msb ,most significant bit,lsb ,least significant bit,big,little,big endian,pop3,imap
rc4,base64,xml,zlib,registry,opengl,rsa,ssl,md5,xor cipher ,ftp,html,ports 80,20,21 , mysql, http, post,get,cgi,sockets, win32api,gui,windows,inf,rgb,palette
binary 8,4,2,1, zero and ones 0011,logic and not or nand xor nor,shift bits left right,power,sin,cos,sqr,sqrt,min,max,degress to radians,abs,floor,wrap,pi 3.14159,vector,normalize, magnitude ,direction,dot and cross product, hash functions sha1, ascii characters set,
strings,int, float, integer,short,word,dword,boolean,byte,bits, binary,octal,decimal,hex,matrix,ocr,neuron,weight,threshold,socks4,tcp ip,fat32, ntfs, exfat,partition, GUID, 8 bit 256, 16 bit 65536, 32,64,128, #FF , frequency, amplitude, gdi, ram,rom,circular buffer ,Inverse-square law, point_direction, distributed hash table, peer routing table, bootstrap node, pwm, random, randomseed,
kb 1024, 1000
mb=1024*1024, 1,000,000
gb=1024*1024*1024 1,000,000,000
tb=1024*1024*1024*1024 1,000,000,000,000
3d, view frustrum ,backface culling, painter's algorithm, ray tracing, binary space partitioning (BSP) , Visible Surface, md2 3d model, polygons quads,fps,camera
circle radius,
circumference divided by diameter gives PI,
by multiplying 3.14 pi by the diameter of the circle gives the circumference
point_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2), x = pow(x1-x2,2) y = pow(y1-y2,2) return sqrt(x + y)
if distance between two circles is less than combind radius than colliding with eath other
cellular automata,turing machine, lexer, parser, virtual machine interpreter, bytecode, x86 asm, opcodes, z80,6502,arm,4000 chips,pic12f675, nop 0x90
CPU, alu, control unit, registers, fetch,program counter, data bus, address bus, store, load, interrupt,, system clock, full adder, shift register, jk flip-flop, bcd, decoder, multiplexer,opcode
asymmetry, symmetry,
bresenham's line algorithm, flood fill, eclipse,virtual screen, c malloc,dos mode 0x13, 0xA000, 256-Color.
texture mapping,sprite,texture atlas
steering behaviors flee,arrival,wander,seek,
perlin noise, encryption alice bob, private, public,key,
linear interpolation,lerp,distance -kademlia,field of view, serialization, deserialization, json, inputs, outputs, dma,immediate,absolute,memory mapping, lookup tables,truth tables,stacks, pop, push,top ,queues,first in first out, last in first out, FIFO & LILO , LIFO & FILO, link list, double linked list, node,child,root,head,tail,pointer,
two's complement, addition, subtraction, a star, modulo, windows environment variables, a variable