even though this discussion is more about current emotional states
I will just state a few observations, believes or recycled interpretations from my life that I think could contribute to this unlucky, being punished by destiny living.
once I am in certain downstate of mind (often related to retriggered FFF reaction) that is almost automatically accompanied by fear, guilt, shame, selfhate and mostly my nervous system is strongly activated and its capacity is low than the mind tends to pick up drastically any failure or accident or even little struggle as an inprinted suffering and prove that world is working this punishing way for me and because there is not enough opposite really felt experiences or I am not even able to feel such a state even though also pleasant thing happens to me, than there is nothing to balance that or at least chalange that view. And when some bad thing happens in the moment when I am about to give the life last chance to prove me that I should still be here, than it is really hard to not seeing that as a sign of being doomed.
Also word karma, destiny used to mean different things in different stages of my life, but more than magic force I now more believe that at least partially it is whats been investigated up to some extend that all those subconscious inprints from overhelming experiences(often unfinished survival reaction, also know as trauma) effects the life and things that happens to you. Inprints that are genetically inherited or taken during life as monotraumas or worse as traumas during early development, which are extremally powerful engrams that effect the life the most, especially if they were gain before the ego was formed, thus they are basicaly foreign("psychotic") for the ego.
All these are supposedly rooted in the procedural memory in the oldest the part of the brain (storage of survival reactions, motoric functions, reflexies ect.) and these memories have got the biggest motivation (the power to force you to do things, for simple example it forces you to jump away when a car is about to hit you), so if there is some unfinished more complex business, it tries to force you to the sittuation that at least partially reminds the original situtation when the inprint was created for the first time to give itself a chance to finally complete this survival reaction in satisfactory way. So it somehow draws you to certain situations or at least the probability of certain situation appearing in your life seems to be increased or at least the way you will interpret certain situation seems to be effected by this. So this thing for me contributes to bad things that are happening to me again and again.
So there probably is some mysterious thing that effects your life significantly, though the mechanism at least some of them seems to be sort of investigated, but not well known.
not sure if this make any sense to anyone else here, but I ll be glad to hear your insight and believes, why your suffering is happening.