I've been there in the way you feel. Maybe not exactly. But I have suffered because of others. It's not fair. Not one bit. You deserve to feel how you feel. A whole small town was against me, my family and supposed friends were against me for trying to put a rapists away. I had death threats and physical harm just walking home from school, church. I had to be home schooled and eventually had to leave the town. Couldn't answer the phone without threats or heavy breathers in the middle of the night. My world got really small. Then they let the man who pled guilty go not a week later. I still have nightmares. He's still in my bed every time I close my eyes. So it may not be exactly like what you feel but I do feel rage, and left to feel that I don't matter or my life is worth less than someone who took from me and then made fun of me. And I have to relive it constantly.
I'm sorry, I know it hurts.
Thank you for your response I'm sorry you feel that way. Unfortunately for me I've only ever cared about one thing trying to become successful. I don't know why probably because I was told the opposite of everyone else that my self worth should be predicated on it. That love, meaning, and everything else hinged on it. Unfortunately as you can see I was the victim of crimes wherein the repercussion were such that was destroyed and rendered impossible. I was abandoned like had been inculcated. Like you leave an addict in the throes of addiction or a bride at the altar I was left standing alone to face a world without anything. No chance of success, no chance at life, no one nothing. I'm not from a country where this happens (today). I'm from America. A land where right outside is inscribed "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." In the declaration of independence it is also written "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a right. Instead Ive been left to question my sanity, my self worth, and lose empathy for everyone instead of the government doing their job one of the few everyone agrees on prosecuting crimes. Linked above is what occurred some contextual things like egregious crimes that were being committed but not against me aren't (but you can see one here ->
https://plus.gazetalubuska.pl/niele...zemienienia-panskiego-pod-lupa/ar/c1-15196594 ) .. Without going into detail I've experienced traumas too. I overcame them some that would mentally break most.
What you are going through is absolutely terrible. I wish you didn't. That said I can empathize that much. Because if it is me I'd murder and frankly probably torture them for a really long time first (and enjoy every second). My empathy is gone because I don't see people as good, decent, or worthy anymore including myself. End of the day I hope you have food, and shelter secure I don't. I should be oncologist with all kinds of empathy instead I'm a miserable homeless man without someone that cares. Someone who if you saw me you'd just say is a piece of shit. Left for dead.