

Aug 28, 2022
A radical argument for people to exercise their right to die unconditionally

If the United Nations has an article (10) on the right to life

'States Parties reaffirm that every human being has the inherent right to life and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective enjoyment by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.'

Then is it so radical to suggest the opposite? That every person should also have an equal and opposite right to death? It goes against the will to live so much that society wouldn't even entertain the rationality of this position.
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Dec 17, 2023
I don't think so. I just think a lot of people aren't ready to have that discussion because that'd make them question a lot of things about their reality and life as a whole.

Some people would rather not think about it or sweep it under the mat just because it makes them uncomfortable, even if it's at the expense of others.

Not to mention the underlying implications, the many ways this process could be abused, not just by the public but by those in-charge.

But I don't think we'll even reach that first step, because first people would have to talk about it, normalize or accept it in some way. We all know that'll never happen, people are becoming even more selfish and delusional, just see how the majority of people handle covid and climate change. Everyone would rather pretend everything is fine, no one has the time to stop and think and actually empathize with anyone other than themselves and those who share their perspective.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The problem I imagine with it would be them falling back on the mental illness and mental incompetency card. Will they ever accept that someone can be of sound, rational mind and want to die?

Will they ever accept that some illnesses can't be cured to a reasonsble standard of living? Mental as well as physical?

Will they concede that some people are simply too expensive to maintain- if they are fit to work but don't want to and they want out of the system- will they let them leave? I kind of doubt it because it demonstrates that there are problems with the system.

Plus- if they bring in assisted suicide for all but additionally start cutting benefits- then I imagine you would get people dying to avoid a life in poverty when, they maybe would have lived if given support. Someone posted the other day about a homeless man using MAID even though he had told them he actually wanted to live! So- it starts to look more like social cleansing rather than something for the good of the people.

Have you watched Westworld III? (Spoiler alert here.) Why would a government plough lots of money and resources into a person that likely will want to kill themselves one day? They may even be able to hurry that along by not providing them with adequate help they need along the way.

What would happen if you gave everyone an alternative? I wonder just how many would take it. Would that start to screw up the economy? How many people want to spend their lives in a wage slave job? In a high pressured, specialist job like a doctor? Doctors have very high suicide rates. It's the people at the very top that get to make these decisions and we are basically chess pieces on a board to them.

I'm not saying any of this is right of course and I'd love the opportunity to be given assisted suicide. I'm just saying- looking at how this world is set up to run, firstly- it doesn't benefit those in power to let just anyone CTB. Plus, they could actually use it to start getting rid of undesirable members of society- the sick, the old, the criminal, the homeless. What incentive would there be to spend lots of money rehibilitating people? Getting them off of drugs? Getting them expensive treatment, housing, education? When- if they do nothing- they may be driven to want to kill themselves? I wouldn't put it past of governments to do that!

So basically what I'm saying is- theoretically-wise- it would be great if this could happen but in reality with how corrupt this world is- I think it becomes complicated.
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May 1, 2023
In the eyes of the law, we must value everyone's life equally.

Death is a natural part of life, and when it finally arrives, no one should be prepared.

Unless they are terminally ill or extremely elderly.

It is my belief that in recent years, the prevailing sentiment among the public during Queen Elizabeth's birthday and other royal festivities was astonishment at her continued existence. Everyone wondered if Charles would live long enough to ascend to the throne.

There is no need for anyone to be older than 75. Please allow doctor-assisted euthanasia!
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
We have to be clear between a right to die and having governments actively support in that right.

Right to die is already in place in most modern countries, except notably places like Japan, bit more for coat reasons.

Having governments support it is more complicated as then you need mechanisms in place to ensure its not exploited to just wipe out the homeless, poor, immigrants, criminals etc.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Every one had the right to escape suffering / right to die. They actively passed laws to make assisted suicide , nembutal , cyanide capsules, suicide kits , crimes and illegal.

Millions of people are suffering. Worldwide 29 million per year attempt suicide with brutal risky painful methods

Some human in extreme pain or suffering can't escape that suffering in a guaranteed painless quik easy way. This the most important right to be able to escape pain in a guaranteed way. It's pure evil what they have done took away our to rights that one and right to personal autonomy .

They won't even allow assisted suicide for adults who want to escape pain or leave this evil world, the dangerous life, the animal body prison .

Right now a dog which has 94% same genes as a human can be euthanized with nembutal. .
Every human will die anyway. Time flies . Its 2024. Where did 2023 go? The human brain is so weak one reason why time flies. Nothing matters.

There is no logical reason to make assisted suicide and suicide kits crimes. They use very rare cases that supposedly could happen to keep millions suffering and slaves . They say everything is to protect the children. I say ok then show proof of over 18. But still that is not legal.

Now they keep pushing the lie that the brain is not formed until 25 to make people even more slaves

The ape brain of a human is already declining by 25
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
From a logic point of view the right to die for and adult is obvious. But there are religions interfering, there is generally Si interfering and it's against nature to kys. What I mentioned here are "social rules" that developed over time. Suicide was not always seen as bad as it it seen nowadays.

Modern societies are very much protected from the cruelty of nature and how to survive in nature, children in modern societies (especially in the "West") often don't know that to eat meat an animal has to die (= being slaughtered). How could such a society feel about ones own decision to end the own life due to unbearable circumstances?
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Jan 2, 2023
The government already treats the disabled and poor like trash, even in countries without legalised assisted suicide. MAID has only exposed the inadequate support systems in place. Sure Canada could go back to the old way of doing things, but the only the difference that would be is then people would be trapped in their suffering, which is actually a huge & terrifying difference if you're the one whose life is torture.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The right to eternally cease existing in peace should be the most basic human right and it's just hellish how it's not seen that way. We shouldn't have to struggle so much to be free from this existence that we never even consented to being in, it's just horrifying how deluded humans do all they can to make existence into a prison, trying to prolong meaningless and undesirable suffering as much as a possible.

The option to peacefully escape from this existence in an guaranteed way should be there at all times because existence is simply nothing more than an unnecessary harm where there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented. The fact that humans do all they can to make suicide inaccessible is absolutely disgusting and just leads to way more suffering. I actually see suicide as very rational in my case as only the existing are capable of suffering after all, not the dead and we are all just slowly dying, waiting to decay and die anyway, I'd prefer to cease existing on my own terms.
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Sep 12, 2023
it depends on who you ask i assume, in some countries its considered a crime, but in most countries its not. So it seems like the majority of people doesnt look at it as a crime, but just something that is very sad. which they want to prevent happening to people. And i bet with this mindset they do save alot of people from taking their own life. Or else it would be no reason for them to keep on having suicide prevention. Its good that they have it actually, because it helps to raise more awareness. And hopefully remove some of the stigma around it! suicide will always be "radical" for most people, no matter how you look at it i belive. Because its the biggest decision a person can make!
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I just want a way out.
Dec 16, 2023
Saying it feels cruel maybe, yes adults definitely should have the option to easily leave, but I also think it sorta applies to teens sometimes, I mean I feel this way since I was 15, nothing changed. I would kill myself if they gave me the chance back then, same applies to today.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Many people think it's a radical thought because of how "easy we have it now compared to back then" or how "it's irrational to want to die over wanting to live" or how "people shouldn't be allowed to make life altering choices like that" or how "they have a chance to enjoy living if they stay alive" etc etc. However, we don't see it as a radical thought because we know their arguments don't hold any merit
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