Yes, I too have utter contempt for motor vehicles! They look so stupid and are noisy (even electric ones). I wish cars were banned. The existence of fast cars justifies the centralization of workplaces in big city centres, so that employees must drive hours back and forth from home to work. Studies show commutes are getting longer and longer. This is only possible because of the existence of cars, busses, trucks etc. It's actually insane how everyone rushes in these metal boxes every morning. Imagine someone in 1850 time travelled to now and seeing hundreds of cars rush back and forth. It must seem insane! And it is.
And then there's Logie Baird's demoniacal Idiot's Lantern.
The oil-based capitalist world economy is not merely insane, it's calculated
pure evil, and motorists are its mindless servitors. As far as Government is concerned, they may as well have been grown in bottles and cultivated for the sole functions of consuming oil, running their motor cars, doing their jobs and producing more motorists. As such they are entirely disposable and may be safely liquidated whenever they cease to fulfil any profitable function within the oil-based economy, and it will look like laziness, social degeneracy, criminality, mental deficiency or suicide on their part, and it will be all their own fault.
The governments are formed and controlled by the oil industry. Government controls education and television news media and social narratives. Children are taught that in order to have a successful life, they must amass wealth. In order to amass wealth, they must have an education. Education teaches that the world is essentially corrupt and in order to survive in it you must be corrupt too, and the more corrupt you are, the more successful you become at surviving. And it all starts with a job and a motor car, or else life is impossible. And if anyone gets in your way, you crush them ruthlessly, and it was their own fault for getting in your way.
A child runs in front of your off-road vehicle in the city and you can't see them over the raised bonnet, and is dragged underneath the vehicle by the bull bars you put on the front and is mangled to death? It's their own fault for getting in your way. It's Darwinism. Children shouldn't get in the way of important adults in big German motor cars with important places to go to and important things to do there with other important adults. If children can't figure that out, they're too stupid to survive.
Too much traffic on the road? Closing the road is out of the question. The answer is to widen the road to let in even more traffic. The last few old trees which are all that is left of the ancient woodland that used to cover the urban wasteland in the way? Chop them down.
Building a bypass? Someone's village in the way? Evict everyone and raze it. Protestors getting in the way? Present them as a dangerous threat to public order and arrest them.
Oil supplies declining? Oil prices rising? Arab leaders getting feisty about being bullied into selling their oil on the cheap? Send in the glorious Armies of the West of brainwashed playground-strafing genocidal bigots, to turn over their entire countries on a blatant false pretext, and kill a million people or more by murder and neglect to show them who's still boss.
Asiatic leaders say they don't like it? Build an arsenal of thermonuclear weapons to show them the measure of your determination, and remind them what happened to the last Asian power that thought it was big enough to compete with you for oil.
Pollution obviously threatening planet-wide catastrophe? Squeeze as much wealth as possible out of the population to prepare your nuclear bunkers, fall out shelters and space stations, whilst paying scientists to play down the threat, and politicians to promise to do something about it in ten or twenty years' time. Then replace them every ten or twenty years.
This has been going on for a while now, but it is a temporary aberration, and one or way or another it is going to be stopped.
Simplicissimus magazine Volume 12, Issue 11 Automobil-Nummer [Automobile Issue] cover, 10 June 1907 - Der Reichskraftwagen [The National Motor Vehicle]
"Vielleicht sollten wir uns doch mal eine Bremse anschaffen."
['Perhaps we should purchase a brake after all.']