
New Member
Aug 27, 2020
I know most of you will tell me it is not high enough, but there's a bridge really close to where I live without much of a barrier that I'd love to jump from.

The other bridge I had in mind which is 40 meters high is in another city and has a harder barrier to climb, and I am really scared I somehow won't be able to climb it and somebody would stop me, it's also in a city I don't know and somehow I get a lot of anxiety about the possibility of getting lost or somehow screwing it up, I won't be able to use Google Maps and it will be nighttime.

How likely would I be to die from a 30 meters fall? I will be jumping around 4am to minimize the chances of somebody seeing me and calling am ambulance quickly. Also I live in Sweden so it will probably be very cold and possibly frozen, probably no snow though since it's in an urban area. Would the cold maximize my chances?

Is there anything else I should know to maximize my chances of dying? Like taking some clothes off before jumping? Starving myself a little beforehand? Also if the ground is slightly frozen, would the ice make it more or less likely to die on impact?

Also is there a technique to land on your head?

I kind of want to know every bit of information I can to for once not fail something in my life. Jumping is by far the best option for me, I don't care about the instant regret when I fall or the gruesome mess that will be my body, it's the one option that gives me the least anxiety and seems fairly painless.
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