

Dec 14, 2018
I've lost her for good this time.
We were best friends for 8 years and she was the one that truly made feel accepted.
I don't even care about a relationship with her anymore, I just wish to have her close again.
All the good moments we spent together didn't matter in the end, she never had anything to lose and now she won't even read the last messages I sent days ago.
I don't have the strenght to hate her for this, I just hope she would understand since she helped me when I needed it and made me feel like there was someone caring about me.
I don't want to live anymore, but I'm afraid I am not capable of killing myself.
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Reactions: Luu, XoXoNae, NeverWazBlu and 16 others


Jul 19, 2019
I'm sorry for your loss. I know this pain. I recently lost mine too. We were friends for over two decades though. She was my only friend too. She was my person who promised she would always be here...until she wasn't.
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Reactions: NeverWazBlu, Kikoo Loool, Time and 7 others


Jun 18, 2019
I'm about to "lose"a person who helped me survive through my darkest days. We know each other not too long, but she was here for me almost every single day from day one. One way or another we just met daily, do simple things, smoke cigs, drive aimlessly, do drugs, chill or just call... No relationship, but this girl had helped me immensely... Now she is leaving the country, and I'm going to be completely alone again. I don't know how I can handle this, sadness just flow through me like a cold river. I'm fucking scared..
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Reactions: XoXoNae, NeverWazBlu, Time and 4 others


Dec 14, 2018
I'm sorry for your loss. I know this pain. I recently lost mine too. We were friends for over two decades though. She was my only friend too. She was my person who promised she would always be here...until she wasn't.
Damn, that's a long time. She was a turning point in my life and the time we spent together isn't even half of yours.
I hope things get better for you.
I'm about to "lose"a person who helped me survive through my darkest days. We know each other not too long, but she was here for me almost every single day from day one. One way or another we just met daily, do simple things, smoke cigs, drive aimlessly, do drugs, chill or just call... No relationship, but this girl had helped me immensely... Now she is leaving the country, and I'm going to be completely alone again. I don't know how I can handle this, sadness just flow through me like a cold river. I'm fucking scared..
We used to do things like these too, we spent a lot of time alone together and we were planning to go on a trip alone us two next year.
It destroys you to know that these things will not happen.
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Reactions: NeverWazBlu, Time, OreoWellington and 1 other person


The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
I lost a lot of people over the years. You may be lucky that you can rekindle the friendship after a time.
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Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
I know the feeling. I lost my best friend although a better way of putting it is that we were sisters for each other. I remember the date, 6th of September 2010. It was induction day, our class was in a lab. The lady that was going to be our teacher for the next 5 years told us to sit in alphabetical order of our last names, those would be our seats for the next few years. We had to go around the room and tell the class our name and one fact about ourselves. I was an idiot, I said I loved this chicken and chips shop since I didn't know what to say, my social anxiety was so bad and I couldn't even talk. After that, everyone was talking to the people next to them. She was in the very first seat of the first row, all the way to the right side of the classroom from where I was sitting and I was in the third row just almost near the left side of the classroom. Everyone was chatting with each other and I remember feeling horrible because the girl next to me was busy talking to the other girls around her. I sat there in silence, feeling absolutely terrible. I remember the moment when she turned around to look at all of the class sitting behind her, our eyes looked at each other's for a moment, a short moment. Even though there was some distance between us and there was a line of students sitting in the row between us. We saw each other for a second, she smiled and I smiled back. I don't think I can ever forget that moment. Only throughout the years after that, I began to see that a beautiful friendship was growing.

I was a wimp, an ugly wimp. She thought she was ugly too. Despite that, she was loud but I was quiet. People bullied me for a small amount of facial hair I had and they would talk about her having a big nose. I still remember everything, all of the moments we had together. I know for a fact that nobody would've wanted to know me if they saw how I was 9 years ago, it just shows fake everyone is. Yet, she was there for me as we flourished together. Nobody liked me and I didn't know why. Anyway, after being together for 8 years, she betrayed me and ruined my life whilst choosing her older boyfriend over me. Now, she's doing fine without me. I suppressed all my feelings, all I feel is anger. All I wanted was for her to suffer for what she did to me but in fact, deep down, I feel the pain and sadness of her betraying and leaving me for him. I remember in college, I even told her that if I had to choose between a guy and her, I would choose her. That's how strong our sisterhood was, she said she would do the same for me. And now, I know I didn't mean anything to her.

We couldn't be without each other. Even though we had friends come into our lives then leave whilst being together, the bond we had was so strong. No one could separate us until he came into the picture. I didn't know that I was slowly losing that girl I knew. I think of the life we had together, now it seems like it was merely a dream. I was a loser but we had each other and now, she's gone. The girl I knew is gone and all I can think is what did I ever do to make her do this to me?
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Your RX drugs are likely your real problem
Nov 4, 2019
I'm so sorry... I've lost my entire family and the love of my life of over 12 years. I literally have no one left... I have now been totally alone for 15 months... I dont know what keeps me going... I guess I still have hope... but hope for what?
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Reactions: NeverWazBlu, Bagger and OreoWellington


When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
I'm sorry for your loss, I really understand how this feels, I to lost my best friend and it hurts like fuck, for me this was my first death of someone close to me and I've been dealing with it through drinking and drugs. What i'm trying to say is, whatever way you are coping with this. it is valid. The emotions you are feeling are valid. That's what someone told me as well.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that. I too, had a childhood friend of over 20+ years and then one day, he just drifted away, started to contact me less until he just wouldn't even pick up the phone when I called. While it wasn't a sudden cut off of contact, it was just waning over time and one day I knew it was over. Ever since then, I never had any close friends that contacted me without me initiating contact first. In fact, outside of the acquaintances and family, I only ever have myself and maybe occasionally some online friends but that isn't the same as IRL though.
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