
work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
Have you told your parents sibling about your suicidal tendencies, if so what did they say?

I told me father and sibling. They said nothing. That is one of the reasons why i am still fighting, because no one cares. I have to care about myself, no one else will do it for me. If i die this way, they will say "oh well, he had bad health...." With proper support a person can go on with life, even with bad health. My best friend was in a wheelchair, i visited him frequently over a period of 18 years, he died in 2018 while I was away. I always looked up to him, he was always smiling, always striving forward. when i felt bad , i could visit him, we also talked on Facebook on a daily basis. I once asked him if he would commit suicide, he just said "no". I think friendship can achieve things that no medication/therapy can achieve. Animal friendship is always something that can help a person.

Anyway, like to hear from you.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Hell yeah, I've told my parents, especially my dad, several times. Mom and siblings get off easy since they just break down crying when I talk about suicide. I don't talk about it regularly at all and always lie and say that I'm "improving", "stable" or "accepting" if anything comes up. My heart is 95% stone at this point but I believe my family is what keeps me from killing myself (along with not having a private and convenient anchor point for the rope).
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Trans Magus

Mar 8, 2021
My father used to yell at and threaten me for self-harming. My mother just doesn't understand and frequently makes things worse. My sister tries her best to help but her resources are limited and there's only so much she can do. My brother's a fucking Nazi and I want nothing to do with him.
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Feb 27, 2021
Father gets mad. Mother gets sad. Only child.
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Feb 6, 2021
along with not having a private and convenient anchor point for the rope
This is my biggest sticking point with hanging as a method.

I'm not doing it in my house, so next best option is a tree in the nearby park, which then opens me up to potentially being found by a dog walker or jogger...

Too many random variables for me to feel confident atm
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I opened up for the first time over a month ago to my brother and told him exactly what I needed to get help. Despite telling me some delusional nonsense that he loves me and that he'll help me in the way I want; he's pretty much done nothing since and has kept quiet about the entire thing. People are really shitty and seem to only say what makes them feel momentarily better when suicide is brought up. He's a terrible person anyways despite what he believes himself.

I'm sure that when I'm dead it'll be something like: "wHy dIDn'T hE rEaCh Out???"
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Mar 19, 2021
I would never openly talk to my parents and siblings. i only vent to my sister and brother about how unfair life is. I knew they sensed smtg is wrong with me but I dont really care anymore. I only talked to my colleague. She has the same motive as me.
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Mar 10, 2021
I called my mom the day after my first failed attempt and told her what i had done. I don't know why I did it. But now my parents know. I regret telling them, but maybe now they'll be able to prepare themselves for if/when I actually succeed.
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Dec 5, 2020
My dad told me to kill myself already because he can't listen to my mental breakdowns anymore. Both of my sisters hate me and tell me how horrible I am, so now we walk around the house ignoring each other, but they are best friends. My mom has a ddifferent attitude towards me everytime we talk and she acts as if I nothing is wrong with me.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
My parents found out that I'm having suicidal ideation. A note fell out of pocket that says "Suicide is always an option; take comfort in that". Both of my parents told me to go to my room and they followed for "private conversation" (which then they will reveal to my siblings), they tried to force me why I'm having suicidal ideation. My mother took a quick look at my phone since it's out of my pocket, which I quickly grabbed back. My dad was raising his voice as if he was mad. He wasn't mad, but distraught because both of my parents sacrificed everything for us to give us a better future. My mom, being a eligious fanatic, lectured me about the sin of suicide, with other non-helpful advice like "Just pray". I still wouldn't budge why I'm suicidal. I was crying and so are my parents. They gave me enumerated reasons why I'm having suicidal ideation: nursing school, grades, legal problems, sexuality, any threats, schizophrenia, and some other ones.

Once everything has died down for 10-15 minutes, they left me alone. Then my siblings comforted me and watched The Office. We ate chips. My parents came in and told me that everything is going to be fine. Whatever the reason is, they will still love me, and if one of their children died by suicide, no matter how old, they failed as a parent (they're great parents, IMO).

Following day, my mom confronted me while she was sweeping the floor. Trying to guilt-trip me like "You know your dad barely had sleep last night. He has taken a lot of hardcore sleeping pills, and still wouldn't sleep... His kidney is failing and doesn't need more medication and stress to help it. Just tell me what's bothering you." They still don't know why I'm have suicidal ideation.

I love my family. They're awesome. The intervention is terrible though.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
My family member was talking about her son dating a person who had voiced her suicidal thoughts. And that she disapproved of the relationship as she deemed it 'abusive behaviour' and believes if she actually wanted to commit suicide she just would without telling anyone. This family knows I have suicidal thoughts and a previous recorded attempt. Felt pretty sick hearing that crap from someone who says they love me.
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Jul 23, 2020
I've told my parents several times. At first they thought it was absurd, but just moved on like nothing happened. The last time I talked about it, they said they knew I was bluffing. So now I say nothing anymore. My dad sometimes tells me I am too closed and that if there is anything I want to talk with them, I should, but I just don't feel like it.


Dec 11, 2018
My parents and siblings know about my suicidal thoughts. All they say is that I should stop talking about it.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I never told anything to my parents since I don't trust them and kind hate them, my brothers are stupid as af and my sister.. well, she's the only one who I've been getting along with and I don't want to make her worried about, sad and there is always a possibility that she would tell everything to my mother. Not because she wants to make my life difficult or something like that but because she cares about people around her.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
Have you told your parents sibling about your suicidal tendencies, if so what did they say?

I told me father and sibling. They said nothing. That is one of the reasons why i am still fighting, because no one cares. I have to care about myself, no one else will do it for me. If i die this way, they will say "oh well, he had bad health...." With proper support a person can go on with life, even with bad health. My best friend was in a wheelchair, i visited him frequently over a period of 18 years, he died in 2018 while I was away. I always looked up to him, he was always smiling, always striving forward. when i felt bad , i could visit him, we also talked on Facebook on a daily basis. I once asked him if he would commit suicide, he just said "no". I think friendship can achieve things that no medication/therapy can achieve. Animal friendship is always something that can help a person.

Anyway, like to hear from you.
I'm an only child, but I have very supportive parents that have tried to do whatever is best for me in every stage of my life. My father understood less, when I told them about my suicidal thoughts, he is generally a less emotional person, so I don't blame him. My mother is very emotionally intelligent and did and still does her best to help me. I cannot complain.


Jul 10, 2019
My mom is the only person who cares. When I was escorting and ended up in the emergency room she decided that rather than watch me endanger my life for a surgery I needed for my transition (since I'm trans) she would get me it as long as when im done I go back to nursing school. Her offer of hope is really the only reason I haven't taken my SN yet, and she is really making a huge effort to understand gender dysphoria. Sadly Canada doesn't do much for trans people, so they have to find ways to come up with an absurd amount of money to pay for life changing surgeries, the only place where these procedures are deemed medical necessities are in the Yukon territory which only happened last month where they decided that it would curb trans suicide rates to cover facial feminization surgery and body contouring surgery under provincial health care. Even Americans can get coverage under insurance plans, but the rest of Canadians are stuck paying 30,000-100,000+ out of pocket. She is also helping me deal with my ptsd which honestly is amazing. She is the only person I trust right now, and she is a splendid mom and social worker. She truly understands people on a deeper level and empathizes with them, I couldnt trust her before because she was religious af. But when she saw me in the hospital she basically turned her back on the church for me. My mom threw out my SN though saying I wouldn't need it since I am getting my surgery, but I kept a stash of it just in case, hidden seperate just in case I'm like horribly botched or something.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
My siblings don't give a rat's ass about me, they don't even care to ask about me, they are willfully oblivious when it comes to my suffering, and even when it comes to who I am, as a human being. They are absorbed in other people, with far more privilege and far less problems (yet far more vocal complaints), and seem to have some type of grudge against me with unknown origins. Or at least, that's how they have come across towards me during various events, or when I have been around them for extended periods of time. They were absolutely put off by my presence and the ways in which I tried to cope with things unimaginable to them.
Which is odd, because if anyone should have some type of resentment against family members, it should be me, above all others.

Let me put it into perspective for you.
If I was a dog-barren, beaten, and shaking on the street for a good decade-and their SO or best friend were so much as "chilly", they would have me turned into a fur coat on the spot.
I am nothing to them, I am a non-person, an embarrassment, and they act as if it's my fault.
I am the freak, I am the burden.
If I so much as broach the subject of my circumstances, even in an indirect way, I will be met with silence (or worse).
So I don't bother most of the time, or at all. (I've learned that only bad things come of it.) For the younger of them, I have had to walk on eggshells or not interact at all, besides generously, else I risk being called ugly for the millionth time. There were many times I did not speak up or argue with them, later in life, because of that imbedded fear of having my appearance and worth attacked. A low blow that I would not indulge in personally. Especially in a case such as mine, where there is underlying truth to that sort of insult.

They don't know how interesting of a person I am, or could be, given the opportunities and predominantly unfettered bodies they have been given..and they never will (know me.)
We could have so much in common or worth sharing with one another, but no one wants to meet me halfway, and to ask me to be the one to extend every kindness, is asking a lot of someone who was made to fear even being seen. I have learned that the only way for me to avoid excess trauma, is to hide and become a ghost.
In this way, it will be very easy for them to go about their business when I'm dead. Nothing much will change.

It's a shame, because despite my necessary isolation and hatred/mixed feelings, I still try to know who they are, even if it's only through my mother, at this age (we were close as young children, but not since).
They don't care if I'm suicidal or why, they don't care if I'm happy or sad, all they care about is being better than me, and stealing the crumbs out of my mouth, whilst having their other hand resting on the buffet table. My mother also gives a thousand more shits about them, than me, even though they wave her off the majority of the time. They are prizes to be coveted and won, I am not.

My parents..well my father is extremely antagonistic when it comes to the subject, I have given up all hope when it comes to him, he complains about only being "used" for money when in actuality, he makes it a pain in the ass to get even the bare minimum of a stable, healthy home environment, and even calls people all types of names when the bare necessities are asked for. He doesn't offer any type of emotional support, he offers the exact opposite, so he only has himself to blame for his type of worth to the family. Plus, he's the parent, if he didn't want kids, or if he wanted perfect children that require nothing, then he shouldn't have procreated. (Same for my mother).

My father has literally mimicked me when I've cried, and enjoys frustrating me to the point of stuttering, he tattles on me to my mother as if I'm his sibling or something, he threatens the ambulance when I so much as cry, yet he is destructive and loud every single day and night. He is obviously not happy with his own life. I understand bitterness and resentment towards people that have more, especially when it's mostly due to things outside of our control, but that's not the case for me, in relation to him. I am destroyed and suffering, I have succeeded in absolutely nothing and I'm too old for my life to be salvageable.
He has even described me as a person who doesn't exist, such that he justifies not providing for me to the level he would be required to if I were living a "normal" life.
Yet he still treats me worse than any other person relative to him, it makes absolutely no sense besides the fact that I am an easy target and he likes to kick a dead horse.
I am the kindest to him overall, despite fights where I was rightfully pissed, I have nothing that would make anyone jealous or feel bad about themselves..I'm the type of person who walks into a room and makes everyone else feel instantly superior. So where his vitriol toward me, in particular, is coming from, I have no fucking idea.
I'm sick of him, I will not share my suicidality, or much else, with him ever again. I just avoid him now-as much as humanly possible. He has already asked me why I "haven't done it yet" as if I'm bluffing, despite the insane amount of evidence to the contrary. If nothing else, it should be clear to my parents, that I am a fucking miserable and desperate human being who has lost all their youthful years to a torturous situation.

My mother has been pretty terrible to me regarding my predicament, as well. Some
of the memories of how dismissive and blaming she was toward me, still haunt me at night. And at the time of those moments, I was a blubbering mess.
Now, looking back, I wish I had socked her in the face. (And done a lot worse to my father)
I know she lies to me about various things-because she doesn't like my reactions to hurtful news/subject matter. She doesn't let me feel and cry, without giving me a cold, hard stare, refusing to reply or comment on my endless lament, she has also threatened abandonment and cursed me out multiple times, but I'm sure she would deny it, as she has to my face.
She twists facts and alters the past so that she can avoid being frustrated with my response to the truth.
I don't trust her, she goes back and forth, she constantly pulls the rug out from under me and wavers in her support or "type" of support. When something upsets me, her answer is to rub it in my face further, to raise her voice and get mean or crazy herself.
Even well off people who cause me pain and excess torture, she makes sure I know she likes these people and will defend those who don't need to be defended, against her most unfortunate child.
I think there is a part of her that is glad her daughter can't outshine her, both her and my father take advantage of the fact that I can barely function, that I'm ugly and broken and reluctantly dependent.
The only reasoning to the contrary is that they are still ashamed of me, angry that they have to avoid the topic of one of their children in conversations (to which I say, boo fucking hoo, that's hardly something to whine about and censure me for.)

The subject of 'me' is a humiliating one.
I'm the scapegoat, I am the blame doll, I wonder what they will do with themselves when I'm gone. Probably still blame my dusty cremains, one way or another. (And it will be no different with my extended family, they will likely chalk me down as "mentally ill" and call it a day, absolving themselves of any guilt.)

I have begged so many times for certain wishes to be respected, and my mother has promised to respect them, but I can hardly believe her when even the requests I make while alive, are ignored for over a year (of me asking nearly every other day). She makes vows and sees how much distress certain things cause me, yet still presents the "oopsie" face when I confront her for continuing to engage in certain actions that directly shame and mortify me. She gets tired of my constant begging and pleading, yet won't just do what's necessary to lessen my pain. Requests I have every right to see met.

This might sound strange, after everything I just stated, but I will give my mother credit that she's better than anyone else is about the topic-AT TIMES-but even that took YEARS of exhaustive explanations of my waking nightmare, things that should not have to be explained AT ALL..and to make such little progress, culminating in but a fraction of what I would need to feel like I had a true, understanding confidant. Well, it's all pretty maddening.
The best I've gotten out of her is some reassurance that I will not be sent to the hospital every time I say I want to be dead (I can't say the same about anyone else in this disengaged family), she at least has come to the realization that that type of thing does me more harm than good, no good at all in fact.
She would probably be a good mother if she had an easy child who was more blessed genetically (and thus having more agreeable interactions with society and comfort in their own skin), but it's not my fault she decided to roll the dice with a human life, and got snake eyes.
The times where she is pleasant to be around, are the times I keep my mouth shut and internalize my constant worries and torment. And I just cannot do that any longer, even sporadically.
I'm so fucking tired.

Maybe at one point in time, I would have fought to exist, just out of spite for the lack of care I get from others, and the constant occurrence of me pouring out my woes to a brick wall..but not anymore, I'm done. This "life" is simply not worth living, I had a lot of ambition, endless dreams-once upon a time, and I've had to slowly grieve the permanent loss of it all. I will continue to grieve myself, time lost, who I could have been, what I could have achieved, even possible better relationships with the people I grew up with..but it is all for not. Now these grievances only serve their purpose in winding me down, on my path to the end.
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
My parents know. My mom sometimes dismisses me and other times, she'll say she doesn't want to see me go. My dad doesn't really show his emotions, but when I was close to ctb and I told him, he kinda looked like he was about to panic and I ended up going to the hospital.

My siblings are still kinda young (7 and 11), but they think of it as bad. I told my sister one day about a dream I had about me dying from cancer (I don't have it), and she said she would cry if anything happens and she frequently tells me how great of a sister I am and how much she loves me (and it hurts because some days, I really want to go forever, but don't want to hurt her or my brother)
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Mar 6, 2021
I've only once brought up my suicidal thoughts to my family which raised some alarm, though the extent of their concern was more hounding me with questions about how I was feeling/holding up for a couple weeks after the fact. My parents are sort old-fashioned so mental health treatment isn't something they put a whole lot of thought or stock into. Their remedy was generally just trying to get me out of the house, whereas I was the one who took the initiative to seek professional help. At times I feel like my family downplay my mental issues (in general, not my suicidal thoughts). My sibling in particular struggled with addiction for many years - which they managed to overcome fortunately - but I often feel like they downplay the severity of my issues in comparison to their own. It's an isolating feeling at times, and that's why I keep my feelings to myself now.
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Dec 8, 2020
Have you told your parents sibling about your suicidal tendencies, if so what did they say?

I told me father and sibling. They said nothing. That is one of the reasons why i am still fighting, because no one cares. I have to care about myself, no one else will do it for me. If i die this way, they will say "oh well, he had bad health...." With proper support a person can go on with life, even with bad health. My best friend was in a wheelchair, i visited him frequently over a period of 18 years, he died in 2018 while I was away. I always looked up to him, he was always smiling, always striving forward. when i felt bad , i could visit him, we also talked on Facebook on a daily basis. I once asked him if he would commit suicide, he just said "no". I think friendship can achieve things that no medication/therapy can achieve. Animal friendship is always something that can help a person.

Anyway, like to hear from you.
I have told my mom about wanting to die, but not about attempts or plans or anything. She gave me this pep talk on positivity and offered to get me a therapist (she works with the health department and they get discount therapy and medical stuff). I declined as I had had a few meetings with therapists and came out worse afterwards and had to lie to them to stay out of mental hospitals. I told my sister all about it except the attempts and she was pretty freaked out like "no don't die!" But after like a minute she got frustrated at me and was like "I don't get it, how can you be this way? Alright I'm bored time to vent about whatever highschool drama, your being dramatic". Haven't told my dad he'd probably react wayyyyy worse then them.
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Sep 24, 2019
My parents are both dead. I have a brother and I would never tell him. I love him and would not want him to feel responsible for my life when I get kill myself. All the bad shit in my life is my fault, brought on by my own choices. That is why I need to be the one to end this self perpetuated cycle of fear and degradation. But I hope by brother can eventually feel at peace with my decision. He deserves a good life.
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Mar 31, 2020
My mom has known about my suicidal ideation since I was a young child, and she's never taken any concrete action. She refused to take me to counseling as a kid despite my obvious cries for help because, "counseling is bullshit".


Jul 12, 2020
I love them very much but they have the emotional intelligence of a stone so it's a nonsense to tell them anything about it.


Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
I don't even mention my thoughts to my mom anymore, as I see it gets her sad, and I never really mentioned it to my dad. My mom would always try to encourage me to go on, though, in a compassionate manner.


Jan 24, 2020
my mother is a physically, emotionally, and medically abusive cunt whos abuse gave me permenent brain damage, and my father didn't know how to raise someone like me growing up. One brother is a manwhore, my other brother is a drug addict serving life in prison for 3 strikes laws, (possession) my other older brother is cool, my young brother is depressed af, and my younger sister is perfect.


Jun 16, 2020
My mother knows. She repeatedly tells me she would be devastated by my passing and she would never recover. My brother knows I have depression but nothing more than that.

I read of the case of a man in his 30s who needed to have a colostomy bag attached, because he had a bowel problem, probably Crohn's disease. He told his parents he wanted to ctb, because the bag would significantly lower his quality of life. His parents gave him their blessing to ctb. I wish my mum were this selfless.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
My family knows. I think the only one who may really get it is the sister I live with, though. By "get it" I mean that I think she's aware that I will most likely take my own life one day, and that it could well be soon. I think that knowledge weighs heavily on her, and I feel guilty about that.

If I could have anything from my family, I would want them to tell me they love me enough to let me go. The financial resources are actually there to get me to Pegasos in Switzerland, but it's probably a pipe dream that they would send me. In my head I have this fantasy that I could go like my mother did, with family around my bedside (she did not kill herself), but in practical terms it probably won't happen.

Even if my relatives were onboard with assisted suicide (which they're not), getting everybody from the US to Switzerland would be a huge pain in the ass. I have 5 sibs, most of whom have s.o.'s, plus my own bf, my metamour, and of course my nephew. Most of these people are also highly distractible and bad at planning, to the point that my dad literally has a full-time assistant who pretty much just keeps track of them all. Family vacations go about as you'd expect. I'm kind of imagining everyone straggling into Basel as a kind of "National Lampoon's Suicide Vacation," which might actually be a nice last hurrah for me, but probably not for anyone else. We usually have at least a couple of meltdowns per vacation even when everyone comes home alive.

I'm trying to think of some way of saying, "if you help me make a relatively pain-free exit, or at least agree not to stand in my way, I promise I won't sneakily do it when you least expect it, or make you find my dead body in some hideous state." That might give both me and them some peace of mind. The thing is, assisting someone to commit suicide is considered murder in my state, and there are all sorts of nasty things a judge can do to people who are bent on self-destruction. (There's no practical way to lock someone up indefinitely, short of literal jail, but "involuntary outpatient commitment" is a thing here. Meaning a squad from the ha-ha house shows up at your door periodically to pin you to the floor and shoot you full of some cocktail or other. All for your own good, of course.)

Also, much as I love my family, I just don't think I can trust them not to flip out and call 911 on me at the last minute, no matter what they may have promised. For those unfamiliar with US procedures, dialing 911 brings in every possible kind of first responder at the same time, including EMT's, firefighters, and the police, who are a notoriously well-armed and trigger-happy bunch in this country. The majority of police are also worse than useless when dealing with mental health crises. Something like 25% of all the people cops kill are mentally ill in some way. Good news if all you want to do is die and you don't care how, bad news if you weren't planning on bleeding out in the driveway in front of your screaming mother. Cops have also been known to shoot the very family members who dialed 911. They not-infrequently shoot autistic people, deaf people, people who don't speak any English, or anyone who behaves in a "suspicious" or unexpected way when screamed at "don't move" and "get down on the ground" at the same time. They most definitely shoot a disproportionate number of non-white people. They have a serious thing for shooting dogs.

So yeah. My family knows, and I think it causes at least some of them a lot of anguish. If I could, I'd be entirely open about my plans, so as to remove the stress of "waiting for the other shoe to drop." Due to various legal stupidities, there's just too high a chance of everything going to hell for me and for God knows who else as well, though. So I guess it's back to the plan about sneaking off to shoot myself and then having some poor dog walker find my bloated, headless corpse in the woods a week later.

God, I love this country. Such freedumb. So liberty.


Mar 22, 2020
Both my parents and my brother know I'm suicidal because of my failed attempt.

At first, they just gave me sad looks and tried to help me as much as they could but they never understood that I felt overwhelmed and I just wanted my space. However, they really supported me and I'm glad of that.

Now, I'm free and live alone again but they still check my condition by sending me text messages or calling me by phone everyday.

I just accepted the fact that they'll always think I'm suicidal. No matter how good my life gets. (And they're right. Suicide is part of me. I've just embraced it.)


Mar 27, 2021
My brother is too young to understand so I haven't told him. My parents are fully aware and are embarrassed of me and refuse to talk to me about it. My parents are a major part of why I developed suicidal tendencies so it's funny they don't want to acknowledge a problem they caused.


Jul 23, 2020
I have told my parents several times, but they think I was bluffing. I just can't wait to prove them wrong.
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