

Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Not sure if anyone deals with a lack of sleep but ever sick I nearly died from medication improperly prescribed, my sleep is screwed.
I sleep around 2 hours a night max, this has gone on for years and I definitely need to ctb. I had a really serious plan a few years ago, it got interrupted and then my relationship fell the fuck apart.
I am in severe financial trouble and can barely work anymore, I need to quickly check out of here and it's sad that it's because my Dr screwed me over with meds.
Fuck this sucks ass, dealing with damage from meds I should've never taken and my fiance demanded I keep taking them. I still can't believe I didn't just throw them out but I now have to get a plan going and quick to get out of here. I only have charcoal or hanging to use but I can also tie a rope to my neck and then tie the other end to a post and then drive away quickly.
I'm certain it would decapitate me and whether that'd painful or not I'm not certain but I have to do something. This is all from taking crap meds, then going through massive withdrawals all because my Dr was a complete fucking idiot. This sucks ass, I had a feeling my Dr was an idiot but when he prescribed a dangerous combo of meds, I should've thrown them in the garbage.
I gotta get out of here and freaking quick!!!!
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Everyday I wake up I wanna die again.
Sep 11, 2018
I thought about you today and was wondering if you have found your peace. I feel your agony and it's certainly not fair for you. I really hope you find a way out soon! :'(
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
After three day I start to hallucinate. nothing too bad at first just some snow White walking through the woods stuff. then BAM fother fuck'n cartoon animaels start talking at me that shit an't cool . Sorry about your moms bambie I know them feels dog. Cute as fuck though
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Sep 16, 2018
After three day I start to hallucinate. nothing too bad at first just some snow White walking through the woods stuff. then BAM fother fuck'n cartoon animaels start talking at me that shit an't cool . Sorry about your moms bambie I know them feels dog. Cute as fuck though

I wish I had cartoons I just see dark ghostly figures and hear whispering.
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Self destructed

Sep 18, 2018
I never sleeep. I am the same way. Maybe 2 hours a night and I pace the entire house. I look into bedroom wife and kids are sound asleep. Not a worry in the world. After 2 hours of sleep heart is racing. And feel more anxiety. Wish I could stop, it it definetly leading me to the road to CBT.


Aug 31, 2018
i feel u. i have no trouble to fall asleep but i wake up super stressed after 4h or sth. i tried everything but no medication can help. unfortunately im not one of these people who can function with 4h sleep per night - id need at least 7h.
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Sep 12, 2018
Not sure if anyone deals with a lack of sleep but ever sick I nearly died from medication improperly prescribed, my sleep is screwed.
I sleep around 2 hours a night max, this has gone on for years and I definitely need to ctb. I had a really serious plan a few years ago, it got interrupted and then my relationship fell the fuck apart.
I am in severe financial trouble and can barely work anymore, I need to quickly check out of here and it's sad that it's because my Dr screwed me over with meds.
Fuck this sucks ass, dealing with damage from meds I should've never taken and my fiance demanded I keep taking them. I still can't believe I didn't just throw them out but I now have to get a plan going and quick to get out of here. I only have charcoal or hanging to use but I can also tie a rope to my neck and then tie the other end to a post and then drive away quickly.
I'm certain it would decapitate me and whether that'd painful or not I'm not certain but I have to do something. This is all from taking crap meds, then going through massive withdrawals all because my Dr was a complete fucking idiot. This sucks ass, I had a feeling my Dr was an idiot but when he prescribed a dangerous combo of meds, I should've thrown them in the garbage.
I gotta get out of here and freaking quick!!!!

I've seriously considered doing that driving method back when I had it car. Tie a rope to a tree, then around your neck, and use a rope long enough to give you a chance at good's as gruesome as it gets but I don't see any chance of survival.

2 hours a night max? That's insane, I feel so sorry for you..that would not sit well with me either..
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Self destructed

Sep 18, 2018
i feel u. i have no trouble to fall asleep but i wake up super stressed after 4h or sth. i tried everything but no medication can help. unfortunately im not one of these people who can function with 4h sleep per night - id need at least 7h.
And no sleep just Keeps brining me lower and lower.
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Self destructed

Sep 18, 2018
I took 5 Tylenol pm at 5am just to get some shut eye. Only got me one hour. Make I feel even worse the next day. I'm on week 3 with no more then 2 hours a nite sleep. Sleeping pills don't work. All Dr meetings in the world don't help either. Maybe couple days left before I CBT. Need to go to hotel. I don't want my family to find me.
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Sep 16, 2018
Has anyone been close to or suffered with psychosis from lack of sleep?
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Self destructed

Sep 18, 2018
I took 5 Tylenol pm at 5am just to get some shut eye. Only got me one hour. Make I feel even worse the next day. I'm on week 3 with no more then 2 hours a nite sleep. Sleeping pills don't work. All Dr meetings in the world don't help either. Maybe couple days left before I CBT. Need to go to hotel. I don't want my family to find me.
id describe the state im in right now somewhere between full rage and lethargic desperation
Been in that stage as well. I get it.
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Sep 3, 2018
Has anyone been close to or suffered with psychosis from lack of sleep?
Yes. Nothing feels real.

Only time I get any sleep is when I take a load of pills to help me ctb.
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Self destructed

Sep 18, 2018
Yes. Nothing feels real.

Only time I get any sleep is when I take a load of pills to help me ctb.
Right now I feel that way. Feel like my head is sinning, dizzy and not here.
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Aug 31, 2018
I took 5 Tylenol pm at 5am just to get some shut eye. Only got me one hour. Make I feel even worse the next day. I'm on week 3 with no more then 2 hours a nite sleep. Sleeping pills don't work. All Dr meetings in the world don't help either. Maybe couple days left before I CBT. Need to go to hotel. I don't want my family to find me.
Been 2 hours a night for moths and it's horrible
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and Nem


naive fool
Sep 18, 2018
may i ask what combo of meds doc screwed u over?
2 hrs is rly too little dude u cant live with 2 hrs sleep,ur brain will get fried
what sleeping meds u tried that didnt work for u?
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
may i ask what combo of meds doc screwed u over?
2 hrs is rly too little dude u cant live with 2 hrs sleep,ur brain will get fried
what sleeping meds u tried that didnt work for u?
Yes, it has been hell to say the least. Dr gave me a couple of meds, sinequan and another old med. 2 days after starting I felt sick, was on vacationand my fiance demanded I keep taking them after I mentioned I wanted to stop. I should've stopped right then and left the hotel room instantly...she had some serious anger issues and it was a bad scene. This had been a complete nightmare ever since, my dr didn't know what he was doing and I'm paying the price for it with my health...or lack of.


naive fool
Sep 18, 2018
sinequan is AD
i suffer from antidepressants damage also
what health problems u have at the moment?
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I've seriously considered doing that driving method back when I had it car. Tie a rope to a tree, then around your neck, and use a rope long enough to give you a chance at good's as gruesome as it gets but I don't see any chance of survival.

2 hours a night max? That's insane, I feel so sorry for you..that would not sit well with me either..
I swear this is killing me. Right after I had the reaction I stopped all of my meds (shouldn't have been on any in the first place) and I started going through severe withdrawals from stopping one of them cold turkey.y Dr should've looked at my chart and warned me that I would go through massive withdrawals if I stopped but he was an idiot.
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Reactions: lv-gras, DeathBecomesMe and Ben


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
sinequan is AD
i suffer from antidepressants damage also
what health problems u have at the moment?
I suffered nerve damage, muscle damage, brain injury and kidney damage. Before this I was super healthy.


Sep 16, 2018
I swear this is killing me. Right after I had the reaction I stopped all of my meds (shouldn't have been on any in the first place) and I started going through severe withdrawals from stopping one of them cold turkey.y Dr should've looked at my chart and warned me that I would go through massive withdrawals if I stopped but he was an idiot.

Even when you do they don't believe the withdrawal symptoms are that bad. They think you are just overreacting.
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Reactions: lv-gras, DeathBecomesMe, Nem and 1 other person


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I thought about you today and was wondering if you have found your peace. I feel your agony and it's certainly not fair for you. I really hope you find a way out soon! :'(
Thanks! This is actually worse than I'm letting on, I am just devastated from the nerve damage alone.


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Even when you do they don't believe the withdrawal symptoms are that bad. They think you are just overreacting.
That's true. They should take them and find out the truth themselves, I bet no Dr would prescribe these poisons to their family
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
Not sure if anyone deals with a lack of sleep but ever sick I nearly died from medication improperly prescribed, my sleep is screwed.
I sleep around 2 hours a night max, this has gone on for years and I definitely need to ctb. I had a really serious plan a few years ago, it got interrupted and then my relationship fell the fuck apart.
I am in severe financial trouble and can barely work anymore, I need to quickly check out of here and it's sad that it's because my Dr screwed me over with meds.
Fuck this sucks ass, dealing with damage from meds I should've never taken and my fiance demanded I keep taking them. I still can't believe I didn't just throw them out but I now have to get a plan going and quick to get out of here. I only have charcoal or hanging to use but I can also tie a rope to my neck and then tie the other end to a post and then drive away quickly.
I'm certain it would decapitate me and whether that'd painful or not I'm not certain but I have to do something. This is all from taking crap meds, then going through massive withdrawals all because my Dr was a complete fucking idiot. This sucks ass, I had a feeling my Dr was an idiot but when he prescribed a dangerous combo of meds, I should've thrown them in the garbage.
I gotta get out of here and freaking quick!!!!

Im dealing with withdrawals from an SSRI that has twice now put me into a position of not being able to sleep.
Last year i was unable to sleep for 2 months straight if you can believe that. 68 terrible days. I felt like a zombie, my chest was tight all the time, my heart beat intensified randomly, my hair began falling out. I had terrible diarrhea for this whole time and lost like 30 pounds. I spent 14 days in a psych ward pumped up with even more medications after i freaked out after a week straight of NO sleep, and went to the ER telling them if they couldnt bring my sleep back id KMS. Naturally thats where i ended up. I felt like i was in a damn bubble moving in slow motion. It was hard to speak to people because my head was so clouded. On top of that i couldnt seem to get high or drunk any longer no matter how much i did, so i was out of escapisms. Caffeine no longer affected me.

Like an idiot after i caught a break finding me one med that took me out of this hell on earth like the push of a button, i idiotically went back on the same medication trying to maintain treatment for my severe depression on top of my bipolar. It worked for the next 6 months.

Now for the last two months, i have been dealing with 1-2 hours of sleep.. way better than the no sleep for 2 months granted 8 dont feel as zombified just overall confused and stupified. Knowing or feeling not as smart as i once was. Sometimes i get no sleep at all or a quick 10 mins it seems like the blink of an eye.

I want to ctb because i have been trying for months (since mid july) to get more than 2 hours of sleep... its ruined my school life, my job, two relationships, several friendships and im just fucking done.
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