
Alcohol is my medication
Jul 4, 2020
Been suicidal for a long ass time, thought of many methods, the one I'm settled on is using a gun.

However I'm in the UK where all we have are kitchen kniives.

Thought about going to the US to find a gun (somehow?) but makes me think are they not so common like my little British mind thinks? It's surely the easiest way? So what's the problem foe those in the US?

(I did see a thread about gunpowder to get in UK, but I don't trust it and this nanny state.. Feel free to PM me)
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Feb 6, 2020
The ease with which you can get a gun varies from state to state and the type of gun you're trying to get. Some states have a waiting policy or a background check policy, or they may not be willing to sell certain types of guns to non-citizens.

I can only speak in generalities, but you can usually go into a sporting goods store and pick up a hunting rifle or a shotgun without much fuss. Using a rifle of sufficiently large caliber in your mouth will absolutely give you an express ticket to the bus, but it's difficult to do because of the shape of the weapon. Shotguns have the same problem, compounded with the tendency of people to buy buckshot or birdshot, which are unlikely to CTB and instead horribly mutilate you. If you use those, buy solid slugs.

Handguns are more effective for your purposes but they're also more closely scrutinized in most states.There's also an issue of cost, insofar as all of these may set you back at least several hundred dollars for the purchase. If that's the last money you intend to spend, so be it.

There is a longstanding loophole in many states that allows people to purchase guns at gun show conventions with fewer background checks and difficulties compared to walking into a store. Some states have made efforts to close that loophole, so you'll want to research exactly where you're going first if you try to use a gun show. That may be where people get the idea that it's easy to get guns here, because for a long time it genuinely was.
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Jan 1, 2020
Suicide by gunshot is well...extremely messy in more ways than one. This is the method that I plan on using but even I have second thoughts. I have no experience with firearms and if the brainstem isn't hit then I'm in for excruciating agony. Although statistically the most reliable method (with a shotgun and right ammo to the head) there's still room for error.
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Jul 19, 2020
Shotguns have the same problem, compounded with the tendency of people to buy buckshot or birdshot, which are unlikely to CTB and instead horribly mutilate you. If you use those, buy solid slugs.
You just used a lot of terms I don't understand. :I Which is why I think ctb by gun is not for me. :pfff:

But seriously, you'd really need to do research as things do vary from state to state. I'm also not certain about what the laws for carrying it back to UK are, assuming you plan on returning home. I'm a Canadian living in the US, and I know transporting firearms over the border is highly regulated.

Suicide by gunshot is well...extremely messy in more ways than one.
This is the part that seals the deal for me, tbh. I understand that it is likely to be extremely quick and thus much less agonizing. Still, I can't help but think about the mess and the mutilation to the body. The trauma of seeing that... I wouldn't wish that on any of my family members, or even hotel staff that I don't know.
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After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
Suicide by gunshot is well...extremely messy in more ways than one. This is the method that I plan on using but even I have second thoughts. I have no experience with firearms and if the brainstem isn't hit then I'm in for excruciating agony. Although statistically the most reliable method (with a shotgun and right ammo to the head) there's still room for error.

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but one of the most important factors in sucessful suicides via firearms is ensuring a positive, and flush seal between the barrel (which should, ideally, have no muzzle break, flash-hider or compensator-cuts) and the skull. If you have a sufficiently powerful round this makes shot placement more or less irrelevant as you're literally funneling a small explosion into your skull.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Thought about going to the US to find a gun (somehow?) but makes me think are they not so common like my little British mind thinks? It's surely the easiest way? So what's the problem foe those in the US?

Just because it's the easiest way doesn't mean it's the most desirable.

Guns are not everywhere. As a non-US resident you'd probably have a difficult time buying one legally, though I'm not certain. Most people actually don't own guns. My dad was a cop so I grew up around guns and in fact owned one for a while myself, but I never had any friends who owned guns. I'm white, was considered middle-class, have lived in very different parts of the country, and in my socio-economic group, gun ownership is not a norm except for hunters or people who were exposed to guns in their work, those who own guns are in the minority.
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Jul 19, 2020
I've mentioned this elsewhere, but one of the most important factors in sucessful suicides via firearms is ensuring a positive, and flush seal between the barrel (which should, ideally, have no muzzle break, flash-hider or compensator-cuts) and the skull.
Again... I'm so lost. I got barrel, but after that, I'm useless. :tongue:

According to a Gallup poll last year, 30% of Americans own guns while 43% say the live in a gun household. While that is pretty high, I think the perception comes from four things...
  1. The enormous visibility and outspokenness of the NRA and the strong political power they yield;
  2. The frequency of mass shootings when compared to other nations and the resulting media coverage of those events;
  3. The relative ease of acquiring a gun, particularly through the aforementioned gun show loophole;
  4. The fact that many gun owners own multiple guns. There are almost 400 million registered guns in civilian hands in the US - almost half the world's civilian total. That's roughly 12 registered guns per gun owner!


Apr 26, 2020
Pfft registered guns. Guns are required to be registered in only a select few locations (e.g. New York) or circumstances (e.g. pre 1986 machine gun).
Most of what you wrote is nonsense. There is no "gun show loophole." It is a fiction; it doesn't exist. Everyone selling a gun at a gun show has a federal firearms license (FFL), and every retail gun sold has to abide by federal restrictions. While states may be more restrictive, they cannot be less. Go to a gun show and ask to buy a gun with no background check. Every dealer there will assume you are a fed or felon. Sure, guns are sold illegally on the street, but so is heroin. (Actually, you would have a MUCH easier time finding H). Go to a gun show and try to buy one without a 4473 and background check. I'll wait.
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After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
Again... I'm so lost. I got barrel, but after that, I'm useless.

It's fairly simple. A muzzle break, flash-hider or compensator cuts are modifications to a gun barrel intended to vent gas from the barrel usually to either reduce recoil or muzzle flash.

Bullets are rather small and shot placement matters a lot under normal circumstances, especially with rounds that are likely to bore a neat little hole straight through your head and out the other side, but if the barrel is flush with someone's head it's quite literally venting a small explosion straight into their skull through the hole made by the bullet, which will make for a far more devastating injury. Things like compensators or muzzle breaks will reduce this effect considerably as they allow the propellant to be vented elsewhere.
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Apr 26, 2020
Any guesses how I know you are not familiar about which you speak? Watch out for those guns at Walmart; they might just jump off the Shelf at you.

federally, those with green cards may purchase guns. In MOST states this is also the case though some of these states will not issue concealed carry permits to non-residents. https://www.vrolyk.org/guns/alien-laws.html


Feb 6, 2020
You just used a lot of terms I don't understand. :I Which is why I think ctb by gun is not for me. :pfff:

So if you look at a bullet for a handgun or a rifle, it's basically a solid metal slug packed with gunpowder in a casing.

For shotguns, the usual method is to instead pack a shell full of smaller metal pellets so that when you fire it releases all of them at once and they expand outwards.This is "buckshot" for a normal shotgun, and for very small, fine pellets meant to hit birds, this is "birdshot." A "solid slug" shotgun shell is one that has a single heavy slug like a normal bullet.

Buckshot and birdshot are very good for hunting, but because the pellets are so small they lose a lot of the impact that a solid slug would have. If you shoot someone at the far end of a shotgun's effective range with those weapons, they're going to hurt like hell, but they'll live, and maybe not be all that seriously injured in the case of birdshot.

Simplest way to avoid this confusion and not accidentally maim yourself instead of CTB is to buy a handgun or a rifle instead, neither of which typically use pellet-based rounds.

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