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Aug 18, 2020
Democracies often have compromises as a principle. In my country there is a coalition that builds the government. The liberals, greens and social democrats govern the country.
They have to accept compromises which are not always welcomed by their voters or party members. But in order to govern they have to find them.

The greens had to accept nuclear energy, the liberals tax proposals for companies that profited from the crises, the social democrats the relation to the war and Russia.

What do you think about such compromises? Do you see this as fraud to the voters. They promised other things when there were elections.
Personally I raher think of them as a necessity. Sometimes I like when parties are less ideological on issues and be more pragmatic. I welcome all 3 examples which I gave about the current government. I rather want more of nculear energy, more help more Ukraine and higher taxes of companies.

But maybe I am just too much of a centrist. I was not sure how to frame the title without setting a setting.
I think other people think of such a behavior as treason of the voters. They think the parties have to be principled otherwise we cannot take the promises seriously. I think this is one reason why people get cyncial about politics.

What do you think about it?
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