I've heard about this theory, I've read about it online. I need to read books on it though. I heard that archons disguised as angels tricked you into reincarnating again with your life review to "fulfill a mission or something" and "because of your past life karma".
I honestly think that this world is a prison planet. What do you think our true self is or could be?
I used to think that we were some kind of spiritual energy, or pure conscious awareness.
I once became very involved in Buddhism and began a very intense practice of Anapanasati concentration meditation.
I eventually reached a point where I could enter very deep states of samadhi, and jhana, until you become completely and utterly unaware of your surroundings and your body's physical sensations.
Your 5 senses cease to function.
You are fully awake, yet the world around you ceases to exist.
Nothing exists except pure concentrated awareness.
Maybe the real self is just pure energy, pure conscious awareness.
But I often wonder if we are Nothing but a biochemical, electrical reaction.
Maybe what we term as consciousness is nothing more than physical reactions in the brain.
I honestly hope there is no such thing as a soul.
I simply want to cease existing in any way, shape or form because existence just makes no sense to me and I find it all so confusing and frightening.