

Nov 16, 2018
There are articles saying keto diet helps fighting depression. Is it true? Has any one of you tried it?

articles like these:

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Jul 6, 2019
There are articles saying keto diet helps fighting depression. Is it true? Has any one of you tried it?

articles like these:

I love medium. I've not done this way of eating per se but once upon a time I had lowered my carb in take, cut out most sugar and dairy, coffee, sodas and was doing everything from scratch and I think it helped.

I've not heard the keto diet helped with depression but I could see it working. Thanks for posting.
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
I came really close to cutting out carbs but you have to do a lot of food prep and if you want to do it the right way you need to eat a ridiculous amount of vegetables. I definitely struggle with brain function when I eat carbs. I think I may try to do keto again and juice all my veggies or use wheatgrass juice powder.
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Nov 16, 2018
I came really close to cutting out carbs but you have to do a lot of food prep and if you want to do it the right way you need to eat a ridiculous amount of vegetables. I definitely struggle with brain function when I eat carbs. I think I may try to do keto again and juice all my veggies or use wheatgrass juice powder.

Yes, I find the whole 5% carbs 20% protein and 75% fats a bit challenging... You need to have more time to prepare your meals and count the amounts of food you consume etc to stay in ketosis. It's a lot of work when you're depressed :(
I think I may try this out tho, we will see.
I love medium. I've not done this way of eating per se but once upon a time I had lowered my carb in take, cut out most sugar and dairy, coffee, sodas and was doing everything from scratch and I think it helped.

I've not heard the keto diet helped with depression but I could see it working. Thanks for posting.

Have you heard of Jordan Peterson? His daughter has arthritis and depression. She switched her diet and eats only meat now and is (supposedly) symptom free, no depression and no pain... Crazy...
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
No practicing Doctor or nutritionist could recommend a keto or atkins diet to a patient and keep their license. You're cutting out half your daily calories by not eating carbohydrates, and everything has carbs because all plants have carbohydrates.

Ketosis is a stressful state for the body, especially the liver and kidneys, within a year you'll have negative health outcomes from that diet, assuming you can follow it that long. A lot of wealthy people have high stakes in keeping the public sick and misinformed.
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Nov 16, 2018
No practicing Doctor or nutritionist could recommend a keto or atkins diet to a patient and keep their license. You're cutting out half your daily calories by not eating carbohydrates, and everything has carbs because all plants have carbohydrates.

Ketosis is a stressful state for the body, especially the liver and kidneys, within a year you'll have negative health outcomes from that diet, assuming you can follow it that long. A lot of wealthy people have high stakes in keeping the public sick and misinformed.

I didn't know that. Where did you get that info from?

I found this on :

7. Can low carb damage your kidneys?
Highly unlikely.
Many people still believe that a low-carb diet necessarily is very high in protein, that could put a strain on the kidneys. This is a myth based on two misunderstandings.

First, a well-formulated low-carb diet is high in fat, not protein. The amount of protein – like meat – should be moderate, just like in most diets.
There's no benefit of eating excessive amounts of protein. It can even be detrimental on a low-carb diet, as excess protein can be converted to glucose, just like most dietary carbohydrates.
As a low-carb diet shouldn't be very high in protein, the whole "problem" behind this controversy simply does not exist.

Secondly, people with normal kidney function can handle high amounts of protein without any problem for the kidneys.
Even if people choose to eat excessive protein, this will only be a problem if the kidneys are already severely damaged. An example of this would be end-stage kidney disease that is close to requiring dialysis. Basically, if you have severe kidney disease and you've been told to limit protein, you should of course do so.
But that would still make it possible for you to successfully eat a low-carb, high-fat diet.
In fact, by lowering elevated blood sugars a low-carb diet may actually protect the kidneys from one of the most common causes of damage. Especially for people with diabetes, low carb might help protect their kidneys, by helping control their blood sugar levels

What do you think about that? I'm not a dietician nor a doctor so I honestly don't know. That's why I'm asking ^^
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Jun 27, 2019
I've seen diets come and go as miracles. "Internet Science" is terrible. People get religious like with it. Keto is a cult right now and any of the good is being blow up and worshipped by people. They cite studies that aren't reproduced or out of context or popularized by "doctors" selling a book or program. It's so hard to know what's what.

Just cut out added sugar, heavy carbs like cakes and breads and pastas. Eat more vegetables, fruits, lean meats if you eat meat. Avoid things in boxes and with long lists of ingredients like "high fructose corn syrup" and various starches and additives. Whole foods. It's cheap and simple. It doesn't cure depression..only attacking root causes....if they are apparent...can do that, but it helps make you not feel WORSE and be healthier overall.
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
I didn't know that. Where did you get that info from?

I found this on :

7. Can low carb damage your kidneys?
Highly unlikely.
Many people still believe that a low-carb diet necessarily is very high in protein, that could put a strain on the kidneys. This is a myth based on two misunderstandings.

First, a well-formulated low-carb diet is high in fat, not protein. The amount of protein – like meat – should be moderate, just like in most diets.
There's no benefit of eating excessive amounts of protein. It can even be detrimental on a low-carb diet, as excess protein can be converted to glucose, just like most dietary carbohydrates.
As a low-carb diet shouldn't be very high in protein, the whole "problem" behind this controversy simply does not exist.

Secondly, people with normal kidney function can handle high amounts of protein without any problem for the kidneys.
Even if people choose to eat excessive protein, this will only be a problem if the kidneys are already severely damaged. An example of this would be end-stage kidney disease that is close to requiring dialysis. Basically, if you have severe kidney disease and you've been told to limit protein, you should of course do so.
But that would still make it possible for you to successfully eat a low-carb, high-fat diet.
In fact, by lowering elevated blood sugars a low-carb diet may actually protect the kidneys from one of the most common causes of damage. Especially for people with diabetes, low carb might help protect their kidneys, by helping control their blood sugar levels

What do you think about that? I'm not a dietician nor a doctor so I honestly don't know. That's why I'm asking ^^
I'm skeptical of the source you got that from. Carbohydrates are the only source of energy other than oxygen we get, glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain and muscles. Through the documented process of starvation, once the glycogen reserves are emptied the liver synthesizes protein and fat cells to create glucose (aka carbs). That fact alone I think discredits low carb diets.

Because all plants have carbs, low carb diets are mainly cutting out starches, fruit, grain, and dark leafy vegetables. The high restrictions greatly put people at risk of deficencies in micro-nutrients, fiber, phyto-nutrient, anti-oxidants, etc. which increases the chances and severity of chronic diseased such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

The only foods high in fat are meat, dairy, nuts, and seeds (not to mention refined vegetable oil). I highly doubt these diets are having people eat 500-1000 calories of nuts and seeds, so the idea of "moderate protein" is dishonest, to say the least.

Carbs and even refined fructose can't cause diabetes or obesity alone, and I'm moreso speaking about refined fructose, a high-carb diet is practically heart attack proof. What causes the insulin resistance is that excess fat stored in the cell blocks the insulin receptors making it difficult for the insulin to enter and exit the cell. The sugar can't stay in the bloodstream so the liver excretes more and more insulin to stabilize the body, this loops until the liver can no longer produce enough insulin to stabilize the blood sugar. Refined fructose AND saturated fat cause diabetes, not either one exclusively, like a spark and oil. Physiologically, humans cannot efficiently convert sugar to fat, it's just not possible. The fat you wear is the fat you eat.

Nothing I've said can't be found in a medical textbook, though some studies may not have been updated to it yet.

Add-on: The presence of non-alchoholic fatty liver disease as the most common liver disease in the world debunks that claim. Most American's liver's and kidney's are over-stressed which is partly because the SAD gives you 3x the daily recommended amount of protein a day. "Average" or "moderate" protein intake is high, yet most Americans are deficient in fiber, the priorities are completely distorted.
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
My ideal keto diet would involve small amounts of meat, cheese and eggs; lots of coconut and nuts, lots of veggies, plant based protein powders, and supplemented with superfood powders like wheatgrass, acai berry, noni and maqui berry. If you aren't eating a lot of plant based foods I think it would be detrimental to your health long term. Some keto advocates recommend doing keto short term. So I wouldn't say it's a cult but most people are probably doing it in an unhealthy way.
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Aug 17, 2019
I think every body responds differently to food as they do to medication so each person should experiment by making extremely small changes at a time until they find the right combination while still being flexible.

As a general rule, the more fruits and veggies you eat, the better. Anything you get from the produce aisle. Less processed foods is the second rule and if you only go with those two things, you're likely to feel a huge difference already. For example, have a baked potato with salt instead of a bag of chips. Just to effort it takes to make it will let you enjoy it more.
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
I tried it. I started doing it around the same time I was getting off prozac.
It made me feel less happiness and less sadness all-around, which is a positive for someone like me.

Just be careful with diets and searching for the 'right' diet, you just assume you'll settle on what's best but if you're like me, you never do.
If you read my old posts I talked about this kind of stuff a lot... now I have IBS and rubberbanded back into being seriously suicidal.


Jun 8, 2019
When I eat I'm ketogenic under advice of my neurologist as controlled carb/protein/fat diets have been used since the 1920s to treat epilepsy.

I don't know that it helps with my depression or anxiety per se, but I have more energy and am able to get out and do things which helps.


Oct 20, 2019
my doctor just put me on keto because of digestive problems. eating almost anything hurts so i kinda am doing it since all i have been able to eat is broth. it seems like so far i feel more suicidal than less. i just feel hopeless.


I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
my doctor just put me on keto because of digestive problems. eating almost anything hurts so i kinda am doing it since all i have been able to eat is broth. it seems like so far i feel more suicidal than less. i just feel hopeless.
Don't lose hope big dog. It takes time to heal digestive problems, for sure, but once you feel better you'll feel WAY fuckin better.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I don't think diets help with depression.


Nov 10, 2019
Keto doesn't work for everyone.

If you want to get better,stop GMO,processed and industrial food,get rid of gluten,soy and dairy.
They're all pro inflammatory.

You'll feel much better.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Personally, diets including low to no carbs hurt me both physically and mentally. I prefer exercising. However, all of this had zero help in depression for me.

I don't think diets help with depression.
Pretty much this.
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Oct 28, 2019
opinion : Your best bet for working on depression is to listen to Barry Long (spiritual teacher).

You could make a start with :

Oh, and music as well, but it has to be truly beautiful music that truly reaches your soul and reaches a deep place
Some suggestions :

and for diet, well just try to be as healthy as you can. e.g. Dark chocolate may be helpful also (go for 70 or 80% cacao or higher), although obviously you still have to keep an eye on the calories. Bags of mixed nuts and raisins (unsalted) can be helpful as well. Avocados. Read up on general healthy eating. Re-train your taste buds to only like healthy things. Takes some effort, but won't take that long and then you'll break through and won't want the unhealthy stuff any more.
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Jul 22, 2018
Type 1 Diabetic needs to be very careful on this type of diet because they depend on insulin to live.

End Piece

Oct 4, 2019
I'd love to try it, but I'm vegan so it would be hard.


Jul 3, 2019
I'd love to try it, but I'm vegan so it would be hard.
There is a vegan keto cook book and various websites. I have the book, just haven't started yet
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Oct 22, 2019
I've done zerocarb and keto for a long while, now doing a paleo way of eating. They significantly help with chronic physical pain, but mentally I only ever truly felt better when I fasted from fluoridated water & significantly increased the distance between me and all of their technological weapons. Unfortunately my sad excuse for a house is moldy & too filthy to even sleep on the floor. USA construction is such a joke in comparison to other countries.

Mold really fucks you up badly on all aspects. When I was much farther away from their weapons, I also noticed the intrusive thoughts for the most part were gone except for popping up every once in a while.
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Alex Fermentopathy

Alex Fermentopathy

Feb 25, 2024
Yes, I find the whole 5% carbs 20% protein and 75% fats a bit challenging... You need to have more time to prepare your meals
For me it was much easier -- I just ate a lot of smetana (a type of sour cream we have in slavic countries). Not to mention that many other souce of fat (like butter or oil) in enough amounts will cause me vomiting, but I eat smetana with pleasure! Ideally, I think, it would be to combine 30%-fat smetana with some protein-containing food (some that easy to cook).
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I used to be on the keto (and no gluten or grains) diet in high school, that was the best I ever felt. I had a lot of energy and my mind felt super clear, there was no brain fog whatsoever. I also concurrently took my ADHD meds but keto made me feel really good and healthy. Now (after unsuccessfully fasting because of stupid SI) I've started the keto diet again, I've cut out gluten and grains and I feel much better and have a lot more energy.
Keto doesn't work for everyone.

If you want to get better,stop GMO,processed and industrial food,get rid of gluten,soy and dairy.
They're all pro inflammatory.

You'll feel much better.
I agree to get rid of gluten, it's really bad for you. I heard that it's especially bad for people like me with ASD. It gave me so much brain fog, and now that I cut it out, my mind feels much sharper. I think that a better diet to do instead of keto would be the gluten and grain free diet.
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Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Nov 2, 2023
Keto seems to always result in problems. I'm sure there are diets that can improve overall attentiveness and mood, but I'd find references to actual papers about it before I tried it out.
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
I tried keto for two weeks but had to quit
Some people develop a condition called 'keto rash'. Myself included... it's not pleasant.
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Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Nov 2, 2023
I've had a friend who developed bone spurs in his hands b/c keto diet
Alex Fermentopathy

Alex Fermentopathy

Feb 25, 2024
By the way, there is an alternative keto route: "Peter Huttenlocher devised a ketogenic diet where about 60% of the calories came from the MCT oil, and this allowed more protein and up to three times as much carbohydrate as the classic ketogenic diet".
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