This is a tragic example of "modern society" + *when exactly do ALL the "laws of personal autonomy" begin?
Not many of these "laws" are standardized - anywhere - in any way.
Age is a tricky issue + yes, the younger the age of CTB, the more tragic.
Children as young as *EIGHT/ 8 yrs old are CTB - for eg - the widely reported "child / youth suicide epidemic" - in a region of Australia amongst Aborigines!
? Anyone know who are the youngest of age - in the countries w/ highest CTB rates - ie - Greenland, S Korea, Japan, etc?
" Age of consent " - for various things - is not standardized - even within a specific jurisdiction…
…Just did a quick search of countries for the following + my own experience as examples - listed below :
So - at *16 yo - i legally had the right / means to : purchase anything - go anywhere alone - crash my car / gas myself with my car / off myself in anyway i chose.
+ at *14 yo - i legally was : unwittingly at risk of other ppl's children accidentally hurting themselves / dying for whatever reason - while "under my care as an untrained babysitter" !
The law has not changed much since i was *16 yrs old - where i grew up in *Canada :
16 yo = got my driver's license (parent's car)
16 yo = got my social insurance number
16 yo = got my first "official job" (on a Saturday)
16 yo = got my first bank account
16 yo = paid tax
16 yo = allowed to quit school (tho i didn't)
*14-15 yo = babysat neighbour's toddlers - didn't have a clue about children, CPR... NOthing
*FIVE / 5 years old = Latchkey kid - ie - legally allowed to return to my empty home - despite was not tall enough, nor strong enough - to actually get the key into the door = waited outside for 2 hours until my parents came home / put myself at further risk for wandering streets ... will stop now.
*PS : Disclaimer - NOT condoning nor encouraging juvenile suicide - simply reporting FACTS as per various public Government websites