Meaning takes many forms, depending on the individual.
If by meaning one refers to the satisfaction of their needs and wants, then surely it may be found somewhere. One can find meaning in having a partner, or being in a financially stable position, or some people find meaning in reading X amount of books per year.
The human mind is capable of fabricating value based on the perception of something, but not necessarily on the thing in itself.
Now, the thing that most people do not want to hear is that, at least as it seems to me and to many pessimists, these meanings and systems of value are a mere fabrication of the mind.
Our values depend on too many variables, and we find meaning in different things - our own mind tricks us into having a preference.
If someone has to 'create' or 'find' a meaning for life, it means that by definition life has no inherent meaning or purpose, since it's not apparent, but rather something to seek. For each of us, the promise of meaning might take many different forms, but the apparent truth of life is that in all cases, it ends in tragedy.
Loss of life, loss of loved ones, and agony and physical and psychological pain are inherent to life - these things don't have to be found, there is no need to fabricate them; they will find you through the course of life, whether one likes it or not.
It seems to me that the inherent state of life is a negative one; desperation is the norm here. One can shape their own fabricated meaning on their journey, but it will never take away the inherent traits of life, which is agonizing pain and constant loss, such as countless beings are experiencing right now.
Tragedy sucks, and life has plenty of it. Life's positives, for all individuals, animals included, cannot outweight the negatives.
A single tear has more significante than a thousand smiles. Negative experiences have more impact on an individual than positive ones. A mere fabtication of meanings and rationalizations can never take away that fact.
My takeaway through the years is that the suffering of living beings matters, and has meaning; it impacts that life, after all. It's not the type of meaning that most of us refer to, it's a rather negative meaning - the awful conditions of life affect those alive, so it matters to them, of course. But it's not, by any means, a metaphysical form of meaning, or something so shallow as "creating art makes my life meaningful", but rather a meaning in the sense that suffering matters to the individual that is in pain...
I dunno. At this point I'm just rambling. To the point:
Life hurts us all; and no rationalization of the mind can take that fact away.