I suppose it is the abundance and lack of self awareness
Yes, that is correct! They have plenty but feel less. This reminds me of animals which have highly specialized in order to survive their stark environments. They achieve the most of what they have, they maximize their returns. Maybe this is why we felt so much when we met them, we need love too so when we finally experienced it, we tried to make the most of it, the best of it. We appreciated it.
this lack of appreciation and trust in abundance does come from confidence, being confident that you'll always get more because you're so great or pretty
It does make sense! This is precisely what I meant! Wow you.. are so good! So you.. understood the ideas behind my ramblings (which is an achivement since sometimes I barely understand myself) and then you wrote it in fewer words so everyone can understand it. Thank you! : )
Which is just rather sad because confidence is supposed to be a positive thing, no?
Hmm.. well, yes, it is a positive thing when it is based on truth. It helps, it gives us the strength to move forward in a controlled and safe way. Like: I've hiked for many years, I went through many different scenarios and now I'm experienced enough to know what to do and how to do it when I'm in the mountains. I'm confident that I can make if I find myself going through one or a combination of the scenarios that I've been through. Period! If I continue with I'm confident that I can make it through ANYTHING because I went through all those different scenarios then I lie to myself. That's overconfidence! You never know what you can find around the corner. Every situation can be different and should always be treated as such. Confidence not based on truth can be bad for us and for the ones around us.
Well.. that was a very insightful question! Thank you for asking it! : )
The thing is though.. I think it applies for them. My ex-girlfriend slept with so many boys before she met me that she couldn't even remember their number when I asked her about it. I'm not bothered, I'm just saying. Her confidence is well placed.
That doesn't mean that what they do is right or justified. Having confidence is not bad but it's different when appreciation, kindness and humility are missing..
It's more widely accepted today to indulge in the plentiful options, and even if they aren't plentiful, people often become bitter and angry at the fact that they aren't, further pushing people to the other side.
It is never enough for them so they keep taking again and again and again with no regard for the suffering they cause. I understand their thirst, it's all these drugs, these "poisoned gifts". But it's not difficult to move past this thirst. You can either remove these "gifts" from your environment or replace them with healthy ones. This requires awareness, understanding and the will to do good. Most don't have any of these attributes. : (
I'm never well but talking with a wise person improves things by a wide margin. Thank you for the kind wishes! I hope you're well too. <3