With all due respect: if you're having doubts then don't CTB. It's supposed to be a last option after you've truly exhausted everything else. Seek help first. CTB will always exist.
I have to disagree because I think as much as anyone believes they are ready to CTB, it's much harder to grasp as a real thing in itself because the nerves and the "what-ifs" will always be there even if we've best prepared for it. I mean, I think about all the people who did nearly ctb but were found in time or they prepared to the best of their ability and yet, nothing happened. It's the thing with SN, some described it as peaceful with mild but manageable discomfort while others had great stomach pain, their SI amplified by the state of panic they were in thanks to thier rapid heart rate which is not easy to contend, trust me I know through experience. So I don't think we should always come to the conclusion that just because someone is having doubts, it means that they aren't ready to CTB and need to seek help first which isn't a bad thing but the doubts will always be there, no matter how many reassurances we look for in methods, whether it's seeing successful ctb cases that didn't completely follow protocol but didn't deviate too much from it or anything to make the process easier to contend with the enormity of the task ahead.
So, I don't think it necessarily means you aren't ready, it just means that it's yet another reason why CTB is harder than people like to think, you'll never be truly ready because this is you taking your own life away after all which is already a very difficult decision to make, let alone plan it to be as effective as possible to see it through.