

Apr 28, 2019
Is there anything you want to say to the ss community?
I want to say that thanks to the fact that this site exists, I have met wonderful people who gave me more time and have helped me a lot,
To new people, welcome, this place is very beautiful and helpful... Let's take care of each other, those of more time, thank you for everything you have given me, for your kindness and friendship, for listen...
To the admins, I congratulate you on your work, for your right to the community and .... To everyone, we will see you in the universe.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
I am very grateful for this space. It bought me a few more weeks while I pack and finish my letters. I would say- thank you <3
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Jan 17, 2021
I've never found another place where I'm comfortable pouring myself out the way I do here.

"Pouring out" is a relative term since I can only ever say 0,1% of all there is to say, but I've said more here than I could anywhere else, and it's important, somehow.
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suicide raaaah
Sep 11, 2020
this forum is simply the only place I have to turn to, and even if I don't like posting too much, it's relaxing to hear other people talk like me. I've come to realize I'm a pretty lost cause and it's more tiring to put up a face or vent to my friends.
On here there isn't any sense of shame on the subject of suicide, and that's simply something that doesn't exist anywhere else online. I'm so thankful just for a space to talk about what hurts without a friend or website going "no, no, suicide is bad :( practice self care <3"
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I haven't found any other place where people talk about actuall reality except here on this website. For example you can't talk about suicide , Death or anything out "in real life" ,at work, on social media, or other websites , etc, even Reddit now censors . If i talk about i want to commit suicide irl i'll get carted away like a madman to a mental ward. it's a mad world . I'm not insane neither is anyone here ; the rest out there are imo.

I don't think Aaron Swartz the founder of Reddit who committed suicide would have wanted Reddit to become what it has.

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Jun 26, 2020
HI everyone!!!! I REALLY love this site, and EVERYONE of my global family here. I have had 2 attempts and this site is the ONLY one that I have been on that has such loving, caring, kind and understanding people EVER!!! This site is much more to me than even the therapy aspect. 100% hats off to Marquis and the entire team here. To each and every global family member here, you are the BEST thing to EVER happen to me and I truly love each and every one here. THANK YOU so, so much!! Walter:heart::hug::happy:
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
It is The Miracle that I found SS
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Sep 28, 2020
Yes, Thank you ror existing
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Nov 22, 2020
I love this place, it really makes me feel better. Pro lifers never understand this, but being able to be open about suicide and knowing there's a way out makes it way easier to get through the day for me....

Big thanks to staff for keeping the place up with all the various powerful governments and institutions unhappy with this forum existing, and (as I understand it) for taking precautionary measures to make sure that it is far more likely the site will still be running even if some group pressures some company to stop hosting it. :)
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Mar 31, 2020
Thank you for being here :heart: If you all weren't here in this space, I'd be so lonely. I hope that some of my posts over the past 11 months have been of as much value to you all as yours have been for me.

I'm thankful we don't have to suffer through the pain completely alone.
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Nov 30, 2020
It's nice being around other mentalists. Keep up the good work. And stay away from my bins, I'm getting fucking sick of it. Feral nutters are the worst.
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Oct 31, 2020
I'm grateful for this space to vent my feelings, thoughts and emotions which I am unable to do with my family and friends. I can't be open with them about my suicidal ideation, and so find this place a big support in my journey. It is my choice to be here and never feel others are pushing me to do anything I don't want to do or try. I'm quite an introvert and find it hard to talk but find certain threads really useful. So Thankyou to those running this site and other members in this community. :)
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Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
I'm grateful to this site for many reasons. One I would of screwed up ctb if I hadn't found this site. Two it's such a great place to come and talk to like minded individuals and not be judged.
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Feb 9, 2021
I desperately needed a place to talk about how badly I felt without being worried about being shut in a padded for being honest. I also greatly appreciate the message that "life is hard. We understand if you want to go. We aren't going to judge you". I've been wishing that someone would tell me that for some time. Thank you.
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Become Dust With Me, My Love.
Dec 17, 2019
I don't give a fuck what people say, this site SAVES LIVES. There's a big chance I'm here and not locked up in psych or some shit because of the wonderful lovely members here
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Jun 26, 2020
I don't give a fuck what people say, this site SAVES LIVES. There's a big chance I'm here and not locked up in psych or some shit because of the wonderful lovely members here
You are such a loving and caring global family member!!!! I TOTALLY agree with you. Without this site I would either be locked up or ctb. My wish for you is a sunny day at the beach with a cold drink in hand!! Walter:heart::hug::happy:
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I'm glad to finally find a place to say "I sometimes wish I was dead" (hello, Vince Clarke!) without immediately getting dismissed.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm still alive and giving life more shot thanks to the great people and support I've found here.

You can always count on me.

Hugs and love,

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Nov 1, 2019
From my "joined" date, it's evident that I have seen a lot of this forum, perhaps even too much. Coming to this place has always been bittersweet. I have crossed paths with so many beautiful people (some of whom I love very much) and had the privilege of reading their stories. I cheer for the gains that people make and for their little triumphs. Reading about members who decide to graduate from the forum and embark on their own journey to recovery brings me joy. I have also felt the pain of seeing people go. There is something disturbing about being privy to a person's thoughts in their final moments. I don't participate in goodbye threads, but to those who do, please be mindful of the gravity of what is being shared with you. Very often in the case of suicide, those left behind are left wondering about what their loved one was thinking. These are questions that often haunt people for their rest of their days.

I think that many members feel unheard or that there is no outlet in which they can put their pain into words without the fear of reprisal. I don't have enough energy to reply to everyone, but however I can, I like to try to let others know that I hear them and wish them the very best. There is a strong undercurrent of loneliness among the members here and I do think that having a community to fall back on can be a life saver (but I would suggest stepping back a bit if you find that this place becomes too much of an echo chamber). However, as in any community, there are dangers.

There are predatory people lurking about and even if you do not value your well-being, I hope that members exercise caution when interacting with others. I was unfortunate to have had run into a few but I won't go into detail out of respect for those who were also targeted. My mistakes were thinking that I could de-escalate the situation on my own and letting my own paranoia get in the way of notifying moderators sooner. Your instinct is intended to serve you, so if something feels off, please don't ignore it. Again, this is the case of any community - be it on the Internet or in the "real world".

Ideally, I hope that members can use this place as a spring board for their own recovery if they so choose. A rest stop to unload their burden for a while before getting up again and moving on to brighter things.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
From my "joined" date, it's evident that I have seen a lot of this forum, perhaps even too much. Coming to this place has always been bittersweet. I have crossed paths with so many beautiful people (some of whom I love very much) and had the privilege of reading their stories. I cheer for the gains that people make and for their little triumphs. Reading about members who decide to graduate from the forum and embark on their own journey to recovery brings me joy. I have also felt the pain of seeing people go. There is something disturbing about being privy to a person's thoughts in their final moments. I don't participate in goodbye threads, but to those who do, please be mindful of the gravity of what is being shared with you. Very often in the case of suicide, those left behind are left wondering about what their loved one was thinking. These are questions that often haunt people for their rest of their days.

I think that many members feel unheard or that there is no outlet in which they can put their pain into words without the fear of reprisal. I don't have enough energy to reply to everyone, but however I can, I like to try to let others know that I hear them and wish them the very best. There is a strong undercurrent of loneliness among the members here and I do think that having a community to fall back on can be a life saver (but I would suggest stepping back a bit if you find that this place becomes too much of an echo chamber). However, as in any community, there are dangers.

There are predatory people lurking about and even if you do not value your well-being, I hope that members exercise caution when interacting with others. I was unfortunate to have had run into a few but I won't go into detail out of respect for those who were also targeted. My mistakes were thinking that I could de-escalate the situation on my own and letting my own paranoia get in the way of notifying moderators sooner. Your instinct is intended to serve you, so if something feels off, please don't ignore it. Again, this is the case of any community - be it on the Internet or in the "real world".

Ideally, I hope that members can use this place as a spring board for their own recovery if they so choose. A rest stop to unload their burden for a while before getting up again and moving on to brighter things.
This is such a beautiful reflection. You seem lovely and thoughtful! <3

"There is something disturbing about being privy to a person's thoughts in their final moments. I don't participate in goodbye threads, but to those who do, please be mindful of the gravity of what is being shared with you. Very often in the case of suicide, those left behind are left wondering about what their loved one was thinking. These are questions that often haunt people for their rest of their days."
This, yes. This resonates a lot. I think we undermine the value of the last words we will see/hear. Thus, I doubt I will make a goodbye thread.
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Like tears in rain
Feb 10, 2021
To be heard, accepted and sympathized with, wholeheartedly without judgement with love and understanding is something I have found nowhere else but here. Sometimes you must be careful, but the majority of this community means well.
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May 27, 2020
I cannot mention any of the good reasons about this community because they have already been talked about by everyone else in this thread, but I still want to post since this forum is important.

So I would just like to say that I am very grateful that this forum exists. It is the only place where people who claim to care are likely to actually mean it.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm bad at offering support and up screwing around most of the time. I'm at 70% and have posted like twenty Wojaks this week. Still love it, spend a lot of time here. Well, the alternative is to sit and just do nothing (which I can actually do for many hours, at least if you throw in some body weight workouts and a walk, coffee, etc).
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Dec 26, 2020
SS is a community that I initially held in high regard. While under a different account at the time, I felt a great sense of connection and understanding. A place where I could express my thoughts openly and not fear being banned or rejected. Saying "I want to die because xyz" gives me a sense of power. Sometimes I do not want to hear "it gets better" or "try this" or "living is the best revenge". Sometimes, for my own reasons, I want to die. Due to my mental trauma, or other people in my life, I am left feeling suicide that is the answer. And it is here that I can explore whether or not that is something I want to do.

However, as of late, my feelings towards SS has shifted. While I still believe this is an important community, I have had my fair share of negative experiences. Times where I have been harassed verbally and sexually. Even when using the ignore feature I am still left feeling unsafe. As I am already in such a vulnerable state, being called names or straight up sexually harassed exacerbates by my desires for suicide on top of the triggers I have in my real life. So, I am more wary of people these days than before. Despite this, I am aware that one can never truly be safe anywhere, be it online or offline. This is not an issue strictly with SS as it is the nature of the internet and by extension, people.

If there were ways to effectively block people from harassing you and for the harassers to be dealt with effectively, I may feel differently. But as of now, I am left conflicted about my experience on SS.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
SS is a community that I initially held in high regard. While under a different account at the time, I felt a great sense of connection and understanding. A place where I could express my thoughts openly and not fear being banned or rejected. Saying "I want to die because xyz" gives me a sense of power. Sometimes I do not want to hear "it gets better" or "try this" or "living is the best revenge". Sometimes, for my own reasons, I want to die. Due to my mental trauma, or other people in my life, I am left feeling suicide that is the answer. And it is here that I can explore whether or not that is something I want to do.

However, as of late, my feelings towards SS has shifted. While I still believe this is an important community, I have had my fair share of negative experiences. Times where I have been harassed verbally and sexually. Even when using the ignore feature I am still left feeling unsafe. As I am already in such a vulnerable state, being called names or straight up sexually harassed exacerbates by my desires for suicide on top of the triggers I have in my real life. So, I am more wary of people these days than before. Despite this, I am aware that one can never truly be safe anywhere, be it online or offline. This is not an issue strictly with SS as it is the nature of the internet and by extension, people.

If there were ways to effectively block people from harassing you and for the harasses to be dealt with effectively, I may feel differently. But as of now, I am left conflicted about my experience on SS.
Yes yes. Thank you for bringing up both sides of the coin. I agree with you and have had similar unsafe experiences on here.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Thank you to the admin, the mods and the users.

I have nothing, I am nothing. In the darkest moments this is the only place I can turn to and be (a semblance of) something.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
However, as of late, my feelings towards SS has shifted. While I still believe this is an important community, I have had my fair share of negative experiences. Times where I have been harassed verbally and sexually. Even when using the ignore feature I am still left feeling unsafe. As I am already in such a vulnerable state, being called names or straight up sexually harassed exacerbates by my desires for suicide on top of the triggers I have in my real life. So, I am more wary of people these days than before. Despite this, I am aware that one can never truly be safe anywhere, be it online or offline. This is not an issue strictly with SS as it is the nature of the internet and by extension, people.
this is also how i feel
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Jan 26, 2021
A big thankyou.

I mean, a really huge one.

Further explanations are futile, I suppose.

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Dec 12, 2020
Thank you, first place on the internet where I can honestly talk about what's on my mind.
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