

Feb 14, 2020
My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?
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Deleted member 16907

Deleted member 16907

Apr 7, 2020
I'm sorry i'm stupid and it says it on my bio but what does ctb mean?

Heartsick Traveler

Mar 7, 2020
I'm sorry i'm stupid and it says it on my bio but what does ctb mean?
You are not stupid. CTB is an acronym for "catch the bus"--a euphemism for dying by suicide.


Oct 14, 2019
I mean we can't decide for you, give yourself some time and then decide. See if you can get better or not.
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Heartsick Traveler

Mar 7, 2020
My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?
I'm so sorry you are in such pain. Any ONE of those traumas could drive the strongest person to despair and my heart goes out to you. Before taking such a drastic step, have you considered exploring your feelings with a therapist? No judgment here, trust me. You just don't sound sure at all about the biggest decision of your life.
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We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
If it makes you so depressed then it is a good reason no matter what


Apr 7, 2020
All of your reasons are fixable. If you come through them you will be much stronger than you are now. You could get a new fiance with bigger t!ts or an even higher paid job. Who knows???

But I understand how you feel, I have been in the exact same situation just last year. If I knew about SN then i wouldn't be around now that's a guarantee. If you need to talk PM me

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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I would try to find solutions first before ctb
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
If we assume that the right to live or die is given to us by default, then none of the reasons can be too insignificant and none of the reasons can be "must-suicide"
In this situation, only you decide which way to choose. You have to decide it yourself, because only you can know what is better for you.
Of course, if you have enough strengths, you can at least try to live with it or make it better.
But I believe no matter whether it is recovery or CTB, it should be your conscious choice.
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Mar 5, 2020
can you find the strength to fix these issues? can you find a single reason to go on? I guess its hard to find motivation at times like this but...
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Apr 8, 2020
My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?

Absolutely not

Hello I dont know but I love you. I love people more than myself. I can see the best in people but I cant see the best in myself. Werid i know .

Why do I care? Sucide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and wordwide as well. Men are our fathers , brothers, sons, husbands and grandfathers. It is so tragic to lose people in this way . Sucide is tragic because people die before their time never knowing what they could have been or could have had. Look at vincent van gough he never got saw the impact his art work had on the world.

I am a 22 year old sucidial depressive woman so sorry if my responses are not helpful.

I am sorry about your fiance leaving you. I am not going to say she was not the one for you. I hate pharses like that as they so patronising because how do you if someone is the one for you.

If you kill yourself you will stop yourself meeting someone else who love you perhaps even more than your fiance .

Marriage is for life. It better to be dumped now than trapped in a loveless marriage.

What was your high paying job ? Sorry for asking

As for a job, jobs can be replaced due to demands of the market but you as person can never be replaced.

Since you have experience from your last job you will have no problem as employers always want people with experience

Erectile dysfunction? I am a woman cant help with that sorry

You have value, you are amazing even if you cant see it .i hope things work out for you.

God Bless and take care
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?
This cannot be answered because it is wholly subjective. Maybe in the future an AI will be able to gather so much data about someone that it can accurately predict a suicide attempt (and the chances of success).

But how do you expect us to judge without knowing you? And even if we knew you, we couldn't make that judgement without actually feeling what you feel.


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
You don't need to justify a suicide anyway. The real question is: do you want to die? how long have you been wanting to die and why do you think that is?
I will give you a few examples: one guy in your circumstance would become a millionaire within one year of losing his job, snort coke and Viagra on a yacht and keep on going. Another dude might accustom to his new circumstance by taking a menial job and maybe downing antidepressants the rest of his life. Another dude might feel that he is finally free from all of his responsibilities and realizes that he had been bogged down by his job and wife and the desire to have sex all the time, take a backpacking trip through southern Indonesia and aspire to become a monk.

This isn't a moral question—it is a question of "how do you feel about it?" and "what do you want to do now/ what are your options r e a l i s t i c a l l y?" Only you know yourself well enough.
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Apr 9, 2020
My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?
I hope i sound not mean, but it sound rather as justification of done ctb, that reason to. Give a try to resume joy in your life, hope your health and well-being will back and those problems are temporary.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
@FireFox "You have value, you are amazing even if you cant see it"

you don't even know him, do you?

Hello I dont know but I love you

please stop this. Its just words, they don't mean anything. You don't even know him.

Sucide is tragic because people die before their time never knowing what they could have been or could have had. Look at vincent van gough he never got saw the impact his art work had on the world.

are you trying to trigger people by offering the condensation of all cliches about suicide in one paragraph? Suicide is tragic for whom? Who says when it is someone's time? He also evades the possibility of realizing at the end of his life that his life was largely meaningless. And Vincent can Gough had a shit life, we all know it. His art doesn't justify his immense suffering.

you will have no problem

again, you don't know him. Empty words don't help.

Nothing against you personally, but I can't see these shitty answers anymore.
oh, and "suicide" is not a subject or a thing that can perform actions, i.e. kill people.

Sucide is the biggest killer

people decide to end their life. There is no "suicide" out there that goes around murdering people.
Almost forgot:

God Bless

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Heartsick Traveler

Mar 7, 2020
@FireFox "You have value, you are amazing even if you cant see it"

you don't even know him, do you?

Hello I dont know but I love you

please stop this. Its just words, they don't mean anything. You don't even know him.

Sucide is tragic because people die before their time never knowing what they could have been or could have had. Look at vincent van gough he never got saw the impact his art work had on the world.

are you trying to trigger people by offering the condensation of all cliches about suicide in one paragraph? Suicide is tragic for whom? Who says when it is someone's time? He also evades the possibility of realizing at the end of his life that his life was largely meaningless. And Vincent can Gough had a shit life, we all know it. His art doesn't justify his immense suffering.

you will have no problem

again, you don't know him. Empty words don't help.

Nothing against you personally, but I can't see these shitty answers anymore.
oh, and "suicide" is not a subject or a thing that can perform actions, i.e. kill people.

Sucide is the biggest killer

people decide to end their life. There is no "suicide" out there that goes around murdering people.
Almost forgot:

God Bless

Woah, easy there, a.n.kirillov. Everyone here is doing the best we can -- to try listening authentically, to try understanding ourselves and others, and to try offering support using the only words we know. Suicide is an anguished topic for anyone--for those of us who grapple with its personal realities AND its realities for strangers in this forum whose good hearts are similarly in excruciating pain. It's a difficult balance. We may not always have the right words, despite our best efforts. But to encourage someone who feels lost to consider all options, to tell a stranger he or she matters, to acknowledge a kinship with anyone here who feels utterly broken... that is Grace, a necessary antidote to the cynicism and despair that often cripple us. It's why we're all here. We all deserve such kindness.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Woah, easy there, a.n.kirillov. Everyone here is doing the best we can -- to try listening authentically, to try understanding ourselves and others, and to try offering support using the only words we know. Suicide is an anguished topic for anyone--for those of us who grapple with its personal realities AND its realities for strangers in this forum whose good hearts are similarly in excruciating pain. It's a difficult balance. We may not always have the right words, despite our best efforts. But to encourage someone who feels lost to consider all options, to tell a stranger he or she matters, to acknowledge a kinship with anyone here who feels utterly broken... that is Grace, a necessary antidote to the cynicism and despair that often cripple us. It's why we're all here. We all deserve such kindness.
I don't consider lying to someone kindness.
Now I am not saying it was purposeful or mean spirited—but telling someone over the internet who you don't even know that "everything will be fine" and "I love you, you are valuable and important" is a little cynical as well, don't you think?
My response was a little over the top, I admit.
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Apr 8, 2020
I don't consider lying to someone kindness.
Now I am not saying it was purposeful or mean spirited—but telling someone over the internet who you don't even know that "everything will be fine" and "I love you, you are valuable and important" is a little cynical as well, don't you think?
My response was a little over the top, I admit.
Sorry for my response . It is part of my nature and personality.
You may not believe me fair enough .

I do believe there is good in everyone and believe if people get lost they need help.

I do believe some problems are fixable kind of.

I am 22 so maybe i am not suitable to advise.
Ignore my suggestions and post all togeher
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Nov 4, 2019
I do believe there is good in everyone and believe if people get lost they need help.

I do believe some problems are fixable kind of.

@FireFox, I salute you for that. Stay true to your ideals.

I am 22 so maybe i am not suitable to advise.

Everyone can give words of advice. It's up to the recipient to follow them or not.

My fiancé left me, I have erectile dysfunction, I lost my high paid job and I have depression. Are these a good reason to ctb?

@LifeSucks39, only you know what's best for you, but if I were you, I'd listen to the advice people have offered you here. I know one thing, though, and that is that people always are vulnerable and depressed after breaking up from a relationship, and it's not a good time to make important decisions and do things which can't be undone.
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Heartsick Traveler

Mar 7, 2020
I don't consider lying to someone kindness.
Now I am not saying it was purposeful or mean spirited—but telling someone over the internet who you don't even know that "everything will be fine" and "I love you, you are valuable and important" is a little cynical as well, don't you think?
My response was a little over the top, I admit.
Personal truths vary considerably and fuel our reactions to everything. For example, I may truly believe that I am worthless and my life matters to no one, and a caring stranger could tell me otherwise without lying. Assuring me or anyone in this forum that "everything will be fine" may be naive, but it's not insincere. Again, we're at all different stages on this difficult journey. Some members are quite young and just now exploring the brutally hard questions with an uneasy optimism, while others have grappled with the realities of despair (and its language) considerably longer. I may know no one personally on this forum, but members' posts often bring me to tears. Is empathy a form of love or kinship? Perhaps. I can appreciate that you felt triggered and I'm so sorry. I'm only urging tolerance.
Sorry for my response . It is part of my nature and personality.
You may not believe me fair enough .

I do believe there is good in everyone and believe if people get lost they need help.

I do believe some problems are fixable kind of.

I am 22 so maybe i am not suitable to advise.
Ignore my suggestions and post all togeher
Firefox, you spoke from your heart. No need to apologize.
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Counselor with SIB
Apr 7, 2020
It seems to me that this would be a very personal choice, and ultimately the opinions of others do not matter as much as your own. This does not even factor into the situation that we have not experienced these situations as you have experienced them, thus they may be more or less concerning to you than some of the other respondents here.

  1. Loss of fiance: I can only imagine the grief involved with losing someone you had committed to enough to plan marriage. However, I think you can ask yourself, "What do I think of their choice to leave me? Would I be CTB to benefit myself or because of them?
  2. Erectile dysfunction is treatable. I cannot say what you have tried, but there are options when consulting a medical professional.
  3. Loss of job: It can be terrible to lose a job, and more so because of the other consequences that come with it (bills, financial obligation, housing, food). Though once again there are options to cover expenses until finding a new job, although I completely understand that these resources can be hard to access. It might not be as lucrative, it might not be as good for your hours, but you can find a source of income with time.
  4. Depression: Many treatment options available from medication, therapy, at home coping skills.
However, I do not want these to be read as judgements. As I stated previously, how each of these experiences is effecting you personally, only you will know. Perhaps you do not have financial resources, perhaps that relationship means more to you than any other, perhaps erectile dysfunction makes you question how you value yourself, perhaps depression makes overcoming all of these tasks more burdensome than you are willing to endure. Ultimately, it sounds to me that you feel that these situations have caused a build up of burdens that cannot be overcome, but I want you to know that options are still available.

Regardless, I hope you will work through these issues, and I hope it comes your way. If not, I regret the choices that you may need to make for yourself, but I hope they lead to a better life for you and you have my utmost respect for thinking about your own wellbeing.

Best wishes,

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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Personal truths vary considerably and fuel our reactions to everything. For example, I may truly believe that I am worthless and my life matters to no one, and a caring stranger could tell me otherwise without lying. Assuring me or anyone in this forum that "everything will be fine" may be naive, but it's not insincere. Again, we're at all different stages on this difficult journey. Some members are quite young and just now exploring the brutally hard questions with an uneasy optimism, while others have grappled with the realities of despair (and its language) considerably longer. I may know no one personally on this forum, but members' posts often bring me to tears. Is empathy a form of love or kinship? Perhaps. I can appreciate that you felt triggered and I'm so sorry. I'm only urging tolerance.

Firefox, you spoke from your heart. No need to apologize.
No, I agree my response was inconsiderate and rude... I just had a fallout with my best friend of many years over this same issue—actually the second one—and I realize that taking people's hopes away just because you are hopeless yourself probably isn't the most ethical or nice thing to do. People have to rationalize their existence to find meaning in it, it is simply a natural law if huma psychology.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
i dont think anyone can answer that question for you. SS is a pro choice platform. everyone has their own reasons for wanting to ctb. we are here to support you and do our best to provide advice to problems you are facing. but ultimately the decision to CTB is up to you. no one can decide your fate but yourself.
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Jan 20, 2020
If have severe erectile dysfonction go for an 3 pieces penile implant. Don t be afraid of surgery it can fix your health issue.
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