

I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
I wanted to kill myself in a couple of years, but this just killed me inside again. This level of no luck deeply hurts.

I cry everyday. I always cared about my hair and recently after years I found a perfect shampoo, but I won't be able to enjoy it.

I can't even have alone time in the house, so I will have to jump. I don't want to do it, but I don't want to lose my precious hair.

I don't even care about validation. It's just about me and my hair.

I'm still in shock.
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Jun 28, 2020
Any chance of medications reversing the balding process?
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Dec 29, 2020
A lot of black women wear wigs.
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Apr 29, 2020
Have you thought about hair transplant?


I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
Any chance of medications reversing the balding process?
I don't have the money, it doesn't work for everyone and the condition will still progressing anyway.

I don't want to live with this. It's over.
Do you know the cause?
It's's the classic baldness that you see in men.
Have you thought about hair transplant?
It's expensive and it doesn't work in women.
A lot of black women wear wigs.
And? I want my hair. I don't care about what others do.
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Jun 26, 2020
Unless one has seen me in person, one would not know, but sometime ago I lost both of my eyebrows. The medical folks still do not know why in the heck it happened. Now I have a few strands that are coming back, years later and at first I was mortified and i did not want to go out. BUT, BUT, I learned that a persons beauty is on the outside and INSIDE. I do not even think about it any more after all these years and I am hoping that you can let all of us help you as you go forward. Now like others have suggested as far as options as a wig, or seeing a medical person about ways to slow down the progress and even maybe if not reverse it at least stabilize it, and enjoy the warm sun and blue skies. My heart broke for you as, I have direct knowledge of a similar situation, BUT I truly believe in the power of love, family (all of us here) and hope. Sending you lots of big hugs, loving smiles, and the knowledge that we do everything hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder here and YOU ARE LOVED! Walter
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
To what extent are you losing your hair? Do you still have hair left? If so, you could get realistic looking clip-in hair pieces that'll make your hair look thicker. You could also go see a trichologist who might have some treatments available to try.

My cousin has alopecia universalis and has basically lost ALL her hair, not just the hair on her scalp. The first few years she was understandably very distressed and lost a lot of confidence, but she found ways to work around it. She's had her eyebrows and subtle eyeliner tattooed on and wears good quality wigs. Best of all she never has to worry about shaving her legs or armpits.

After a few years she got used to her condition and now lives a happy and fulfilling life despite having no hair. She has a variety of wigs she can wear depending on her mood/the occasion. The wigs are of a very good quality and I don't even notice that she wears wigs. In actual fact I don't notice a difference at all between what she used to look like and what she looks like now. She's still beautiful to me. She has also found love again with a man who knows about her condition and is now happily married with a child.

I know as women our hair is very precious to us, but humans are very adaptable and you'd be surprised that you might just eventually get used to having no hair..

I'm not saying that your experience will be exactly like my cousin's and I'm not trying to minimise your experience, because I feel for you, I really do, but try not to give up hope just yet. You could perhaps join an online alopecia group and they should be able to give you a lot of advice, support and tips.
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Feb 27, 2021
Are you perhaps anemic? A lot of women including myself are. Some iron pills and biotin might help. I've heard a lot of positive reviews about rogaine as well. I'd dry my hair with a shirt instead of a big heavy towel, avoid dying or using any heat on my hair, and sleep on a silk pillow.

Maybe look into a diet tailored for hair growth.

I'd also look into an appointment with a trichologist that way they can tell you up front what the problem is. A bit pricy but worth it since you'll have an expert opinion on what to do. It could also be your meds if you take any antidepressants.
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I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
Are you perhaps anemic? A lot of women including myself are. Some iron pills and biotin might help. I've heard a lot of positive reviews about rogaine as well. I'd dry my hair with a shirt instead of a big heavy towel, avoid dying or using any heat on my hair, and sleep on a silk pillow.

Maybe look into a diet tailored for hair growth.

I'd also look into an appointment with a trichologist that way they can tell you up front what the problem is. A bit pricy but worth it since you'll have an expert opinion on what to do. It could also be your meds if you take any antidepressants.
Yes, I'm anemic, but I have been anemic before and my hair was fine.

I always treated my hair very well.

Yes, I will go to a trichologist. I know is genetic, but I want a proper diagnosis anyway.

Currently, I'm not taking any pills.
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I want to Insert something profound here
May 30, 2021
Reading through this a lot of people on here are making some good points. Perhaps something from the medical profession might help?

I don't know. But worth a try a least? But from seeing someone I know who lost her hair when she was going through chemo really did affect her confidence and whole persona massively. So I do get why you feel the way you do.

hope it all works out okay for you. :)
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Jun 28, 2020
I understand that your funds are limited. I do hope you will find the means to seek medical treatment for your hair loss.
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May 28, 2021
I would advise you to wait before taking the plunge; I think this is something your brain could learn to accept.

I hope this isn't construed as minimizing what you're feeling, though. I also have medical problems that are causing me a great deal of distress, so I can relate to what you're going through. I would be happy to share privately, not publicly, but I forget whether it's permitted to invite users to DMs on here.

Regardless: my advice would be to just give it some time before committing to anything. There's a good chance you'll learn to live with it or even get your self-esteem back completely.

And fwiw as a female-attracted-person I consider the bald look attractive.
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I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
To what extent are you losing your hair? Do you still have hair left? If so, you could get realistic looking clip-in hair pieces that'll make your hair look thicker. You could also go see a trichologist who might have some treatments available to try.

My cousin has alopecia universalis and has basically lost ALL her hair, not just the hair on her scalp. The first few years she was understandably very distressed and lost a lot of confidence, but she found ways to work around it. She's had her eyebrows and subtle eyeliner tattooed on and wears good quality wigs. Best of all she never has to worry about shaving her legs or armpits.

After a few years she got used to her condition and now lives a happy and fulfilling life despite having no hair. She has a variety of wigs she can wear depending on her mood/the occasion. The wigs are of a very good quality and I don't even notice that she wears wigs. In actual fact I don't notice a difference at all between what she used to look like and what she looks like now. She's still beautiful to me. She has also found love again with a man who knows about her condition and is now happily married with a child.

I know as women our hair is very precious to us, but humans are very adaptable and you'd be surprised that you might just eventually get used to having no hair..

I'm not saying that your experience will be exactly like my cousin's and I'm not trying to minimise your experience, because I feel for you, I really do, but try not to give up hope just yet. You could perhaps join an online alopecia group and they should be able to give you a lot of advice, support and tips.
I'm losing the hair of my head. I won't use wigs or toppers because I don't like it.

I will go to a trichologist, but I don't think I will try meds. It's expensive.

I'm not worried about finding a boyfriend because since I was 12 I know that I will end up completely alone.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I'm losing the hair of my head. I won't use wigs or toppers because I don't like it.

I will go to a trichologist, but I don't think I will try meds. It's expensive.

I'm not worried about finding a boyfriend because since I was 12 I know that I will end up completely alone.

Nobody can force you to wear wigs or toppers. It's entirely your choice and it was just a suggestion because the commenters here are trying to help you.

I know you've lost the hair on your head, I was just wondering to what extent. As in, whether your hair has simply thinned or you just have a few strands left with a lot of bald spots.

I hate my hair because it won't stop shedding. I lose an entire handful of hair every day and the house is covered with hair balls. MY hair balls. I feel like a moulting St. Bernard. It got so bad that I wanted to shave all my hair off Brittney Spears style and not bother with it anymore, but everyone stopped me and said I would regret it. So in the end I had a meltdown and rage cut all my long hair off. It's not even in a proper style and looks terrible, but I'm beyond caring about my stupid hair anymore.

It's a good idea that you want to see a a trichologist because they can run some tests and tell you the exact cause of your hair loss (you say it's genetic but an official diagnosis may still be useful) and once they know the exact cause they could perhaps reverse it or at least stop further hair loss. You may even get lucky and get new regrowth. You say you don't have the funds to use any products - do you perhaps have any friends or relatives who can help you out with the costs?

Also, some women need a ferritin level of 75 or more to have healthy thick hair, so if you have a ferritin level of 30 or below it might not be sufficient for good hair growth.

I'm sorry that you feel you'll never have a boyfriend but never say never.
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the crucified
Dec 28, 2018
I'm losing the hair of my head. I won't use wigs or toppers because I don't like it.

I will go to a trichologist, but I don't think I will try meds. It's expensive.

I'm not worried about finding a boyfriend because since I was 12 I know that I will end up completely alone.
Self loathing due to baldness is real and often justified. But please don't kill yourself because you cannot afford a hair transplant, I've seen the surgery do miracles on receding women, and that's just in my own country.

Do consider earning money to be able to afford it, the transformation might make long years of suffering worth enduring.

A 2000 graft dense hairline transplant costs $1,600 in my country, the price goes up if the balding area is larger. I'm also losing lots of hair, and sometimes my despair overwhelms me and I just want to be dead.
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I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
Nobody can force you to wear wigs or toppers. It's entirely your choice and it was just a suggestion because the commenters here are trying to help you.

I know you've lost the hair on your head, I was just wondering to what extent. As in, whether your hair has simply thinned or you just have a few strands left with a lot of bald spots.

I hate my hair because it won't stop shedding. I lose an entire handful of hair every day and the house is covered with hair balls. MY hair balls. I feel like a moulting St. Bernard. It got so bad that I wanted to shave all my hair off Brittney Spears style and not bother with it anymore, but everyone stopped me and said I would regret it. So in the end I had a meltdown and rage cut all my long hair off. It's not even in a proper style and looks terrible, but I'm beyond caring about my stupid hair anymore.

It's a good idea that you want to see a a trichologist because they can run some tests and tell you the exact cause of your hair loss (you say it's genetic but an official diagnosis may still be useful) and once they know the exact cause they could perhaps reverse it or at least stop further hair loss. You may even get lucky and get new regrowth. You say you don't have the funds to use any products - do you perhaps have any friends or relatives who can help you out with the costs?

Also, some women need a ferritin level of 75 or more to have healthy thick hair, so if you have a ferritin level of 30 or below it might not be sufficient for good hair growth.

I'm sorry that you feel you'll never have a boyfriend but never say never.
I don't have a family or friends.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm really sorry to hear this, dear.
What about hair transplants or buying those expensive wigs such as Elon Musk's?

I'm really scare of balding too but I might do what I just mentioned if that happened to me.

Hope you can sort this out!

Hugs and love,

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May 27, 2019
Check your hormone levels. A condition called PCOS can cause hair loss. Usually they treat it with metformin and a diuretic, or birth control pills. It stops hair loss. After awhile with meds, and taking good care of my hair, I've got a full head of healthy hair.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Life really can be cruel to us, there is literally so many things that can go wrong with our bodies that are out of our control. Death can seem like the only escape, I get that. I hope you feel better soon and that things can improve for you.
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