

May 29, 2018
Exactly. seeing people born into generational wealth or just bare minimum caring parents makes life feel even more unfair. i've lost the battle before i even had a chance.
..at least its nice to have a 'second life' in xiv :') i'm on zodiark if you ever wish to hang out lol
Hard work is indeed a good trait to have and I don't want to down play it either, but I think most realistically it just has to be nothing but a solid foundation from the start with only minor and short term setbacks to have what one could consider a "normal" life. All it takes is that one gust of wind to topple a tower of cards and not everyone can rebuild from it unfortunately
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I'm lazy too. I have no motivation to study or work. I don't want to be part of this rat race that I think leads to... well where? I can't bring myself to get on with it because I just don't see the point of it all. We will all die sooner or later and at some point the memory of us will completely disappear. No matter who you were or what you did. None of us know what happens after death, and that's what worries me the most. It could be all or nothing and that scares me the most.
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Jul 25, 2023
Im just too fucking lazy, im suppose to be doing some IT certifications and I rather just fuck around and watch youtube, play games or chat etc.
I already did one (comptia A+) and almost finished a second( googles it support certificate).

But now most days i dont even feel like turning those video lectures on ugh its fucking just annoying and i rather spend time neeting away.
My body and brain is use to this laziness and non work state as i been a hikkikomori most of my life.

I think if i knew all the stuff id be happy to work and make money as IT support specialist but right now networking and sys administration and all those technical shit learning about in depth operating systems etc is annoying and confusing sometimes.

im just not willing to put in the work and id rather be neeting my day away online till i sleep, cant be arsed to put up with that annying shit.

A person whos like this cant have a successful life, im way too lacking in discipline .
Im in the same situation with the certifications and just chatting or gaming I feel a bit burnt out but not full out burnout i've had that before it was hell but I just don't have much to do it's excruciating


Aug 18, 2023
I think for most people being functional as an adult in society requires a large initial investment of time, effort and energy.

It can feel like you're at the bottom of a never-ending staircase of things that need to be done: studying, networking, passing exams, working small jobs, building more work experience, selling yourself in interviews etc and these things all take effort and struggle. It seems daunting to think that you'd have to work that hard all the time for the rest of your life. But then the hope is that after that large initial investment of energy actually things become slightly easier. Exams passed, employed in a job that pays a liveable wage, have a place of your own to call home. And suddenly there's momentum behind you and solid footing beneath you. Perhaps instead of a never-ending staircase, it's more like just getting up to speed in a car. Yeah you need to put in a lot of energy to accelerate and get up to speed but once you're actually at speed it requires a lot less effort to maintain it. Once you get over those initial hurdles you're just coasting along; attending a job that you know how to do and following a monotonous routine.

I look at people in their 30s, 40s, 50s with jobs that pay a decent wage and I think surely these people cannot be expending maximum mental effort all the time. No doubt they put in hard work to get to that point but it looks to me like they put in an initial effort (sometimes over a good few years), get to a certain level and then once it's self-sustaining they can carry on indefinitely until they die of old age or whatever.

But to tie in to your question, how hard that large initial investment is going to feel must vary from person to person. All well and good for me to type it out but I've not been able to do it and I'm sure it's the case for many of us here. I think there's "laziness" and then there are other, deeper, things holding people back. To feel that you cannot take the steps required to get a solid foothold in life is quite an overbearing feeling. And then to think "well if I can't sustain myself then what will I be facing?" Homelessness? Starvation? Freezing to death? And that's when the idea of suicide can seem preferable, at least for me.
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Last mission : painless departure
Aug 22, 2023
Im just too fucking lazy, im suppose to be doing some IT certifications and I rather just fuck around and watch youtube, play games or chat etc.
I already did one (comptia A+) and almost finished a second( googles it support certificate).

But now most days i dont even feel like turning those video lectures on ugh its fucking just annoying and i rather spend time neeting away.
My body and brain is use to this laziness and non work state as i been a hikkikomori most of my life.

I think if i knew all the stuff id be happy to work and make money as IT support specialist but right now networking and sys administration and all those technical shit learning about in depth operating systems etc is annoying and confusing sometimes.

im just not willing to put in the work and id rather be neeting my day away online till i sleep, cant be arsed to put up with that annying shit.

A person whos like this cant have a successful life, im way too lacking in discipline .
Take some Adderall or something.. But on a more serious note, you can :
- Live with your parents, or under some social welfare and if playing video games makes you happy then so be it.
- Work hard a bit and then live happy ever after.

If any of us had any way of making this work, you think we would be talking about ending it in this forum ?


Walking Despair
Aug 21, 2023
I think anything can be a reason to ctb. After the deed, nobody can question you anyway. Literally. šŸ˜‚

But I get this feeling of "laziness" too. Usually, the reason why you're motivated to do things is because you want improvement whether on yourself or for the people around you. But when you just don't care anymore, you feel like, "what's the point?" If it weren't for my cats, I wouldn't even go out of my bedroom to be honest. I am satisfied with whetever little money I get from my mediocre work to feed them and myself. But even I get too lazy to eat most of the time. Heck, I even get mad for peeing because I have to get up lol. It's like I hate that my body still works perfectly and I'm thinking why can't it just stop functioning so I can die.

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