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Sep 14, 2018
I'm planning to ctb soon. Can anyone from India please tell me if it is mandatory for a family to report on the suicide of a family member to police. I'm going to use N for my ctb, I'm sure no one at my place knows anything about it, they also do not have any clue about my depression. so I thought they may not realise that I have attempted suicide in case I take N unless the doctors confirm it as a suicide. In case I'm taken to a doctor, will they report to police and get my family in trouble? I do not want to leave a note to make it look like a suicide, I thought they will remain puzzled as to why I died suddenly.
Please tell me what is the best way to not get them in trouble because of my decision.


Sep 23, 2019
When the doctor issues a death certificate, he will have to write the cause of death. Many a times suicidal methods can be homicidal so police will be notified as well. Your family is not liable for an adult family member if they commit suicide but the police will definitely interrogate them to look into any possible angle. They might wanna know if your family had any interest in wanting you dead or if they provided you active material support and encouragement in killing yourself. They might also ask any of your friends and acquaintances and your office or college whatever you do.

This involvement of police will be an added stress on your family on top of the shock and grief of seeing you dead. Even if you leave a note, the police will still do their job. Think of all the far reaching and lasting consequences your decision will have on your family. Feel free to message me if you would like vent out or discuss anything. *hugs*
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Sep 14, 2018
Is it mandatory to register the death? I'm just asking because I have no idea about such matters.


Sep 23, 2019
Yes, the place where your body will be taken for cremation or burial is legally required to see this death certificate. Otherwise anyone will just kill anyone and get them cremated. And please don't think of not having your body discovered. Your family will be grilled even more by the police if you simply disappear. They will dig up all your past and present and will keep your case open until you are found. Your family will be haunted by hope and fear that you may come back or you won't. And knowing that the Indian society is a bit gossipy and conservative, your family will have the added stigma of being labeled as the prime suspect of your whodunit case. No wonder suicide isn't easy-peasy if you care about your family. Think again what you are trying to do. My inbox is always open.
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Sep 14, 2018
I'm planning to do it at my home only after everyone is asleep. For us, burial does not require any certificate as it is done within the village along with the relatives. when they take me to a doctor, he may find the cause and report it to police. that is my only concern. I want to make it look like a natural death without any note.


Sep 23, 2019
Yeah, I thought of the possibility that you might be from an Indian village where enforcement of law isn't that strict, but a doctor will still do his part in getting the police involved. The only person who doesn't want police is you and you'd be long gone to try to stop that from happening so people will do what they gotta do. Here is one more thing, depending on your age and situation, your sudden death may raise many eyebrows and somebody you know might even snitch on your death to the authorities before you are buried. Even if you go 6 feet under before the officials get to know, they can even exhume your body after the fact. So more drama. Forensics can find out the truth that your death was unnatural.

You mentioned burial, so I assume you are Muslim or maybe Christian and both religious groups are minorities and tight knit in India. This also means more talk among people of your community in your village which are generally small. More talking because it is an explicit sin and an act of blasphemy in both religions. Regardless of your own religious beliefs your family has a religious identity. And with the way sometimes things can go in interesting India, someone might wanna take advantage of your suspicious death. The mystery around your death, just like any conundrum, can have any ending.
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Sep 14, 2018
thank you. I'm a Hindu. Last year, a minor school going girl hanged herself and died, everyone blamed it on the ghosts. Another guy had done the same in a nearby village, but he left a note saying his family is not the reason. Since their mode was different and obvious, no one involved the police. But in my case, it is N and its going to look mysterious and no one will be able understand what happened and how. So it is concerning. I do know if I attempt suicide, society will by default assume that I had love affairs and my family did not agree. Since I'm not married yet and love is still a taboo in my place, that will be the only assumption.


Sep 23, 2019
Yeah, you see that bro... if you come from a place where they believe in ghosts and love being a taboo topic, anything is possible. What if in your case they think it's the ghost and your family is shunned by others as being cursed by an evil omen? What if they link up your death to that minor girl, maybe make up some random connection. A society which is as illogical and superstitious like this won't stop from hurting your grieving family.
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Sep 14, 2018
hmm, anything might happen and I will not exist to see or control that. So, do you think it is better to leave a note?