

delightfully dreadful
Sep 25, 2023
SN has had sufficient proven success & publicity that sourcing it is really problematic now, so obviously for some it has been the method of choice. Living in the UK, obtaining it would be a challenge for me, similarly to getting a firearm. It's certainly one I'd consider if I had access to the genuine product. I've seen a couple of threads giving updates as folk have gone through the process successfully and it went well for them.
Ultimately it just comes down to individual choice and availability of the preferred means.
And I understand this fully. I'm glad you decided to share your thoughts on this with me, and I apologize if I made it seem one way or another or seemed "anti SN" … which I don't think any suicidal person(s) would ever really be anti any method. this is just how I've seen it. Whatever gets the job done.
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Feb 11, 2023
I see a lot of posters flood the site with SN misinformation and paranoia. Just the other day someone posted a list of complications with SN, most were not true ... but the following 20 comments were people saying they were now terrified of using the method. This site needs a community notes or something. I don't believe these people are stealth pro-lifers, I just think it is people that do not have the ability to parse factual information from conjecture and then let their fears get the best of them.
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delightfully dreadful
Sep 25, 2023
I see a lot of posters flood the site with SN misinformation and paranoia. Just the other day someone posted a list of complications with SN, most were not true ... but the following 20 comments were people saying they were now terrified of using the method. This site needs a community notes or something. I don't believe these people are stealth pro-lifers, I just think it is people that do not have the ability to parse factual information from conjecture and then let their fears get the best of them.
I have no real fear of SN. I mostly wanted to hear if other people felt the same way.

but I totally get what you're saying. I had no means to spread misinformation, which is why I didn't provide any information relating to SN at all here. It's my first time in this forum, and I'm surprised that people are already attacking me for respectfully sharing my opinion and asking for others. I understand that SN is a completely valid method, therefore I had no means to make it seem like it wasn't, just expressing my personal anxieties about it
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: )
May 6, 2023
This thread is all over the place. The OP just said they would rather ctb using a gun and not sn. Which is their choice.

To the OP you can read about SN here and why some people are making arguments

There is also a fire arm mega thread as well. That can help with any questions in relation to that method.

If you have any doubts or questions about gas i would ask here

Every method has its risks. Unfortunately. Thats the world being the cruel bitch that it is.
There are successes/failures/SI cases for almost everything.

Good luck.
This site needs a community notes or something.
Read the thread ^
By vizzy. Rip.
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Apr 3, 2023
I do miss Vizzy.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
I miss Vizzy and I wasn't even a member then.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I don't consider nausea dizziness and vomiting as too horrible to stop me. I did have food poisoning last week. That was so bad I thought briefly if SN is anything like this I don't want to take it. I was out of it and realized what poisoning feels like. Bad, really bad.
I see a lot of posters flood the site with SN misinformation and paranoia. Just the other day someone posted a list of complications with SN, most were not true ... but the following 20 comments were people saying they were now terrified of using the method. This site needs a community notes or something. I don't believe these people are stealth pro-lifers, I just think it is people that do not have the ability to parse factual information from conjecture and then let their fears get the best of them.
There are several extensive lists of community notes from a few years back. I can post them.

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Deleted member 65988

It does. Don't spread misinformation, there are still methods out there that are very peaceful, it is just not as simple as drinking something. And, it depends on the person if the method is peaceful or not. For some, it may be peaceful while for others it may not be the same, consider that.
Ok but what about methods that are actually obtainable by any individual no matter the circumstances for which there are not many to choose from.

Alright, i think it's fair for people to have their grips with a method, whether it's not being able to access other items needed to carry it out in a manner that gives success a greater chance than failure or whether it's because the symptoms themselves that can cause people to grow in anxiety which SN will have like tachycardia which is nothing easy to deal with especially if you've never experienced before, I'm not even looking forward to the vomiting part since i rarely ever feel sick, let alone vomit.

Besides, for as much as people say it's unreliable or overrated, it's been proven to work and now that it's been covered in the news especially in places like the UK, USA and Canada, it'll become increasingly difficult to obtain and for what people will be left with to choose from, SN would've been a good enough option. I personally think anyone who is prone to being emetiphobic or have extreme nausea should steer clear of this method and look at others they can readily obtain.

At the end of it, it comes down to what people have access to and prefer in their particular situations.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
There is no one-size-fits-all "perfect" method, obviously. Also, dying is generally said not to feel good. If there ever were creatures that enjoyed dying, they probably didn't leave much in the way of a genetic legacy, you know? So successfully ctb mostly comes down to what you feel you can put up with.

SN is not a good method for me … it takes too long, for one thing. I am the opposite of impulsive. I can sit there and prevaricate forever. I don't need 45 minutes (or however long) to dither about whether to abort mission and call emergency services. I also frequently suffer from symptoms like nausea, faintness, and a racing pulse even without SN, and I hate that shit.

I'd much rather shoot myself. It's quick, likely painless, and highly effective. It's also trivial to acquire a shotgun where I live. The idea of ctb with firearms horrifies some people, I think partly due to the belief that such a suicide leaves a particularly ugly corpse. My personal opinion is that all dead bodies are revolting. I even hate the looks of embalmed and painted-up ones that lie in funeral homes looking "so peaceful." (They do not look "peaceful." Just vacant and faintly clammy and dead.) I do understand that it's bad form to shoot yourself and bleed out inside a building that someone will have to clean. The solution there is just to shoot yourself in a secluded place outdoors. Not for everybody, of course, but barring a proper euthanasia with loved ones around—such as we offer dogs and cats—I'll take it.

(Incidentally—homeowners' insurance, either your own or your landlord's, often covers professional Hazmat cleanup. Every time I hear about someone's mom having to scrub their blood off a wall, I wonder if that family checked their insurance policy first. Not to blame them if they didn't. Just putting that out there.)
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Deleted member 65988

Every method has its risks. Unfortunately. Thats the world being the cruel bitch that it is.
There are successes/failures/SI cases for almost everything.
I also think having a peaceful death isn't a realistic prospect for many people in all kinds of situations because we don't live in a world that grants such an opportunity at the moment of our choosing.

I've chosen SN because it's the best I've got and I've got all the meds to help with it. I'm not a fan of its symptoms except a racing heart which I'm use to now but I think I can manage everything else.
I see a lot of posters flood the site with SN misinformation and paranoia. Just the other day someone posted a list of complications with SN, most were not true ... but the following 20 comments were people saying they were now terrified of using the method.
Yeap, that's been happening for sometime now even when looking further back on older threads and then people get terrified of the method which is usually where people draw their conclusions about the method itself.
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Jun 22, 2023
i'm totally against the sn method i need a method thats totally peaceful and 100 percent going to work like N
Opiate rcs are your answer
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Silhouettes on the ceiling
Aug 2, 2023
I definitely think it's overrated. Hard to find, expensive, and easy to fail from user error.


: )
May 6, 2023
I also think having a peaceful death isn't a realistic prospect for many people in all kinds of situations because we don't live in a world that grants such an opportunity at the moment of our choosing.
There are a few documented ... experiences.
Switzerland/ Germany. And even Canada.

I can't remember the groups exactly for Europe off the top of my head.
but I do know some were at a cost. And some were non-profit.
For Canada it's the MAID program. Which requires time / paper work / mental health and physical checks. To be approved.

But like you said. Exactly to.your point.

Being able to obtain them or have access to them. Is heavily gated. Especially now.
Which is the fucked up part of the whole thing. And very frustrating.

People are forced to use not particularly
" safe " "controlled " methods.
But it's the best you or we can do for ourselves in whatever situation we might be in. And this varies from country, laws, finances, access, etc.

Fuck I've had failed attempts and it's not fun and this is with what I thought was planned out. Never mind the sporadic non educated attempt.

And I think that's why it's greatly appreciated when people document their experiences.
With any method. Succes or not.
I've chosen SN because it's the best I've got and I've got all the meds to help with it. I'm not a fan of its symptoms except a racing heart which I'm use to now but I think I can manage everything else.
Exactly. We'll said.
Whenever the time comes. I hope it goes well for you. I'm glad you're prepared properly.
Opiate rcs are your answer
There are complications / risks with methods involving opiates as well. Not to mention the convulsions / heart palpitations etc.
and risks that come with using needles.
And purity of any such product. And where to obtain them.
Not to say that it hasn't worked. But to say that they are "totally peaceful" is false.
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Deleted member 65988

Exactly. We'll said.
Whenever the time comes. I hope it goes well for you. I'm glad you're prepared properly.
Thank you @squirley
I tried my best here and got everything except for antacid but the main components being Benzos and Meto in my opinion are what I'm all too relived to have even if people have done it with less but I couldn't follow that route even if I wanted to, I believe I've given myself a good enough chance to succeed and hopefully I do for all the effort I've exhausted.

Being able to obtain them or have access to them. Is heavily gated. Especially now.
Which is the fucked up part of the whole thing. And very frustrating.
Yeap, we don't live in circumstances that would afford any of us the chance to exercise an option to take that is safe and not heavily gated. It is why people choose methods like SN or hanging, some people just don't have anything better they could realistically get their hands on even if they would take an alternative that would grant some level of peacefulness if it were available without some form of regulation.

People are forced to use not particularly
" safe " "controlled " methods.
But it's the best you or we can do for ourselves in whatever situation we might be in. And this varies from country, laws, finances, access, etc.
And this is what it comes down to, someone may have access to sn and meds in their country while someone will have access to another method in their country, access to inert gas for example where I am is highly unlikely and regulated but SN is widely available and not illegal to have, it is a method that is applicable in my situation so I can't sit here and say that didn't have a factor in my choice when evaluating the method to be used in my case. All the methods we have at our disposal, whatever part of the world we are in, carries significant risk but the best thing to do is to be well-prepared and well-researched about it.
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Jan 17, 2023
I don't like SN because - hard to obtain nowadays, it needs 2 days preparation, easy to fail, not peaceful
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: )
May 6, 2023
That's valid.
You've been here 1 day so by you saying
" that's valid " you've read all the threads pertaining to SN. I'm assuming. ?
And the many documented cases which people have had very minimal reactions. And have left us in a peaceful manner.


delightfully dreadful
Sep 25, 2023
You've been here 1 day so by you saying
" that's valid " you've read all the threads pertaining to SN. I'm assuming. ?
And the many documented cases which people have had very minimal reactions. And have left us in a peaceful manner.
I'm just affirming this persons feelings. You don't have to jump down my throat. They're still valid for preferring another method over SN. has nothing to do with what they said.
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Ready to sleep
May 16, 2023
It comes down to personal preference use what you think is going to work with your body.
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: )
May 6, 2023
N, F, inert
N , I would say is just as hard to obtain as SN. No?
F , I'm assuming you mean fenny. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If done properly sure.and most likely not orally.
If you end up with a tainted product. Not getting the expected result isn't fun. And opiate OD is not as smooth as some might think. Various threads in that.
I agree with you fully on inert. And good luck obtaining the set up needed. If you have the room and finances. Wish the best.
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Deleted member 65988

N , I would say is just as hard to obtain as SN. No?
F , I'm assuming you mean fenny. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If done properly sure.and most likely not orally.
If you end up with a tainted product. Not getting the expected result isn't fun. And opiate OD is not as smooth as some might think. Various threads in that.
I agree with you fully on inert. And good luck obtaining the set up needed. If you have the room and finances. Wish the best.
as much as those methods are peaceful, obtaining them is a whole other matter of time, finances, access and luck in not getting something that's tainted with someone taking advantage of you for the money you are willing to pay for them. Any of them are idealistic for the most part.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
There is nothing strange about this. A method may be good for one person, but not for another. Everyone should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the method they intend to use. For me, SN is good enough, but it's completely understandable that it doesn't have to be for you. I hope you will find something suitable for yourself.
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: )
May 6, 2023
I'm just affirming this persons feelings. You don't have to jump down my throat. They're still valid for preferring another method over SN. has nothing to do with what they said.
I didn't jump down your throat.
Sorry if it came off that way.
Usally when people validate things there is a slight understanding of the subject at hand. That's all I meant.

It's one thing to validate someone's choice. Or personal preference.

But different if your validating something that they said that might not be factual or based on their own choices/beliefs rather than facts.

If you feel what was said was a valid , no problem. But I'd suggest looking into all the methods that were mentioned. Not just on feelings alone.
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Jan 17, 2023
N , I would say is just as hard to obtain as SN. No?
F , I'm assuming you mean fenny. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If done properly sure.and most likely not orally.
If you end up with a tainted product. Not getting the expected result isn't fun. And opiate OD is not as smooth as some might think. Various threads in that.
I agree with you fully on inert. And good luck obtaining the set up needed. If you have the room and finances. Wish the best.
The only downside might be fighting SI after 2-3 breaths though 😅
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: )
May 6, 2023
The only downside might be fighting SI after 2-3 breaths though 😅
True true.
Strap me in , hand cuff me. But I'd definitely be taking deep ass breaths.
I'm glad a few have had the option to go this way.
Dying Knight

Dying Knight

Sep 17, 2023
what are your thoughts on the SN method?
SN loses a competition with other hypoxia-related methods in my eyes. Here is my subjective comparison of various methods based on my understanding of them:

1. Complexity (the amount of details to be cared of)

Hanging: low
Exit bag with inert gas: medium
Plastic bag over head: low
Drowning: low
SN (w/o following the recommended regime): low
SN (following the recommended regime): high

2. Odds of failure due to making a mistake or a specific physiological response

Hanging: low/medium
Exit bag with inert gas: medium
Plastic bag over head: low
Drowning: very low
SN: medium

3. Damage to health in case of interrupting the procedure by yourself (if you change your mind)

Hanging: medium/high chances (you can get a mechanical trauma)
Exit bag with inert gas: low chances
Plastic bag over head: low chances
Drowning: low chances
SN: medium chances (antidote may "help" too late)

4. Time required for preparations (once you obtained all necessary stuff)

Hanging: probably less than 15 min
Exit bag with inert gas: probably less than 30 min
Plastic bag over head: probably less than 30 min
Drowning: probably less than 30 min
SN (w/o following the recommended regime): probably less than 30 min
SN (following the recommended regime): several hours

5. Time required to pass out (since the moment of starting the final procedure)

Hanging: probably less than 1 min
Exit bag with inert gas: probably less than 2 min
Plastic bag over head: probably less than 7 min
Drowning: probably less than 5 min
SN: probably 10 - 20 min

6. Painfulness/unpleasantness

Hanging: high
Exit bag with inert gas: nearly none
Plastic bag over head: medium
Drowning (SWB): low
Drowning (with hypercapnic alarm): medium
SN: low/medium/high depending on the physiological response

7. Possibility of making death looking like accidental (without assistance)

Hanging: no
Exit bag with inert gas: no
Plastic bag over head: no
Drowning: yes
SN: unlikely / very unreliably

8. Possibility to make safe trial experiments:

Hanging: prone to causing damage
Exit bag with inert gas: difficult (prone to dying)
Plastic bag over head: difficult (prone to dying)
Drowning: easy (breath holding)
SN: prone to causing damage

Conclusion: SN looks pretty weak for me when compared to SWB and exit bag (only disadvantages and literally no advantages). Sometimes it may be better than plastic bag over head or drowning with hypercapnic alarm with regard to unpleasant feelings, but sometimes unpleasant feelings with SN may be even worse, so it's hard to tell definitely which method would imply less or more suffering. In all other aspects SN is just worse or not better than these two methods. It may only seriously compete with hanging which may be traumatic and overly painful.
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Apr 25, 2023
I dislike it too but it's the only method I have unfortunately.
The Burning Fool

The Burning Fool

Falling through the abyss of insanity
Sep 12, 2023
what are your thoughts on the SN method?
Bleach or fire would be worse but it's not that kind of competition. I want a painless, foolproof, easily accessible way out. SN is nowhere near being such. Drowning blackout drunk in a bathtub (with no one around) will be perfect for me.

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