When I first found out about this forum I was so interested and checked the site out a lot. Not with the intention of ctb, but just because I've felt that way many times in my past and was just so curious about this forum. Now, I only check this forum once every other month or so, but it's nice to have an uncensored and mature discussion on things like suicide or just off topic discussions. It's crazy because its sort of a taboo subject (both in real life and other online communities) yet it's still one of the highest leading causes of death, especially for people in the 10-30 year old range
https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/suicide and only being beat by "unintentional injury".
But yeah anyways, I think this site is interesting. It reminds you that you're not the only person who has these thoughts. Shit, even Abraham Lincoln experienced suicidal ideation, which has always impacted me since I've heard that. Obviously I would not wish anyone else to feel that way, but it's oddly comforting to know you're not alone. And I'm not a fan of encouraging people to ctb (many people on this forum seem to be on that side, I do not), but in a
weird way, I've grown to understand the morals behind that perspective. Sometimes in life we can feel so helpless, like there's no escape to the pain in our heart. It can be so unbearable that death seems like the only escape to pain. And after spending time here, I can see the other perspective of how cruel it seems to "force" someone to endure that pain (rather than escape it through death). I still don't agree with encouraging people to ctb but it's a interesting moral question. Which is more moral? You could argue for either side honestly.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a result of this forum, maybe it's life experience and my studying of stoicism & philosophy, but I don't fear death anymore. I've come to accept it. In fact our inevitable death is what makes life so inherently valuable, not that there is an inherent
meaning to life, but in the simple fact that it is so short, there is inherent value. And once we are gone, that's it. Within seconds we lose consciousness & sensory awareness. Within minutes our brain activity is completely inactive. And within a few months only a skeleton will remain as the flora and fauna of earth will repurpose the atoms that once made up our flesh... it's a beautiful thing, the circle of life. The harder we try to fight nature and cling onto life, the more it slips through our fingers. All we can do is appreciate the beauty of our fleeting lives while we are still here and help each other along the way. Much love :)