Night Sky

Night Sky

Aug 8, 2019
I've been working retail at my current employer for 6.5 years now, as a cashier. I've been in a bad financial situation lately and have been asking about being promoted to service desk staff for months now. I wanted the extra responsiblity and even a meager pay bump would help.

It's not exactly hard to get promoted to it, either. We've had high schoolers get moved up there and new people who've only been here 2 months get promoted because management saw promise in them. As someone who's worked here over half a decade AND has a college degree, it should be pretty easy to get moved up, and all our past team leaders have said I'd like it up there and should go for it. In fact, most people who have been here as long as I have are management by now.

Well, guess what? Someone who's been here a fraction of the time I have, who I even helped train when they first got here, got trained on it today after asking if they could do it last week. Which means that now a grand total of 4 people who are less experienced than I am and whom I helped train in the first place are now my superiors, look down on me, and boss me around. Again, I've been asking about it for months. Turns out my manager hates me, not for any real reason, just personally. And because of that has told other people he'll never promote me because he doesn't want me working on his team with him.

Work is really all I have left at this point and is literally all the social interaction I get anymore. And I really needed this badly due to my financial situation. Just goes to show how useless I am, how cruel and uncaring the world is, and strengthens my resolve to ctb and not feel any of this anymore.

Sorry. Just had to vent. It's been like a ball in my stomach burning up ever since I found out.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I've been working retail at my current employer for 6.5 years now, as a cashier. I've been in a bad financial situation lately and have been asking about being promoted to service desk staff for months now. I wanted the extra responsiblity and even a meager pay bump would help.

It's not exactly hard to get promoted to it, either. We've had high schoolers get moved up there and new people who've only been here 2 months get promoted because management saw promise in them. As someone who's worked here over half a decade AND has a college degree, it should be pretty easy to get moved up, and all our past team leaders have said I'd like it up there and should go for it. In fact, most people who have been here as long as I have are management by now.

Well, guess what? Someone who's been here a fraction of the time I have, who I even helped train when they first got here, got trained on it today after asking if they could do it last week. Which means that now a grand total of 4 people who are less experienced than I am and whom I helped train in the first place are now my superiors, look down on me, and boss me around. Again, I've been asking about it for months. Turns out my manager hates me, not for any real reason, just personally. And because of that has told other people he'll never promote me because he doesn't want me working on his team with him.

Work is really all I have left at this point and is literally all the social interaction I get anymore. And I really needed this badly due to my financial situation. Just goes to show how useless I am, how cruel and uncaring the world is, and strengthens my resolve to ctb and not feel any of this anymore.

Sorry. Just had to vent. It's been like a ball in my stomach burning up ever since I found out.
Sorry you are going through this, I am afraid its quite common. It falls under the category of 'it's not what you know, it's who you know'. If you have bad chemistry with decision makers in your workplace then you need to move. It's surprising that even when the boss changes, during the handover from one person to another the reputation of an individual can be transferred as well. In the UK, if you could prove through witnesses or a memo, you could take your case to court and sue them for that. But here is my ultimate advice, get another job. Why you you want to work for someone who not only does not appreciate you but has said they hate you? You should look for a job with a higher ranking and money, make it a positive thing. That's how a lot of people move on in their career.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
If you don't feel like there's a future in your current job and you are denied promotion based on personal dislike on the part of your manager I'd start looking for a new job asap.

Based on what you wrote it seems you'll always be stuck in this job (at least aslong as this manager works there) and this will eat at you. If there's any chance of getting another job where they'll give you a fair shake and reward effort you should take it.
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sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
If coworkers said you should go for it then I think you might be right about the decision maker not liking you. That means they think you could do the job. I would ask to talk to the boss privately. State calmly what you think would be important to say. Maybe rehearse it. Maybe even record it on your phone and listen to it to hear it from a different perspective. Then make your case. If it doesn't happen for you then start looking for something else. Maybe they will suggest another position you might be interested in. It can't happen if you don't give it a chance to happen. I would definitely keep this job while you are looking for the next one though. Wish the best for you.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
do you show up to work on time?
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I would definitely keep this job while you are looking for the next one though.
Very good advice, always easier and less stressful to find a job when you are in one. Also a key indicator for a future employer that you are moving for a positive reason, not a negative one like being fired.
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Oct 21, 2019
This happens quite often remember as a kid there were the favorites of the family, whom would be treated better than some what baffles me is that employers should be weary that if enough evidence is supplied one can bring this situation to your managers superiors. Surely working in retail your manager will have superiors and usually this store is set to have headquarters. My take on this is not to stand for this, gather your evidence together make sure they are worthy of being brough forth to your managers superiors and let them have this. Normally if an employee is feeling mistreated by employer its usually true this is happening. If your work ethic proves time for promotion its time you take the steps that shall bring you there. Dont settle for less!


Leap of Faith
Sep 4, 2019
This kind of injustice reminds me why I want to CTB. Most of life's success isn't determined by your ability to work hard and excel, but your ability to be well-received and liked by others, especially those in power. That's why people like me who's rejected by society will have a very hard time moving up in life, no matter how hard we work our ass off. Don't you ever notice that most people in your life who's successful are the beautiful sociable ones that happens to go along well with people around them? Coincidence? I think not.
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Mar 21, 2019
I've been working retail at my current employer for 6.5 years now, as a cashier. I've been in a bad financial situation lately and have been asking about being promoted to service desk staff for months now. I wanted the extra responsiblity and even a meager pay bump would help.

It's not exactly hard to get promoted to it, either. We've had high schoolers get moved up there and new people who've only been here 2 months get promoted because management saw promise in them. As someone who's worked here over half a decade AND has a college degree, it should be pretty easy to get moved up, and all our past team leaders have said I'd like it up there and should go for it. In fact, most people who have been here as long as I have are management by now.

Well, guess what? Someone who's been here a fraction of the time I have, who I even helped train when they first got here, got trained on it today after asking if they could do it last week. Which means that now a grand total of 4 people who are less experienced than I am and whom I helped train in the first place are now my superiors, look down on me, and boss me around. Again, I've been asking about it for months. Turns out my manager hates me, not for any real reason, just personally. And because of that has told other people he'll never promote me because he doesn't want me working on his team with him.

Work is really all I have left at this point and is literally all the social interaction I get anymore. And I really needed this badly due to my financial situation. Just goes to show how useless I am, how cruel and uncaring the world is, and strengthens my resolve to ctb and not feel any of this anymore.

Sorry. Just had to vent. It's been like a ball in my stomach burning up ever since I found out.
Can you get a job in another company? Sounds like it is time to move.
I have had something similar happen and was asked to train the "new" person that took the job.
There is no limit to the insults to be found in business. Moving to another company is the correct response.
With 6.5 years, you are marketable. The bus can wait.

Done at Fifty

Feb 19, 2019
Sorry for you're having to go through this. My work is all I have and its like constantly being taken advantage of for very little money. Anxiety and worry around work have been such a constant part of my existence for so long I can't even imagine who I would be if I could stop working - maybe happier!

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