly

It's just abysmal at how people enjoy this. I can't comprehend it and, at this point, I don't want to bother trying to comprehend it. I just want to be dead so I don't have to suffer anymore
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Dec 19, 2023
i dont think people necessarily enjoy it.
it keeps other worries at bay.
Personally, i tried being dirt poor, and i've tried having a job. I havent tried being ridiculously wealthy yet.
comparing the worries i have being jobless and poor compared to the worries i have with a job, i'd rather have the worries i have with a job.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Life itself is a grind. Life is just a cruel game of survival at the end of the day. Every day you have to meet your body's needs of hunger, thirst, etc. If unmet, these needs are experienced by pain. You also have to maintain your body by doing multiple tasks/chores (showering, brushing teeth, etc).

After you become an adult, life is just about surviving and survival. People have to work for a living for the rest of their life just to be able to afford the costs of existence. People have to *earn* a living. It's absurd that adulthood is just about wageslaving away for around 50 years to pay for the costs of existing on planet that you didn't even choose to be on. Everything on this damn planet costs money, nothing is free. Even basic needs, which should be human rights (food, shelter, and water), cost money. I hate how this world runs on money and how at the end of the day adulthood is all about making money.

I don't know how people do it. I don't think that I could stand having a job or working for a living. Going to the same job every day for the rest of my life would bore the hell out of me, and I don't think that I have enough energy for it. I don't even have enough energy for anything tbh. I think that I was born with less spoons (reserves of energy) than everyone else. I think I'm just too weak and soft for this world…I don't have the same ability to withstand things as everyone else, I don't have most people's perseverance and resilience, I get overwhelmed easily and don't perform well under pressure.

I hate the mundane aspects of life. I hate the little things one has to do just to exist. It seems like too much work in my opinion. The thing I hate the most is how life is just about survival. I wish that I didn't have a physical/biological body and rather could be an AI. I hate having to physically exist…
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