I wonder if most of these experiences were just as a result of some sort of brain activity happening during their NDEs, rather than it being due to any sort of "spiritual awakenings" or whatever they are called. We already have some evidence to suggest that NDEs might partly be due to abnormal serotonergic and medial temporal activity happening in the brain. Along with that, factors, such as age, environment, and prior psychological traits, all seem to tie into NDEs. Some researchers have noted that NDEs seem to share some similarities with the effects of psychedelics, especially ego-death. Hence the whole "endogenous DMT is responsible for NDEs" hypothesis. An
experiment was done involved comparing DMT induced NDE-like experiences with actual NDEs and found some overlap between them. It would also help to explain why people of different religious backgrounds sometimes report having NDEs that relate to the religion they grew up with.
NDEs and how people interpret them, such as how
Westerners are more likely to interpret lights as being a sign of heaven in comparison to Japanese individuals, to how they impact people's
religious/spiritual beliefs is an interesting and complex topic. It seems to rely heavily on the individual and their cultural background along with how they interpret their experiences. One
study found that patients who followed theistic religions were more likely to report experiencing NDEs in comparison to those of non-theistic faiths, which is also interesting to note.
The link to the study you provided shows that 16 of the 22 Japanese individuals surveyed experienced a "heavenly place" which seems to contradict your message.
The second link compares theistic religious groups (Christianity, Islam and Hinduism) to non-theistic religious groups (Buddhism).
The study also admits that this was the first study of its kind conducted in a general hospital population in Sri Lanka which is a very narrow pool of data.
NDE's happen to all people of every culture and religious following.
The most common experiences involve time-dilation, a "heavenly" place, being out-of-body, and feeling peaceful.
It makes sense that all humans share a similar experience during an NDE, because we all have human brains.
Our brains are complicated switchboards constantly trying to predict the future based on the evidence of our past experiences.
If you were raised to believe in a nature god, you might experience "Gaia", if you were raised Muslim you might experience Allah.
The overall experience is pretty much the same they just have different flavors.
I am a person who has been inside the Mormon church since birth, because my family was in it as well. At around ages 7-10, I began to feel suicidal, and started wondering about this as well. At least the the way the church puts it, God will judge us after we die, with Jesus Christ being our attorney in that debate. They also say that Jesus Christ and God know exactly how we felt during our experiences, due to the Atonement. I personally believe that if that is true, no matter what you do, even a crime as bad as seemingly murder, as long as it can be reasonably justified in that heavenly court, than you will be pardoned for doing it. For example, if I had to murder someone, but only because I knew/reasonably thought I was going to die if I didn't, that would be okay, along with hundreds of other possible scenarios.
However, regardless of what belief you have, I did find one opinion that at least slightly helped me in the matter-If there isn't a god, and you spend your life doing good things, then all that awaits you is non-existence. However, if there is a god, and you spent your life comitting sins, then you are sentenced to eternity in hell, compared to eternal paradise. Regardless of if there is a god or not, it is better to make the right choices because of the possibility of punishment.
Not trying to convert anyone here, or something like that, but just my thoughts on the matter.
Heaven and Hell are not destinations, they are a state of mind.
If your life is full of comfort and riches you would say, "this is heavenly".
If your life is full of misery and pain you would say, "this is hell".
Everything thing in the universe is made of the same material, we are living creatures made out of non-living matter that just so happens to jive and coordinate to the point it developed consciousness. "God" is you and me, god is everything.
The point of doing good things while you're here on earth isn't to "earn" your way into heaven.
The point is to bring about heaven on earth.
The kingdom of heaven walks the earth but the people are too blind to see it.
Every human has the capacity to either be Mother Theresa, or Adolf Hitler, or something in between.