
Jul 26, 2018
I've heard that partial suspension accounts for over half of completed suicides for hanging. So clearly it works if done right. (I know what knot to use to compress my artery and position and all that. I also have a non stretch static rope that can support my weight and more). I'll be hanging myself on a bed that is similar to a bunk bed, it's high off the ground. It's a little taller than me. I did some pull ups and saw it can support my weight. I'm wondering if I should try full first and if that doesn't work do partial, or if I should just do partial. I know lots of prisoners have done partial on their bunk beds.

I'm not worried about discomfort or the survival instinct. Just wondering which would be better to give me the best chance of dying. I'll be alone in the house when this happens so there are no fears about being found in time.

Edit: I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies.
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Jul 31, 2018
I've heard that partial suspension accounts for over half of completed suicides for hanging. So clearly it works if done right. (I know what knot to use to compress my artery and position and all that. I also have a non stretch static rope that can support my weight and more). I'll be hanging myself on a bed that is similar to a bunk bed, it's high off the ground. It's a little taller than me. I did some pull ups and saw it can support my weight. I'm wondering if I should try full first and if that doesn't work do partial, or if I should just do partial. I know lots of prisoners have done partial on their bunk beds.

I'm not worried about discomfort or the survival instinct. Just wondering which would be better to give me the best chance of dying. I'll be alone in the house when this happens so there are no fears about being found in time.
I have been wondering the same thing working on the full but the pain in the front of the neck is very uncomfortable
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Jul 13, 2018
Full is pretty much guaranteed to kill you if your support doesn't break. If that's all you care about, then full suspension would be best. And how would you back out of full suspension, anyway? Doing a pull-up back onto your bed while in the middle of being strangled? You'd need to act pretty much immediately after starting it. It doesn't take long to knock you out.

You seem like you're trying the methods backwards to me, though. I'm trying partial first, because I do care about the pain, but full will be my backup plan if I get tired of dicking around with it. I see no reason not to try partial first, honestly. It's pretty safe in that you can back out of it at any time. Why go with the nuclear option before trying the easier one first?
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Jul 26, 2018
Full is pretty much guaranteed to kill you if your support doesn't break. If that's all you care about, then full suspension would be best. And how would you back out of full suspension, anyway? Doing a pull-up back onto your bed while in the middle of being strangled? You'd need to act pretty much immediately after starting it. It doesn't take long to knock you out.

You seem like you're trying the methods backwards to me, though. I'm trying partial first, because I do care about the pain, but full will be my backup plan if I get tired of dicking around with it. I see no reason not to try partial first, honestly. It's pretty safe in that you can back out of it at any time. Why go with the nuclear option before trying the easier one first?

Makes sense. I just like the idea of not being able to back out. But maybe I should try partial first. I don't think backing out will be a problem though because I'm determined to die. The survival instinct can be a bitch but there does come a point when it isn't strong enough anymore and I think I'm at that point.
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Jul 13, 2018
Makes sense. I just like the idea of not being able to back out. But maybe I should try partial first. I don't think backing out will be a problem though because I'm determined to die. The survival instinct can be a bitch but there does come a point when it isn't strong enough anymore and I think I'm at that point.
Nothing to lose, I say. Full suspension will always be there if partial doesn't work out. May as well try to spare yourself as much pain as possible.
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May 29, 2018
I would do full suspension, cause there´s no way out of the noose when you hang
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I trust a lot more in full suspension, and it's easier doing it too.
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Aug 5, 2018
İf you have the guts go for full suspension. I personaly couldnt dear to kick the chair. Trying to doing partial atm.
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