
Apr 18, 2023
For those of you who know my story.... I learned something unbelievably disturbing today. The medical school I attended and linked in proof with in a post. With them committing fraud/false advertising using NBMEs amongst other things. I've received no help of any kind. No justice nothing. Today I learned unbelievably despite being victims of the crime as well NBME decided to let that school less than 20 months after being victims of the crime and 0 justice for me. Less time then the school committed the crime... Allowed them two months ago to restart giving the school the exams. I'm floored. I'm disgusted. And I'm fucking pissed. I don't believe justice exists anymore. NBME is just as pathetic and criminal as the school. Fuck the world honestly. I've held the belief it's better to end my life in a violent act so it wasn't done to someone else. But fuck I don't think so anymore. I think some people have it coming. Where's the justice? I'm basically sentenced to death by exposure starvation and misery while criminals run free. I'm disgusted by humanity.

Edit here's the link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Uh1nStz3gJ-NaeX4vyfRwcpV3PvJWx47?usp=drive_link
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Oct 18, 2023
I'm so sorry. It's not fair at all 😢.
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Apr 18, 2023
I'm so sorry. It's not fair at all 😢.
You know what's not fair that I'm to suffer and being punished for people's moral turpitude, moral errors, and indiscretions.
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Oct 18, 2023
I've been there in the way you feel. Maybe not exactly. But I have suffered because of others. It's not fair. Not one bit. You deserve to feel how you feel. A whole small town was against me, my family and supposed friends were against me for trying to put a rapists away. I had death threats and physical harm just walking home from school, church. I had to be home schooled and eventually had to leave the town. Couldn't answer the phone without threats or heavy breathers in the middle of the night. My world got really small. Then they let the man who pled guilty go not a week later. I still have nightmares. He's still in my bed every time I close my eyes. So it may not be exactly like what you feel but I do feel rage, and left to feel that I don't matter or my life is worth less than someone who took from me and then made fun of me. And I have to relive it constantly.
I'm sorry, I know it hurts.
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Apr 18, 2023
I've been there in the way you feel. Maybe not exactly. But I have suffered because of others. It's not fair. Not one bit. You deserve to feel how you feel. A whole small town was against me, my family and supposed friends were against me for trying to put a rapists away. I had death threats and physical harm just walking home from school, church. I had to be home schooled and eventually had to leave the town. Couldn't answer the phone without threats or heavy breathers in the middle of the night. My world got really small. Then they let the man who pled guilty go not a week later. I still have nightmares. He's still in my bed every time I close my eyes. So it may not be exactly like what you feel but I do feel rage, and left to feel that I don't matter or my life is worth less than someone who took from me and then made fun of me. And I have to relive it constantly.
I'm sorry, I know it hurts.
Thank you for your response I'm sorry you feel that way. Unfortunately for me I've only ever cared about one thing trying to become successful. I don't know why probably because I was told the opposite of everyone else that my self worth should be predicated on it. That love, meaning, and everything else hinged on it. Unfortunately as you can see I was the victim of crimes wherein the repercussion were such that was destroyed and rendered impossible. I was abandoned like had been inculcated. Like you leave an addict in the throes of addiction or a bride at the altar I was left standing alone to face a world without anything. No chance of success, no chance at life, no one nothing. I'm not from a country where this happens (today). I'm from America. A land where right outside is inscribed "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." In the declaration of independence it is also written "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a right. Instead Ive been left to question my sanity, my self worth, and lose empathy for everyone instead of the government doing their job one of the few everyone agrees on prosecuting crimes. Linked above is what occurred some contextual things like egregious crimes that were being committed but not against me aren't (but you can see one here ->https://plus.gazetalubuska.pl/niele...zemienienia-panskiego-pod-lupa/ar/c1-15196594 ) .. Without going into detail I've experienced traumas too. I overcame them some that would mentally break most.

What you are going through is absolutely terrible. I wish you didn't. That said I can empathize that much. Because if it is me I'd murder and frankly probably torture them for a really long time first (and enjoy every second). My empathy is gone because I don't see people as good, decent, or worthy anymore including myself. End of the day I hope you have food, and shelter secure I don't. I should be oncologist with all kinds of empathy instead I'm a miserable homeless man without someone that cares. Someone who if you saw me you'd just say is a piece of shit. Left for dead.
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Oct 18, 2023
I wish there was more I could do, more comfort I could give. The ones who need it more tend to get it less unfortunately. I'm in America too and definitely know our "rights" are trampled on every turn we take. If we are lucky enough to find someone willing to help it's most likely to late in some fashion. I'm on your side! Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you!
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Apr 18, 2023
I wish there was more I could do, more comfort I could give. The ones who need it more tend to get it less unfortunately. I'm in America too and definitely know our "rights" are trampled on every turn we take. If we are lucky enough to find someone willing to help it's most likely to late in some fashion. I'm on your side! Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you!
I don't know. It depends on the definition of help I suppose. End of the day I just want the government to do its literal job prosecute crimes and help me. Or society to help. Neither has occurred. Tragedy/Hardship like I've experienced is also an opportunity. It allows you peer under the hood of society and see how society is. I've got to say... I studied and learned directly with doctors treating people with cancer of multiple types. From the rare to the common. I've got to say I think humanity deserves it.
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Oct 18, 2023
It would be nice if they would do the job they have been hired or elected to do but I don't even know if they know the job they are hired to do. I'm not very political because my brain short circuits with it all but I'd like honest people and not fronts for something other than they represent. Someone to take care of the people who can't or don't know how. I don't know a lot about cancer either I'm afraid but from what I do know I'd have to agree. My mom and grampa had cancer. I have prayed for it. I'd take anyone's cancer for them if I could. I wouldn't have chemo. I'd just let it take me and rejoice that an end was near.


Apr 18, 2023
It would be nice if they would do the job they have been hired or elected to do but I don't even know if they know the job they are hired to do. I'm not very political because my brain short circuits with it all but I'd like honest people and not fronts for something other than they represent. Someone to take care of the people who can't or don't know how. I don't know a lot about cancer either I'm afraid but from what I do know I'd have to agree. My mom and grampa had cancer. I have prayed for it. I'd take anyone's cancer for them if I could. I wouldn't have chemo. I'd just let it take me and rejoice that an end was near.
If they did their job that would be nice too. But it starts with people drawing a salary like the FBI.


Oct 18, 2023
Thats true. Do you mind me asking if there was a class action lawsuit or if multiple claimants brought charges against the school? I've heard of a school or, well pseudo school? Or program for football players scamming and I'm trying to remember what happened with that. Just doesn't feel right that people, institutions should get away with what they want.


Apr 18, 2023
Thats true. Do you mind me asking if there was a class action lawsuit or if multiple claimants brought charges against the school? I've heard of a school or, well pseudo school? Or program for football players scamming and I'm trying to remember what happened with that. Just doesn't feel right that people, institutions should get away with what they want.
There's been whistle-blowers before but despite me having evidence to substantiate their claims they were hit with a defamation suit. In my situation I'm not sure. Multiple people were victims of different varieties but it likely was just me. And it was in Poland they can pretty much do whatever the hell they feel like. For instance-> https://www.universityworldnews.com/post-mobile.php?story=20210313064008885 you might think wow I'm sure they at least got charged with something. Nope! Not a damn thing happened.
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Oct 18, 2023
😳 oh my gosh! That is so not ok. I bet they are trying to bury it as soon as possible. Especially if they have audio of it. That's horrible!


Apr 18, 2023
😳 oh my gosh! That is so not ok. I bet they are trying to bury it as soon as possible. Especially if they have audio of it. That's horrible!
Who needs it to be buried when it doesn't matter if you are guilty?
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Oct 18, 2023
Unfortunately you are right. I think my mind would be in overdrive trying to figure out a way to get them to pay. I mean I tend to do that for a lot of things. Sometimes things happen without me doing anything though. Like When my pastor asked me to stop by so he could talk to me about being baptized and made me promise to masterbate. I mean I was young and was uncomfortable but since he was a pastor I didn't know it was inappropriate. I told someone who asked how the meeting went and the next thing I knew was the church committee was telling him to apologize or retire. He chose to retire. But soon after he accidentally chopped off 2 and a half fingers with a skill saw. Then my ex-husband always wanted me to be friends with some girl (who I found out later were love interests) and then he had a heart attack with a stroke (not sure how he managed that) but I guess his heart broke so three peices gave him the stoke? That's how it was told to me but there were always 3 people in the relationship so in some way it makes sense to me lol. I dunno, I feel it's karma or that is what keeps me going a bit. 🤷‍♀️. Maybe karma will catch up to the ones that harmed you.


Apr 18, 2023
Unfortunately you are right. I think my mind would be in overdrive trying to figure out a way to get them to pay. I mean I tend to do that for a lot of things. Sometimes things happen without me doing anything though. Like When my pastor asked me to stop by so he could talk to me about being baptized and made me promise to masterbate. I mean I was young and was uncomfortable but since he was a pastor I didn't know it was inappropriate. I told someone who asked how the meeting went and the next thing I knew was the church committee was telling him to apologize or retire. He chose to retire. But soon after he accidentally chopped off 2 and a half fingers with a skill saw. Then my ex-husband always wanted me to be friends with some girl (who I found out later were love interests) and then he had a heart attack with a stroke (not sure how he managed that) but I guess his heart broke so three peices gave him the stoke? That's how it was told to me but there were always 3 people in the relationship so in some way it makes sense to me lol. I dunno, I feel it's karma or that is what keeps me going a bit. 🤷‍♀️. Maybe karma will catch up to the ones that harmed you.
To be honest... I blame my government more because they allowed it.

Blood clot causing a heart attack and stroke maybe...

Maybe I was too callous that does sound horrendous and disgusting of them.

Ehh I don't think karma exists either. Though I'm happy they suffered a little. Hopefully they suffer more. I'm sorry.


Oct 18, 2023
I don't blame you at all for whoever you blame. I'd probably want to blame the world.
I'm freezing and can't stop shivering so I'm going to try to sleep and hope to get warm lol (hard to type). Hope you are able to sleep and are warm and ok.


Apr 18, 2023
I don't blame you at all for whoever you blame. I'd probably want to blame the world.
I'm freezing and can't stop shivering so I'm going to try to sleep and hope to get warm lol (hard to type). Hope you are able to sleep and are warm and ok.
I'm confused. Do you have shelter? Or food? And yeah for tonight I do... I do hate the world honestly.
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Oct 18, 2023
I do have shelter but I'm with family that doesn't treat me like I'm family. They don't want me here. I pay rent but have no control of how they treat me or use of the heater. My room is cold. I wear thermals but I've lost a lot of weight so I think my body is not used to that or the weather change. Doctors are trying to regulate my thyroid too. At the moment it's hyper instead of my normal hypo. (Not exactly sure if it controls body temp like that lol). I hope you can find a permanent place and are safe. I hate most of the world too. I don't ask for much, I want to love, feel love, trust who I'm with and have shelter and food. At least I don't think it's much but it seems like it is lol.


Apr 18, 2023
I do have shelter but I'm with family that doesn't treat me like I'm family. They don't want me here. I pay rent but have no control of how they treat me or use of the heater. My room is cold. I wear thermals but I've lost a lot of weight so I think my body is not used to that or the weather change. Doctors are trying to regulate my thyroid too. At the moment it's hyper instead of my normal hypo. (Not exactly sure if it controls body temp like that lol). I hope you can find a permanent place and are safe. I hate most of the world too. I don't ask for much, I want to love, feel love, trust who I'm with and have shelter and food. At least I don't think it's much but it seems like it is lol.
I hope you get that. I'm sorry to hear that. I doubt I will.
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