

Sep 30, 2020
I'm curious, what do you believe in in terms of religion ?
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Mar 22, 2020
I've read about different religions and my conclusion is that religion is nothing but a method with the title THINKING IS FORBIDDEN because everything has already been written.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I'm a firm believer in religious snake handling. Can't get enough of nice, long, fat snakes... :smiling:

Father says, "Bow your head like the Good Book says"
Well, I think the Good Book is missing some pages
Gonna lay down, gonna lay down
And when my hand touches myself
I can finally rest my head
And when they say, "Take of His Body"
I think I'll take from mine instead
Getting off, getting off
While they're all downstairs
Singing prayers
Sing away!
Lay your Book on my chest
I feel the Word
Feel the Word
Daddy, feel it!

-- Tori Amos

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Oct 5, 2020
I haven't found one that appeals to me yet. All of them are too optimistic.
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‏‏‎ ‎
Apr 5, 2021
Cosmicism. it's fun, funky, and existential as fuck.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Doesn't anybody love Jesus anymore? Come on, people, he's still sexier than the Buddha, & Muhammad was so ugly that they kill people for drawing pictures of him
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I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
The christian version of god basically, except I think he's a sadistic evil being and people who worship him are all cucks.
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May 3, 2021
As for me, with time I've become completely atheist, as in: I am convinced there is no deity or anything supernatural whatsoever.

As for religion in general, that is such an incredibly complex subject that you can discuss endlessly about every tiny aspect of it. It has psycholigical, societal, cultural, philosophical, political etc. aspects and that's just the most simplifying way I can put it. My stance on religion is mostly in the range between critical and hostile, but at the same time I don't want to reduce it to just one of its aspects. Also, I am actually interested in the subject mostly for the cultural/historical part.

As for Jesus, I am actually impressed by some of the things he said, especially considering the restrictive/oppressive religious background of his time. Treating a prostitute as a human being, "he who is without sin throw the first stone", looking at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye while ignoring the plank in your eye... even as someone who tends to be hostile towards Christianity I must admit that's some pretty good stuff.

At the same time he said problematic things and I believe he was a cult leader. In Luke 14:26 he tells his followers that they have to hate their families and follow only him or else they can't be his disciples - that has all my alarm bells ringing, it is just so strikingly similar to psychological tactics in present-day cults. Just like religion itself, Jesus is a complex matter I believe.


May 3, 2021
I've never really been into religion, never gone to church apart from when I was in the cub scouts, but with all the craziness in the world today I do have to admit I feel a strong compulsion to go to church and connect with God. It surprises me having never had such a feeling or belief, but I sometimes think we need to feel like we're part of a bigger thing, that instead of wrapping ourselves around just us in our own little bubble, we need to realise how big the universe is, and that we are only a small part revolving around that, rather than thinking everything revolves around us. I guess that comes from me feeling lost and without purpose.


Fear is the mind killer
Aug 3, 2020
Doesn't anybody love Jesus anymore? Come on, people, he's still sexier than the Buddha, & Muhammad was so ugly that they kill people for drawing pictures of him
There is absolutely no historical reference to any man called Jesus during the time Jesus was said to exist. No roman, greek, sumarian jewish or any other text of the time. Jesus was made up to take peoples money and control free thought. Religion is a giant lie that controls weak minds.
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May 3, 2021
There is absolutely no historical reference to any man called Jesus during the time Jesus was said to exist. No roman, greek, sumarian jewish or any other text of the time. Jesus was made up to take peoples money and control free thought. Religion is a giant lie that controls weak minds.
I thought there was reference to him, but nothing would surprise me.

I remember once years ago going with my ex to an Alpha course at the church (she'd got right into it), which I thought was really manipulative, I won't go into all of it here, but one thing that stuck with me, and I had an afgument with the vicar or whatever he was, was he said "Woah, look, see they have a parchment now talking about Jesus from like 1800 years ago, that like only 170 years after he died, it's so close to the time."

And on the face of it, when you compare now (1800 years later) to the parchment (170 years after he died) it does sound impressive and like it gives it credibility, but I said, well that's like all of us in here writing about Queen Victoria's Coronation in 1837 as though we were there, and in another 1600 years time someone like you saying "woah, look, this was written just 170 years after she came to the throne, so it's like, really important and accurate".

It clearly isn't.

Having said that, I don't discount the notion of God. Even though I don't go to church and am not religious. I just think the idea has been hijacked for ulterior motives, i.e money and power.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
im kind of working on my religion but the basic way to explain it is wiccan. im my own god. while i dont personally believe in an afterlife, i see it possible for different possibilities. anything after that its more of a case by case thing although you can find some of my beliefs in my signature

- its not the action, its the motive that matters
- Unless you've lived my life don't judge me. And you'll never live my life so never judge me.
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Fear is the mind killer
Aug 3, 2020
I thought there was reference to him, but nothing would surprise me.

I remember once years ago going with my ex to an Alpha course at the church (she'd got right into it), which I thought was really manipulative, I won't go into all of it here, but one thing that stuck with me, and I had an afgument with the vicar or whatever he was, was he said "Woah, look, see they have a parchment now talking about Jesus from like 1800 years ago, that like only 170 years after he died, it's so close to the time."

And on the face of it, when you compare now (1800 years later) to the parchment (170 years after he died) it does sound impressive and like it gives it credibility, but I said, well that's like all of us in here writing about Queen Victoria's Coronation in 1837 as though we were there, and in another 1600 years time someone like you saying "woah, look, this was written just 170 years after she came to the throne, so it's like, really important and accurate".

It clearly isn't.

Having said that, I don't discount the notion of God. Even though I don't go to church and am not religious. I just think the idea has been hijacked for ulterior motives, i.e money and power.
What I see are religious leader who ask their people for money, but when the people they lead need money they tell them to ask God or Jesus. Kinda scammy.
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May 3, 2021
What I see are religious leader who ask their people for money, but when the people they lead need money they tell them to ask God or Jesus. Kinda scammy.
Ah yes, I LOVE George Carlin on religion (it's on youtube, seen it a million times, I always belly laugh) - "He's all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, but somehow - He always needs money! - money, He just can't seem to get the hang of it".
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Nov 4, 2020
I was raised as a Christian but no longer believe in Religion,But l still occasionally wear a Crucifix and my Dog does as well! Never been able to figure that one out?
signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
I was raised as a Christian but no longer believe in Religion,But l still occasionally wear a Crucifix and my Dog does as well! Never been able to figure that one out?
I think we find some comfort in recognisable symbols, even if they don't hold the same meaning they used to. Also maybe an element of nostalgia if they remind you of better places/times?


Nov 4, 2020
I think we find some comfort in recognisable symbols, even if they don't hold the same meaning they used to. Also maybe an element of nostalgia if they remind you of better places/times?
When l was 15/16 l used to do the gardening for the local priest(Father Derek) A Good Man. He gave me a St Christopher for my 16th Birthday! I think l wear the Crucifix for him! He was a good friend!
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
There is absolutely no historical reference to any man called Jesus during the time Jesus was said to exist. No roman, greek, sumarian jewish or any other text of the time. Jesus was made up to take peoples money and control free thought. Religion is a giant lie that controls weak minds.
Sumerian civilization collapsed two thousand years before the birth of Christianity. :)) Of course Jesus wasn't divine, but no historian disputes that there were loads of fanatical Jewish preachers who made ludicrous claims in the 1st century & that the Romans routinely crucified them without recording their insignificant names. Btw, Yeshua (Jesus) was an extremely common Jewish name in that period.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I thought there was reference to him, but nothing would surprise me.

I remember once years ago going with my ex to an Alpha course at the church (she'd got right into it), which I thought was really manipulative, I won't go into all of it here, but one thing that stuck with me, and I had an afgument with the vicar or whatever he was, was he said "Woah, look, see they have a parchment now talking about Jesus from like 1800 years ago, that like only 170 years after he died, it's so close to the time."

And on the face of it, when you compare now (1800 years later) to the parchment (170 years after he died) it does sound impressive and like it gives it credibility, but I said, well that's like all of us in here writing about Queen Victoria's Coronation in 1837 as though we were there, and in another 1600 years time someone like you saying "woah, look, this was written just 170 years after she came to the throne, so it's like, really important and accurate".

It clearly isn't.

Having said that, I don't discount the notion of God. Even though I don't go to church and am not religious. I just think the idea has been hijacked for ulterior motives, i.e money and power.
I was taken to the Alpha course as well. I was told it was just a discussion but it was actually a recruiting exercise. What surprised me though was some of the things they said about the Bible weren't true to the original text (I went to a very religious primary school so I know the Bible well even though I'm not religious). So I started to argue and then stopped myself because I thought it was pointless. They all seemed friendly enough, superficially at least. But it wasn't for me.
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Jun 25, 2020
I don't believe in any religion. I also don't believe in God but I'm open minded to the possibility of him existing. If he exist then I don't think he is like the God of Christian or Islam religions but more like a technological advanced being. If he exists then he is for sure evil.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I just wanna say that Jesus was a hairy, brown Jewish man. He definitely wasn't a cutesy blond with blue eyes waving a Confederate flag. Sorry if I ruined anyone's fetish
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May 8, 2019
(i was raised in a monotheistic society (christian).) nobody knows if there is a god (no proof for the existence no proof against, nice paradox, perhaps the reason for which people are so addicted to religion).

if god doesnt exist, i don't care, things would continue like they went before. if there is a god he is the biggest coward in universe, he refuses to show up and beside he let's violence, poverty, exploitation and so on happen without doing nothing. if he refuses to show and lets all these things happen up because all these things are like a religious test for humanity he is a sadist asshole. these are my thoughts about monotheist religion and their big secret animal living somewhere above the sun
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Aug 17, 2020
I'm curious, what do you believe in in terms of religion ?
In the same way that ants can't comprehend the differences between a house, flat, or a bungalow (because it's outside the scope of it's world) I don't think we can comprehend the universe or our part in it
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Apr 29, 2021
If you're talking religion, then it has damaged many - look at Catholicism. If you can scrape away 'the church' and the depravity of Man then you may find the answers you're looking for.

To me, life is a battle between good and evil: the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1John 5:19). I might have God but I have to get up each day and battle on - I don't go skipping through the daisies - but I have hope too that this short life: we are like breath, a fleeting shadow (Psalm 144;4) will give way to something much better and I'll hold on by my fingernails til I get there.

Keep searching and may you find that inner peace.


Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
Grew up in a Christian household, went to Christian school. Started questioning the Bible's fallacies at age 15. Did some more research and reading on religion and science. By the time I reached 16 I lost all faith. I'm in my mid 20's now and I've remained a nonbeliever since. I think religion is a divisive tool that's been used to control the masses throughout human history. I also think that religion can do some good for people. Generally speaking though... I think it's done more harm than good for us as a species.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Babe Jesus & His Baby Bottle

Capttrure 1
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