
Mar 18, 2020
Think about it. We as a planet and a species are currently on our last legs; the climate is being raped for profit, and the powers that be show no signs of stopping. It's too late to change anything. We are literally a decade away from global war and mass crop failures. Everything we know and love will be destroyed. No humans and no parts of the earth will be left unaffected. Is committing suicide the right thing to do?
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If God not be, then this world dies with me
Jul 1, 2020
I can't wait until we're all living under water and have evolved into mermen and mermaids.
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Apr 21, 2020
I reckon the virus will wipe us out before climate change kicks in..
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
The sheer number of mass extinction level events we face is incalculable. If personally faced with apocalyptic events I'll be peacing out immediately. Everyone else can have fun fighting over scraps and eating eachother.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Think about it. We as a planet and a species are currently on our last legs; the climate is being raped for profit, and the powers that be show no signs of stopping. It's too late to change anything. We are literally a decade away from global war and mass crop failures. Everything we know and love will be destroyed. No humans and no parts of the earth will be left unaffected. Is committing suicide the right thing to do?
Personally I take information from climate change alarmists with a pinch of salt. Too many political agendas and false predictions in the past. Not really a good reason for ctb. The earth is not really as badly off as they make it out. It's society that's on the ropes, not the planet.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I'd recommend you check out https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/ if you're interested in climate change. A majority of people are naively optimistic over the state of our world because it isn't directly affecting them yet.
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Mar 18, 2020
I'd recommend you check out https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/ if you're interested in climate change. A majority of people are naively optimistic over the state of our world because it isn't directly affecting them yet.

I've already visited r/collapse, and that's precisely the reason I want to die soon. I do not want to be alive if everything I know will be destroyed.


May 30, 2018
I think a decade is a bit of a exaggerated time frame for global catastrophe, but I believe the world will be very different by the end of the century.

Is committing suicide the right thing to do?

The right thing to do would have been efforts for sustainable developement a hundred years ago. Now its too late. The world is overpopulated, the oceans polluted and the earth warming. If suicide doesn't get you, something else will.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I've already visited r/collapse, and that's precisely the reason I want to die soon. I do not want to be alive if everything I know will be destroyed.

I personally wouldn't end my life if collapse was my only reason to die. It's inevitable that human beings will destroy themselves but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy what time you have left; although that's assuming you don't have other problems.
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Jul 1, 2020
I don't advocate that everyone kill themselves, but I do think the elimination of humans is the most compassionate thing we can do for both ourselves and all other organisms on the planet.

Our presence on earth is nothing but a problem. Water levels will eventually rise, the temperatures along with it, killing coral and entire ecosystems with it. Animals that depend on cold water environments will die, or migrate to warmer areas to compete with native populations, further threatening ecosystems. How will this affect phytoplankton, who supply a good chunk of our oxygen? Our increasing population means we will have to cut down more forests for more mono-cultures and feedlots, meaning wildlife will have nowhere else to go, less trees will mean less oxygen production, and our food sources expose us to more risk of disease. Thanks to our presence, bees are going extinct which means they will take many fruiting plants with them, killing off a good chunk of our food supply. Bees are only one of the many victims. Who knows what else are destroying that will cause disastrous consequences we cannot foresee right now?

Before long, the Chinese wipe out African animals and the destruction of the Amazon rain-forest means most of the wildlife there will go extinct. With more and more organisms completely gone, we are looking at a ticking clock to ecological doomsday. We'll be overrun by pests like roaches and rats with barely any oxygen to breath and food to sustain our populations.

So yeah, I'm not entirely against a planet-wide ctbing. We can only hope that our species wakes up before its too late.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Probably. I'm sure as hell not going to fix the problem.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
Pretty much... Eco-anxiety is becoming increasingly prevalent. People are becoming increasingly aware of impending doom. It's affecting many of us, and we feel powerless to change things. I've tried to do my bit, educated myself, changed my habits, gone vegan, child free, avoid most material possessions. Nobody follows my example, they continue to consume and destroy and if I challenge them to be better, out comes the cognitive dissonance and excuses, and I'm a villain. So now I'm silent.

I don't think there's any saving us from ourselves. Society will collapse sooner or later. Humanity will suffer enormously, but probably won't be destroyed completely. Coronavirus is just one symptom of the overall catastrophe facing the planet. I saw it coming, I was educated that exploitative animal agriculture would cause something like this, and it will again.

As has been said, it's already too late. Most people don't change their habits if it inconveniences their lifestyles. No matter the consequences. Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for their choices. I'm sure I'm blind to many destructive choices I still make. Nobody is free of the machine.

I was of the opinion that I should be disciplined and save for my future by sacrificing quality of life today. I've changed my mind since coronavirus hit. If we have a couple of decades of buffering left at most, I should spend the rest of my time here living in the present and enjoying myself. There's no future for my generation or those born after. Why should I try so hard and sacrifice for the greater good when others won't do the same? Sod it all, let it burn down around us, but I'll be riding off into the sunset when it happens and leaving the rest to squabble over the ruins.

I've secured suicide equipment and methods so I can be assured of my exit if I'm around as things collapse. I'm not going to fight for survival. It's just not worth it.

I lost my faith in humanity when I opened my eyes many years ago. I can't convince anyone to open their eyes too. I've tried. They're not interested.

So my exit may just end up being my last F U to my species, if I don't go beforehand for a different reason. I'm sad and I'm angry and I despair.
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Jul 11, 2020
Ever since I was little (>10) I absolutely despised humankind. I'd say to myself that if a diety or supreme force told me that if I killed myself, the rest of my species would die with me, I would go through with it.

Needless to say, since I dont see myself having a future and dont care for the wellbeing of any country, I am rather fond of the idea of our world and societies ending.

In my eyes, there are 3 general routes a person can take.

1. Ctb asap, or in the near-future. By that I mean, do anything that might make you happy, start living for yourself without the fear of having to have plans for the future, and then ctb once you're ready.

2. Ctb when things start to look very bad for humankind. Live your life out normally, maybe with less restrictions, but be prepared to leave when the world goes to sh*t.

3. Do what you can in your power to advocate for change. Honestly, I dont think this one makes much of a difference, but if you need to ease your conscience, try it. Donate to organizations you know are doing the right thing and vote for pro-environment politicians and laws. You could also become a spokesperson if you're up for it, but that's a lot of commitment. With this path you could ctb once you think you're done, or stick around to see if you made any difference.

Anyways, just do whatever you want. If you want to, ctb, and before that you could donate all your money to charities. Or do something more direct and give your money to a homeless person/youth.

Just a little bit of optimism: even if we do wipe ourselves out, life will persist. Earth will still be inhabited by life, and those lifeforms will soon enough evolve and create new ecosystems. The new animals will learn to live in the ghosts of our towns, and we will be but a civilization lost in time.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Ngl I would love to see the end of humanity, what a monumental moment for our species. Finally getting comeuppance for our gluttony.

We are destined for extinction whether it be tomorrow or a million years from now. I'd consider it a great privilege to see it for myself. In the end all things cease to exist.

I just wish mother nature didn't have to suffer for humanity's wrongdoings. I hope it doesn't take too long to recover.
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Jun 12, 2020
Climate change is real but the predictions of world devastation if we continue to cut emissions at the rate we are is complete fantasy
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
I don't want to see the world go to shit, but that is not my reason for wanting to ctb, yet in some way's it play's a part. the world as it is today doesn't scare me but fills me with concern, I simply cannot cope with the current changes.
Society has gone to shit, and no one seems to truely care
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May 30, 2020
It gives me some comfort that our extinction will also be the end of depression, poverty, anxiety, existential dread etc etc and earth can return to a state of equilibrium and balance. I'm increasingly pessimistic that humanity has the wisdom to manage the planet and all its complexities, given exponential technological growth, our failure to act regarding climate situation and the fact in 2020 we have Trump and ccp in charge of the 2 most powerful economies in the world. It will take a huge crisis for humanity to wake up but by then the positive feedbacks of climate change will be irreversible and we as well as other species will not be able to adapt in time. Coming to terms with reality now will help with the upcoming grief coming down the pipe, whether its in 10 years of 50. Reading the old stoic texts helps me personally.and alcohol.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I'd recommend you check out https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/ if you're interested in climate change. A majority of people are naively optimistic over the state of our world because it isn't directly affecting them yet.
I'll do that.
Look, I know I sound a bit like that guy who never stops being cheerful but I don't believe that we're headed for extinction. I've always had faith that at some point in future, faced with the end of our race, we'll find a way to fix the mess and move on to a superior age. We may not be alive then but there'll be those who clean up the trash left behind by our version of humanity.

Perhaps I should change my username to OverOptimistix
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Jul 9, 2020
Personally I have done a lot of research on climate change so I consider myself quite educated on the topics. And yeah, I feel the same way. It's one my many reasons to ctb
Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
It gives me some comfort that our extinction will also be the end of depression, poverty, anxiety, existential dread etc etc and earth can return to a state of equilibrium and balance. I'm increasingly pessimistic that humanity has the wisdom to manage the planet and all its complexities, given exponential technological growth, our failure to act regarding climate situation and the fact in 2020 we have Trump and ccp in charge of the 2 most powerful economies in the world. It will take a huge crisis for humanity to wake up but by then the positive feedbacks of climate change will be irreversible and we as well as other species will not be able to adapt in time. Coming to terms with reality now will help with the upcoming grief coming down the pipe, whether its in 10 years of 50. Reading the old stoic texts helps me personally.and alcohol.
The lack of the human component will be great, yes. Unfortunateley, wild life is bad enough even without us. There's no real "balace".


May 30, 2020
Yes relative equilibrium and balance I should have said. Eflism is an interesting idea but I tend to think most animals live peaceful lives and so its a good thing that life continues after we are gone. i recognise that we as humans appreciate life for its aesthetic qualities, rather than the ethics behind their suffering etc. so I could be persuaded the other way. i try and be optimistic for my own mental health.The quote from Douglas Adams sums things up well I think:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

drunk and time for bed
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
Yes relative equilibrium and balance I should have said. Eflism is an interesting idea but I tend to think most animals live peaceful lives and so its a good thing that life continues after we are gone. i recognise that we as humans appreciate life for its aesthetic qualities, rather than the ethics behind their suffering etc. so I could be persuaded the other way. i try and be optimistic for my own mental health.The quote from Douglas Adams sums things up well I think:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

drunk and time for bed
I can respect that. The last thing that people who explore this place need is more suffering, so, if staying optimistic helps you, then keep doing it (:
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May 13, 2020
I very much feel the same way. Climate collapse and the state of our society are two of the reasons I will suicide (apart from mental and physical health problems en masse). I just have no interest to witness the annihilation that will come over us for what we have done to the planet and our very basis of life, all while feeling like a mental and physical cripple.

I found several posts in this thread very fitting, especially those of @Intheo and @Joxalldaita.

Climate change is real but the predictions of world devastation if we continue to cut emissions at the rate we are is complete fantasy
You are plain wrong. Emissions are not cut. Emissions rise every year. Not only that, even the rate of growth is increasing, meaning even the yearly rise is rising. So there is really no change, no rethinking of humanity visible in the emissions.
Perhaps I should change my username to OverOptimistix
Perhaps you should :blarg: . I am not fond of optimism. While optimists have the mental tools to cope with hardships better, they also create those hardships themselves by being unrealistic. That happened with climate change. People were ignorant, naive and overly optimistic that everything will be fine, but it won't.
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Apr 14, 2020
I'm starting a colony in Portugal, any SS member is welcome to join. Bring your SN ;)
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Jun 12, 2020
I very much feel the same way. Climate collapse and the state of our society are two of the reasons I will suicide (apart from mental and physical health problems en masse). I just have no interest to witness the annihilation that will come over us for what we have done to the planet and our very basis of life, all while feeling like a mental and physical cripple.

I found several posts in this thread very fitting, especially those of @Intheo and @Joxalldaita.

You are plain wrong. Emissions are not cut. Emissions rise every year. Not only that, even the rate of growth is increasing, meaning even the yearly rise is rising. So there is really no change, no rethinking of humanity visible in the emissions.
Perhaps you should :blarg: . I am not fond of optimism. While optimists have the mental tools to cope with hardships better, they also create those hardships themselves by being unrealistic. That happened with climate change. People were ignorant, naive and overly optimistic that everything will be fine, but it won't.
Yes you're right about that fact sorry, I misspoke. I am from the UK and we are cutting emissions by more than any other big country, that's what I meant and maybe that's why I'm optimistic. Economically developed countries will get there and less economically developed ones will follow. Trump is a blip and the next POTUS will lead on this
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Apr 14, 2020
Yes you're right about that fact sorry, I misspoke. I am from the UK and we are cutting emissions by more than any other big country, that's what I meant and maybe that's why I'm optimistic. Economically developed countries will get there and less economically developed ones will follow. Trump is a blip and the next POTUS will lead on this
This is really all you need to know:

In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today.



Mar 6, 2019
I don't think the climate is the thing to worry about at the moment. I think the one thing to put high on your list would be the economy collapsing.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Climate change and state of the world in general is one of my reasons for wanting to CTB. It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when". The Earth will eventually get tired of our shit and sic mother nature on us. I mean it's already happened plenty of the years with bigger hurricanes, floods, droughts etc. But that's only going to become drastically worse and worse. I'd rather not be around for when that happens.


Jul 1, 2020
It's not just the climate. plastic and other harmful chemicals are destroying our marine wildlife. That's both a major source for food and oxygen.


Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Think about it. We as a planet and a species are currently on our last legs; the climate is being raped for profit, and the powers that be show no signs of stopping. It's too late to change anything. We are literally a decade away from global war and mass crop failures. Everything we know and love will be destroyed. No humans and no parts of the earth will be left unaffected. Is committing suicide the right thing to do?

Still too early for that I'm afraid.
Give it another century or two,
and we'll see how it goes.