
Lost, struggling with life.
Aug 24, 2020
My lit has been a struggle but I've always powered on through. I met the love of my life who helped support with every thing we was the power couple. We are now separated and have 4 amazing kids.
I have now hit rock bottom all shields barriers are up and feel like my children can see the cracks. One David will become to much and I will ctb not sure on method yet. But is it selfish of me doing This and leaving my kids with hatred, confusion and dispointment. What are your thoughts.
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Jun 25, 2020
I don't have children so don't know what ppl with kid/s think. But I've my own mixed opinions. But overall I support you leaving this world since you are in lots of pain.
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Sep 21, 2018
What are your thoughts
Only since you asked. Can you ask a restaurant to take back your meal once you've eaten it? Similarly, once you make the decision to have children, you forfeit any CTB options. Just my opinion, of course.
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Brazilian, 28y. Last weeks of life.
Jul 23, 2020
Well, I think it is very bad. Leaving kids is pretty different than leaving parents or other relatives.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but be aware it will hurt and traumatize them A LOT for the rest of their lives.

If you decide to end your life, please don't forget to leave notes, videos or anything that would bring your children some comfort and to prevent them for blaming themselves for what you decided to do.

And plan for it to happen in a place your children won't be the ones who find your body, because that would be terrible.

If you still think it is the right choice, I support you and wish you peace whatever it happens.
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Jul 19, 2020
I, personally, would not ctb if I had kids, but I also wouldn't presume to tell anyone what they can and can't do with their own life. I think your children's lives are better for having you in them. I also believe that when we bring other people into this world, we take responsibility for them. Our lives become no longer about just us; it's about them, at least until they can take charge of their own lives. Because of my beliefs, I would wait until my children were grown.
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Aug 21, 2019
Yes, but it's also bad for them to have been raised under someone with a mental disorder. It's a catch-22. I would think the trauma from the former would be greater than the latter however.
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Mar 22, 2019
If I was you I would wait until the most of them are at least 18 as then they would be better equipped to handle the loss compared to them being eg. 5 or 11.
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Jul 19, 2020
Yes, but it's also bad for them to have been raised under someone with a mental disorder. It's a catch-22. I would think the trauma from the former would be greater than the latter however.
This is a very good point, and I've thought about this factor too. I liken it to couples who "stay together for the kids" when sometimes exposing children to a dysfunctional marriage could be worse than having them live with divorced parents. In the case of mental illness, I think the onus is on the parent do to everything possible to try to cope so that children are shielded to some extent.

Children seldom have a full concept of the struggles their parents endure. Even when parents sometimes see themselves as failures, their children see them as heroes. I think I would be much more willing to struggle through my challenging life situations if I had children. The pain of life that I so desperately want to end, I would endure it to stay alive for them. I'm not saying that's the best case scenario for everyone, nor that it would not be without complications, but it's probably the course I would take.
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Jan 20, 2020
Since you asked for opinion, yes. That's why I'm still here.
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May 14, 2019
I have a six year old, I always have said it's only fair for kids to understand why and CTB at an age where they can process the loss with some understanding.
The only reason why I'm still alive is due to the age of my child.
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Lost, struggling with life.
Aug 24, 2020
Thank you for comments it has opened my eyes a little. I feel if my life gets worse then it will happen. I have a 3 year old a 2 year old a 12 year old and a 10 year old. It fills me with dred I will ctb out of impulse rather then plan. I love my children and never wish them pain but it also hurts when you eldest knows you are not all there. Again thank you so much for the support. Advice and understanding I know I've made the right move chatting on here with you amazing people. Thanknyou
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
At this point I'm glad I don't have any children. I will just CTB and nobody will miss me.
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In time you will find peace...
Aug 9, 2020
My lit has been a struggle but I've always powered on through. I met the love of my life who helped support with every thing we was the power couple. We are now separated and have 4 amazing kids.
I have now hit rock bottom all shields barriers are up and feel like my children can see the cracks. One David will become to much and I will ctb not sure on method yet. But is it selfish of me doing This and leaving my kids with hatred, confusion and dispointment. What are your thoughts.
I think it's too late for you to ctb, sorry it's my opinion. I know you are in pain but the pain you will leave for your kids would overpass it extremely. It would only create traumas which brings ppl like us to consider life's worth .... don't do this - let the plan go until kids are older to understand at least a bit about this life
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Aug 27, 2020
I am on this site mostly as an observer. CTB seems nice sometimes but I rule it out as an option. However, the reason I went from observer to commenter is because of you and one other member and I want to tell you why.

My daughter is almost four, and her father and I coparented separately. We didn't get along. One night he was supposed to pick her up and didn't show, which was not something he had done in the past. Instead, I got a phone call that he was dead. It would be months before I learned he hanged himself.

On another side I am also the daughter of someone who has both homicidal and suicidal ideation.
My daughter will grow up without a father. As her mother I cannot tell you how excruciating it is to see her miss him. For her to tell her daycare friends on Father's Day that her daddy is in Heaven. The sadness she endures and will endure...it's hard. I viewed and joined this site trying to gain some understanding of him and his pain. Suicide Grievers don't just move on.

I wish he knew. It was out of no where for us, him dying. It's been a year and I still know which pillow I can scream into because it absorbs most sound. To make matters worse, because I am his ex I was blamed. By hundreds of people.

then there is my dad. I am in my mid-thirties. Him dying by suicide is very likely. It is so terrifying. Me being older doesn't negate the pain or fear.

All told, I say CTB when you have children, regardless of age, is wrong. You were brave and selfless to ask.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
My lit has been a struggle but I've always powered on through. I met the love of my life who helped support with every thing we was the power couple. We are now separated and have 4 amazing kids.
I have now hit rock bottom all shields barriers are up and feel like my children can see the cracks. One David will become to much and I will ctb not sure on method yet. But is it selfish of me doing This and leaving my kids with hatred, confusion and dispointment. What are your thoughts.
I would try so hard not to. For your kids. Unless u are in ill health which I could understand if u did then. Like ure gonna die soon bc u are so sick. Do u still love your ex partner? Is there a way to reconcile? It sounds like u might regret the split but maybe I'm wrong.


Jan 20, 2020
Thank you for comments it has opened my eyes a little. I feel if my life gets worse then it will happen. I have a 3 year old a 2 year old a 12 year old and a 10 year old. It fills me with dred I will ctb out of impulse rather then plan. I love my children and never wish them pain but it also hurts when you eldest knows you are not all there. Again thank you so much for the support. Advice and understanding I know I've made the right move chatting on here with you amazing people. Thanknyou
Take it one day at a time, and remind yourself why you keep going. Remind yourself they wont be children forever, and the longer you wait the more emotionally able they will be to handle the loss. I don't look at it like I won't die because I have kids, but rather I will put it off till my life is about me again. Go easy on yourself, and remind yourself you're doing your best for the tiny humans. I'm here if you ever want to talk. I know how hard this can be.
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Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
My lit has been a struggle but I've always powered on through. I met the love of my life who helped support with every thing we was the power couple. We are now separated and have 4 amazing kids.
I have now hit rock bottom all shields barriers are up and feel like my children can see the cracks. One David will become to much and I will ctb not sure on method yet. But is it selfish of me doing This and leaving my kids with hatred, confusion and dispointment. What are your thoughts.
Hi Friend

'For Example If My Kids Love & Care About Me They Want Me In Their Life & To Them I'm Their Mother A Part Of Them & Their Lives
Than No Than I Can't ctb Ever :('

Peace & Hugs:hug:
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I'ma jump ship now before I sink slow
Aug 8, 2020
Unpopular opinion: I have kids and I'm going to cbt.
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Tigeress Lost

Tigeress Lost

Lost Tigeress In A Human Body
Jul 30, 2020
Unpopular opinion: I have kids and I'm going to cbt.
Hi Friend
True saying that is what if they did these are my mothers words but ctb is up to the individual & their choice cause I'm going too despite that
Good Luck x

Peace & Hugs:hug:
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Aug 23, 2020
I'd say you have the responsibility to make sure they're well off without you. Only after that it's fair game to cbt.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
I don't know. Suicide is so nuanced to begin with. Having children makes that even more complex. I don't think this is a simple yes or no question. I'm someone that has chosen not to have children, at least for right now. I don't know what my future holds if I choose to stay.

Since I understand suicide and the suffering one endures, I can't say I would immediately classify a parent who chooses to take their life as selfish or wrong. At the same time, that person chose to have children and they will be deeply impacted and their lives forever changed. It's something I luckily don't have to consider and feel for those who do. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I understand the suffering, but it poses the question of is it right to take yourself away from a child you brought into this world.
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Apr 5, 2020
Depends on what is meant by "bad". If we take "bad" to mean "you shouldn't do it", then the question becomes unanswerable, because "should" doesn't exist in the world. Most people may agree that you shouldn't cbt if you have kids, but there is no law compelling us to always follow the majority. Objectively, we may be able to predict that if you cbt, it will cause some amount of suffering to your children, maybe a lot. But that is to be weighed against your own suffering that you experience while alive. Who is to say which suffering is more important? Nobody can, not objectively.
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Mar 31, 2020
I don't know if it's "bad", but it's very, very likely to traumatize your children, so the decision needs to be seriously and thoroughly considered from all angles before any action is taken because the impact on your children will likely be dire and life-lasting
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Jul 16, 2020
There's a writer in Italy that had his mother jump from a balcony when he was 7. His dad lied about her death and simply told him that she died from a heart attack. He was told the truth at 37. He wrote a book about his life and how it has left him traumatized for life, living with antidepressants, therapists and so on. My girlfriend lost her mother due to suicide but she was 27 (two years and a half ago) and I can tell you she started to get back to life again about 4 months ago, and I met her one year ago almost. She drinks very often and wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, everynight.
I understand your pain; I think everyone here does, but leaving children that young can cause them unbereable pain, especially because they're in their "developing" phase. I'd wait for them to be older, i'd say 16 at least.
If you're going to ctb whatever it takes, i'd be sure to be as far as possible from home and I'd have the other parent to lie about the reason of death, something like that. Very unethical, but this is a controversial situation.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
No, because ultimately your life is your decision. There may or may not be consequences to your actions but whether or not something is bad is up to you to decide. Nobody can force you to live.


May 28, 2019
not if you suffer a lot.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Thank you for comments it has opened my eyes a little. I feel if my life gets worse then it will happen. I have a 3 year old a 2 year old a 12 year old and a 10 year old. It fills me with dred I will ctb out of impulse rather then plan. I love my children and never wish them pain but it also hurts when you eldest knows you are not all there. Again thank you so much for the support. Advice and understanding I know I've made the right move chatting on here with you amazing people. Thanknyou
Thank you for starting this thread. I want you to know that we're here to support people with dilemmas like yours as well as we can. I too have a young daughter and she's the reason why I'm still trying. Maybe we can find the strength together to fight our demons one day at a time at least until they're old enough to understand and be independent.

To answer the original question, yes, I do think it's wrong to leave dependent children through suicide.
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Lost, struggling with life.
Aug 24, 2020
Thank you for starting this thread. I want you to know that we're here to support people with dilemmas like yours as well as we can. I too have a young daughter and she's the reason why I'm still trying. Maybe we can find the strength together to fight our demons one day at a time at least until they're old enough to understand and be independent.

To answer the original question, yes, I do think it's wrong to leave dependent children through suicide.

Everyone on here has been amazing. And thank you for your words. If you need to chat them please pm me and maybe we can support each other through these dark times. Also for anyone reading this if you to chat then please pm me.
I am on this site mostly as an observer. CTB seems nice sometimes but I rule it out as an option. However, the reason I went from observer to commenter is because of you and one other member and I want to tell you why.

My daughter is almost four, and her father and I coparented separately. We didn't get along. One night he was supposed to pick her up and didn't show, which was not something he had done in the past. Instead, I got a phone call that he was dead. It would be months before I learned he hanged himself.

On another side I am also the daughter of someone who has both homicidal and suicidal ideation.
My daughter will grow up without a father. As her mother I cannot tell you how excruciating it is to see her miss him. For her to tell her daycare friends on Father's Day that her daddy is in Heaven. The sadness she endures and will endure...it's hard. I viewed and joined this site trying to gain some understanding of him and his pain. Suicide Grievers don't just move on.

I wish he knew. It was out of no where for us, him dying. It's been a year and I still know which pillow I can scream into because it absorbs most sound. To make matters worse, because I am his ex I was blamed. By hundreds of people.

then there is my dad. I am in my mid-thirties. Him dying by suicide is very likely. It is so terrifying. Me being older doesn't negate the pain or fear.

All told, I say CTB when you have children, regardless of age, is wrong. You were brave and selfless to ask.
Thank you so much for commenting on this post and describing youjr hardship. It must have been hard typing this message.
Thank you for your wordsbtheybhave hit me hard and made me start thinking of things I could do to try and get through this. I will seek help. If you need to talk or any thing then pm me.
Everyone on here and this thread has made me push on for now. Thank you for your suppirt
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Nov 24, 2019
I think about my dad every single day. I have for almost 10 years now. I'm sure anyone who loses a parent does; but rather than remember him for who he was, my time is spent irrationally wondering if I'd been a "better" daughter if he'd still be here even though I was a child. I wonder about the mental head-space he was in; if he finally felt peace or regret as he bled out; if he thought about his children; if he thought about God and thought he was going to heaven as he felt himself slipping away.

Recently though, I just marvel at how much pain he must've been in to do it so violently. About a year ago, I relapsed and tried to self-harm the way I used to and could barely break skin. For some reason, my brain would literally not allow me to do it anymore, and I was almost amazed that I'd ever been able to do it. It was really weird, considering I have so many still visible, angry-looking scars on my arm and chest- that I'm sure all needed stitches- that are years old. With that in mind, he must have been pretty goddamned determined to die to slit his own throat. My own attempts to OD on aspirin are almost a joke compared to that.

As for me, I'd already been hospitalized before and been on meds a few years before it happened, but it was like the final levee had broken. As depressed as I'd been, I strangely never considered suicide an option before then. It's become something so casual, so matter-of-fact, as normal a possibility to consider as what to eat for breakfast. And sure, there's a strong chance I would've eventually gotten to that place anyway without the additional trauma, but whenever I even consider recovery the same thoughts stop me: why bother even trying to have a life if I could off myself in a few decades anyway? Why not cut out all that unnecessary suffering? How dare I even consider myself worthy of love and connection when I'm so fundamentally broken, and will more than likely pass this curse down myself?

At times, absolute anger for the person who brought me into this world by choice; who was supposed to be by my side and show me how to navigate the world; who promised to be by my mom's side for life, will consume me. But then, as a depressed human being, I empathize with another depressed human being. A human being who I'm sure still loved their family, but whose suffering was so immense that they could no longer go through the motions. A human being whose time spent wishing for better days outweighed the time spent actually living in them. A human being who, technically, doesn't owe another human being their existence. Then I'll realize I was staring at the wall for 2 hours.

And so it goes: infinite contradictory cycles of hate, anguish, anger, understanding, and eventual dissociation. Rinse and repeat every day for the rest of your life.

I don't mean for this to sound like I'm judging or shaming you in any way, because I promise you I'm not. For one, it would be really hypocritical of me- especially since I currently have a bottle of SN in my room just in case. My heart just really breaks for you and the catch-22 you're in. There's no black-and-white here- someone will suffer no matter what you choose. Is it bad? Yes and no. Your suffering would be over- and I understand how horrible it is to exist in this half-death we're all in on this forum- but I guarantee that you'll pass it on to your kids. They'll wonder why they weren't enough for you to stay, even though they'll know rationally that they had nothing to do with it. They'll have to remind themselves that every single time. Every happy memory in their lives will have a bitter side attached to it, knowing that you're not there to share it when you could be. They'll have to accept somehow that they'll never see you again and never get to truly know you as a person.

It's your choice, and I'm so fucking sorry that it's a choice you even have to make. But it's a choice that will have consequences for decades. Of course, I'm not suggesting you don't know that, just pointing out that my experience may end up being be their experience too. Please exhaust every single option you have before you go- and if you decide still to ctb, please give your kids as much closure as you possibly can. Personally, I would kill for a letter or to just hear his voice. The only closure I can get now is what I create by leaving letters at his grave.

I hope you find peace, whatever you decide.
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Jul 16, 2020
I think about my dad every single day. I have for almost 10 years now. I'm sure anyone who loses a parent does; but rather than remember him for who he was, my time is spent irrationally wondering if I'd been a "better" daughter if he'd still be here even though I was a child. I wonder about the mental head-space he was in; if he finally felt peace or regret as he bled out; if he thought about his children; if he thought about God and thought he was going to heaven as he felt himself slipping away.

Recently though, I just marvel at how much pain he must've been in to do it so violently. About a year ago, I relapsed and tried to self-harm the way I used to and could barely break skin. For some reason, my brain would literally not allow me to do it anymore, and I was almost amazed that I'd ever been able to do it. It was really weird, considering I have so many still visible, angry-looking scars on my arm and chest- that I'm sure all needed stitches- that are years old. With that in mind, he must have been pretty goddamned determined to die to slit his own throat. My own attempts to OD on aspirin are almost a joke compared to that.

As for me, I'd already been hospitalized before and been on meds a few years before it happened, but it was like the final levee had broken. As depressed as I'd been, I strangely never considered suicide an option before then. It's become something so casual, so matter-of-fact, as normal a possibility to consider as what to eat for breakfast. And sure, there's a strong chance I would've eventually gotten to that place anyway without the additional trauma, but whenever I even consider recovery the same thoughts stop me: why bother even trying to have a life if I could off myself in a few decades anyway? Why not cut out all that unnecessary suffering? How dare I even consider myself worthy of love and connection when I'm so fundamentally broken, and will more than likely pass this curse down myself?

At times, absolute anger for the person who brought me into this world by choice; who was supposed to be by my side and show me how to navigate the world; who promised to be by my mom's side for life, will consume me. But then, as a depressed human being, I empathize with another depressed human being. A human being who I'm sure still loved their family, but whose suffering was so immense that they could no longer go through the motions. A human being whose time spent wishing for better days outweighed the time spent actually living in them. A human being who, technically, doesn't owe another human being their existence. Then I'll realize I was staring at the wall for 2 hours.

And so it goes: infinite contradictory cycles of hate, anguish, anger, understanding, and eventual dissociation. Rinse and repeat every day for the rest of your life.

I don't mean for this to sound like I'm judging or shaming you in any way, because I promise you I'm not. For one, it would be really hypocritical of me- especially since I currently have a bottle of SN in my room just in case. My heart just really breaks for you and the catch-22 you're in. There's no black-and-white here- someone will suffer no matter what you choose. Is it bad? Yes and no. Your suffering would be over- and I understand how horrible it is to exist in this half-death we're all in on this forum- but I guarantee that you'll pass it on to your kids. They'll wonder why they weren't enough for you to stay, even though they'll know rationally that they had nothing to do with it. They'll have to remind themselves that every single time. Every happy memory in their lives will have a bitter side attached to it, knowing that you're not there to share it when you could be. They'll have to accept somehow that they'll never see you again and never get to truly know you as a person.

It's your choice, and I'm so fucking sorry that it's a choice you even have to make. But it's a choice that will have consequences for decades. Of course, I'm not suggesting you don't know that, just pointing out that my experience may end up being be their experience too. Please exhaust every single option you have before you go- and if you decide still to ctb, please give your kids as much closure as you possibly can. Personally, I would kill for a letter or to just hear his voice. The only closure I can get now is what I create by leaving letters at his grave.

I hope you find peace, whatever you decide.
This is an amazing reply. (And I'd like to add, your way of writing is astonishing. I'm sorry you had to go through this)
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