

Jun 8, 2024
..and their health,wellbeing and future...

I look more at it as egotistical that children only are used as an ego-extension and accessory and garbage dump for the parents.

I feels good to end the cycle of pain and torture to another life by not having a kid to this cruel and cold world.

This is just the truth..
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May 16, 2024
..and their health,wellbeing and future...

I look more at it as egotistical that children only are used as an ego-extension and accessory and garbage dump for the parents.

I feels good to end the cycle of pain and torture to another life
Unfortunately my friend, the world has indeed become a much colder and darker place with each passing generation from the beginning of recorded time, and im afraid it will only become worse over time in the future.. the family unit appears to be gone almost completely anymore, and to be honest, knowing what I know now, I likely would have made the decision to not have had my kids.. not that I don't love and care for them, but that im sorry I brought them into this..
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Aug 24, 2024
I think this is true to a lot of western cultures .

But during travels to Asia the family unit is indeed still very strong and people are extremely happy with very little .

Make you wonder as a western civilisation where we went wrong .
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Jun 8, 2024
The humanity turns to become more non -genuine and false and evil-parasitic,narcissistic with all the bad traits that goes with this only getting worse,but cheer up be lucky that you dont need to grow up in this dark time as a new born.

When humans fuck up the order and law of nature it gonna hit back very hard on humanity..

I notice the lack of respect and 500%
more materialism today in the younger generation, if i look back 25 years..
people are more aggressive and into competition and more users and takers
hustlers,scammers,liars..then ever before.

Today in this world the only friend you have is yourself i lost my hope and trust on humanity.
The humanity turns to become more non -genuine and false and evil-parasitic,narcissistic with all the bad traits that goes with this only getting worse,but cheer up be lucky that you dont need to grow up in this dark time as a new born.

When humans fuck up the order and law of nature it gonna hit back very hard on humanity..

I notice the lack of respect and 500%
more materialism today in the younger generation, if i look back 25 years..
people are more aggressive and into competition and more users and takers
hustlers,scammers,liars..than ever before.

Today in this world the only friend you have is yourself i lost my hope and trust on humanity.
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Former nerd; current burden
Aug 1, 2024
I know how you feel and I notice it all around me sometimes tbh. It's dark, sad and unfortunate. Ofc they all allegedly care but when a lot of older folks with kids are more honest (usual due to a helping hand of alcohol) I've noticed that they voice what is basically akin to resentment and hostility toward their kids. And that stems from nothing more than their kids being an an obstacle to more consumption and materialism and fun and partying and self-indulgence. At best that money would've been invested into expansions of wealth to fund future comfort, security, and then, ultimately: luxury. They also don't like obligations or living outside of themselves. Of course, they'll voice this resentment toward their children as if they didn't have agency in creating them. From start to finish its just very gross and selfish.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
You're right. Anybody who cares about the lives of their kids would simply not procreate in the first place. The best way to ensure that your kid won't suffer and will be safe is to not force them into existence in the first place
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Do you generalise about everything or just this?


Oct 29, 2023
I think this is true to a lot of western cultures .

But during travels to Asia the family unit is indeed still very strong and people are extremely happy with very little .

Make you wonder as a western civilisation where we went wrong
I wouldn't say the family unit is very strong in Asia, it's more of a pressure sometimes far worse to ignore self for the sake of the group. I say this as a multi-racial woman who is part Asian. While neither of us can speak for all, in my personal experience, I've found a fair number of Asian people who experience the same feelings and issues we do in the West. In certain cultures, people are made to assimilate and do what's best for the group and ignore themselves. That in itself breeds many ticking time bombs. Some children end up leaving their families behind when they are able to, others suffer a slow burn of resentment that can build into hatred or worse. They may be forced to hold in their feelings, there are rising cases of Hikikomori and suicide is not declining. Many are not happy with very little when they see how others live or find their siblings were treated better than them, etc. Some resent being forced to care for others who did not care for them, and for that, I cannot blame them whether it was their parents or some other relative.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I think this is true to a lot of western cultures .

But during travels to Asia the family unit is indeed still very strong and people are extremely happy with very little .

Make you wonder as a western civilisation where we went wrong .
Yeah, I feel like you've never actually listened to what a lot of Asian kids have to say about their parents. Abuse is very normalized within the Asian community and while a lot of Asian children love their parents, it isn't uncommon for many of them to talk about how toxic and abusive they were growing up. A lot of Asian kids have a large amount of expectations placed on them from a young age, which many going through burnout as a result of it. Beatings and emotional abuse are common within many Asian households, with children being treated as accessories rather than as individuals with their own perspectives and feelings. They are often dehumanized. Most Asian parents fall under the category of authoritarian parents. The ideal parenting style is an authoritative one (high in both warmth and control/demand).
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Oct 29, 2023
I agree there is a significant number of parents who don't care about their children's lives. Many seem to have given up, we literally have 5 and 6 year olds being taken to schools where already underpaid & overstretched teachers are being asked to handle kids IN DIAPERS! Next, we have parents who have kids as their retirement plan yet don't show care and concern for the child or give the child things that are needed financially, emotionally, healthcare wise, etc. Some brag to others about their kids but do not support them in any way at all, others impregnate women and leave like a male polar bear never to be seen again. Other times it's the woman who disappears. Parents today are too often greatly disappointing if not outright abusive or neglectful. And to add insult to injury all these children will grow up and likely continue the sad cycle if they do not find it within themselves and within their reach to either not have kids or make sure they can do all that's best for their child at every age of life. That is a tall order and in our society, we should be begging people to stop having kids. Not creating more. Sure, bad things can happen at any point however, many parents know they don't have the skills, mental capacity, financial ability, etc. to create life when they create it, but they still do.

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Jan 1, 2024
I think this is true to a lot of western cultures .

But during travels to Asia the family unit is indeed still very strong and people are extremely happy with very little .

Make you wonder as a western civilisation where we went wrong .
Less community here
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Oct 10, 2023
That sums up my parents and my relationship to them

children only are used as an ego-extension and accessory and garbage dump for the parents.

Only my parents are very old. I think it's always been happening, it's just that you hear more about these things now days. Things like scapegoating, ego- extension, narcissism where hardly spoken or read about by the lay person, when I was younger. Perhaps if they were I would of had a better awareness of my dysfunctional family environment and a better chance of survival.
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Apr 18, 2023
..and their health,wellbeing and future...

I look more at it as egotistical that children only are used as an ego-extension and accessory and garbage dump for the parents.

I feels good to end the cycle of pain and torture to another life by not having a kid to this cruel and cold world.

This is just the truth..
Honestly I can only speak to my parents and honestly it is both complicated and also really simple. End of the day at some point you run into a point a crossroads where it is hard to care. Where bad times happen. It is the moment when you find out who does or doesn't. I find out mine don't give a shit.

End of the day the reason doesn't matter maybe it is deep down who they are, maybe they have richiritis and don't know how to function when they aren't being taken care of, or maybe they are just cold hearted and want me to suffer. It doesn't matter.