First of all, information from wikipedia, which has long belonged to the top "liberals" and globalists - is not an indicator for me. Especially when it comes to articles about insects for food. Knowing how are pushing it now.
Secondly, insects are consumed as food in extremely poor countries, such as african "countries" and china.
Third, for White people, this is an alien food, which is harmful.
Most likely, it is far from useful for the chinese, blacks, and asians. But they are very different from us.
Big fan of the very explicit racism/xenophobia here!
It's literally not an "alien food". Had you read my message, you'd have seen that we produce chitinase. As in, basically every human bar those who can't produce it for genetic reasons, which happens to all races, from everywhere on the globe. If it's an alien food, we wouldn't produce it. It's as simple as that. The only things you've provided to counter this claim are racist/xenophobic ideologies, a disbelief in information because it's "liberal" (even though literally everyone on Earth can edit it if they so choose) and a "most likely" claim, which happens to be not very well thought out given that, if they weren't nutritious or addictive in some form, nobody would eat them, given they're, you know, insects, and it takes time to gather them. For someone who calls everyone a zombie seemingly as a tic of some kind, or perhaps ignorance, you aren't good at all at complex thought. Maybe insects would provide you the valuable nutrients you need to begin any rational discussion.
More than foreign "food".
This is the one fao, what is now destroying agriculture in white European countries, the USA ? The articles of these scums are not an argument for me, but a counter-argument. they have completely discredited themselves.
You completely discredited yourself multiple messages ago - should I be ignoring everything you say?
Just because a government agency does
one thing you don't like, it doesn't mean that everything they do is subsequently incorrect. If it were, then you'd have died a long time ago without any government interference and without any methods of upholding a country.
First of all, insects are not protein. Absolutely. you're pretty brainwashed and absolutely controllable, unable to engage critical thinking, judging by your "theses".
Meat is the most natural protein.
You are genuinely one of the dumbest people I have ever had the displeasure of talking to. You actually think "meat = protein". Good God. Go back to high school, you learn this there.
and insects are not fundamentally made out of protein. They do
contain protein, but it isn't all that constitutes their mass. Critical thinking my ass. You don't even know basic biology - that's embarrassing. Not to mention you say "meat is the most natural protein" despite the fact that "natural" is a social term that only contains what an individual is used to. Critical thinking would have gotten you there, but oh well. Also, if meat is the most natural protein, then why are we capable of eating insects without any detrimental effects and, if anything, beneficial ones? And why are we able to consume insects just fine, if they're not "natural"? You're bringing a lot of random talking points to the table but you have nothing to back them up.
Second, you are not a bird to have an enzyme in your stomach capable of breaking down chitin. Stop making things up. If you want to eat worms, that's your own business, which you shouldn't propagate to normal people.
Please stop embarrassing yourself. It's contagious.
Here are some studies about chitinase in humans. Every single one of those words had different studies in them. Literally hundreds of separate articles, authored and produced by thousands of separate scientists from across the globe, and all of them
must be spreading this misinformation that we produce it. Which is more likely: that, or you're an illiterate fool who has no understanding of biology?
Thirdly, the authorities of European countries and some USA states are now documenting and legislatively promoting the addition of insects and insect meal to food. What is against humanity. At the same time, these scums are fighting against agriculture, cows, chickens. If you could turn on critical thinking, read the news and not dumbpedia - you would know this.
OK? And this is against humanity
how? All you've been saying is "wah wah insect bad!" and not mentioned why, other than it's not "natural", but you haven't elaborated on that either. Just tell us that you're scared of change. It's obvious to even toddlers.
dumbpedia? Are you 4?
You don't understand, which doesn't surprise me at all. When I wrote "scientists", I meant corrupt scums who have nothing to do with science as such. The bastards who promote lies, destructive things for people, trying to destroy agriculture are not scientists. Just bought heads for the destructive propaganda of globalists and the top "liberals".
Except for the fact that, regardless of whether or not they promote "lies" or "destructive things for people" (which you haven't said how they do, by the way), if they have an education in science, then they are a scientists. If Hitler had gotten a degree in chemistry, he'd be a chemist. An awful person who killed millions, but a chemist nonetheless. You're a very black-and-white thinker, aren't you? You're not able to differentiate profession from ill will, even if the latter isn't present. People can only be one thing to you.
The fact that you read articles on dumbpedia does not make you smart. Because you are not able to think with your own head, nor are you able to analyze information. New things that are promoted do not always mean good. Although, I understand that you will not understand my words. By the way, your dumbpedia has long been part of the mass media.
So why aren't you analysing information? Also constant repeats of "dumbpedia" like a 4 year old, still. Please grow and mature as a person.
Don't worry. In studying the issues of this topic, I am ahead of you.
Except you aren't??
This is your projection from you? If you don't do this, it will only benefit you.
Ah yes, my favourite social media, Dumbpedia.
Please actually make statements with information behind them rather than sentences chock full of buzzwords you read on TikTok and Facebook and from listening to whatever brainrotting podcasts you listen to. The lack of maturity is...astounding, to say the least, as well as the lack of self-awareness.